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Friday, April 02, 2010

We'll Remember In November: Take The 2010 Voter PledgI

November may be eight months away, but congressional candidates need to know which way the wind is blowing, says WND Editor and Chief Executive Officer Joseph Farah.
And that's the purpose of a new petition – the 2010 Voter Pledge.

"There's nothing complicated about this pledge," says Farah. "It's very simple. If your No. 1 litmus test for voting this year is overturning the illegal, unconstitutional, outrageous health-care legislation, you need to sign this petition."

Farah says it's not just a matter of bad legislation that is counterproductive, expensive and a threat to the greatest health-care system in the world.

"It's been a long time since we had a law passed by the Congress and signed by the president that is so patently unconstitutional," he says. "The idea of fining Americans who choose, for whatever reason, not to purchase a particular kind of insurance stands on its head everything for which this country stands."

Farah says the health-care legislation may have been the electro-shock treatment Americans needed to awaken them from a long sleepwalk away from the Constitution, the rule of law and the will of the people.

"I am very optimistic Americans have seen the light – a light that will result in a political tsunami the likes of which we have not seen in 100 years," he says.

Farah wants Americans to remember in November how they felt after all the debate, all the betrayal and all the corruption that preceded the health-care vote in House of Representatives this month.

"Signing this petition is the first step," he says. "It's time for Americans to stand up, sign up and speak up."

The petition reads:

"Whereas, the House of Representatives and Senate of the United States of America reached a new low watermark in 2009 and 2010 in approving legislation in direct contravention of the U.S. Constitution, I, an American citizen eligible to vote in my state, do solemnly pledge the following:

"Refuse to vote for any congressional candidate, House or Senate, who supported the so-called "health-care reform package" approved in Congress;

"I will only consider voting for congressional candidates who pledge to overturn the unconstitutional health-care legislation;

"I will only consider voting for congressional candidates who vow to apply the strict test of constitutionality to all future legislation;

"I will enthusiastically support with my vote and financial support those congressional candidates who offer an aggressive legislative program for taking America back to its constitutional moorings in self-government and the rule of law."

Sign the petition now.


Anonymous said...

They tried all this when the segregation laws were overturned. Waste of time and money, move on to more important things that can happen.
Any candidate who signs this shows that he/she is a fool.

Anonymous said...

This is stupid, I am not signing! I agree with you 10:54

Anonymous said...

The use of the word "fool" should be used with caution.

Anonymous said...

Signed and I really didn't need to sign it. I have no itentions of voting for those bastards anyway.