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Friday, April 02, 2010


The City of Salisbury wants to remind property owners that grass/weeds & noxious growth shall not be in excess of 8” according to Chapter 8.08 of the Salisbury Municipal Code. Every owner of any area, lot or parcel of land shall cut, trim or otherwise remove or cause to be cut, trimmed or otherwise removed all grass, weeds, brush or plant growth thereon in excess of eight inches. Property owners of any lot or land located in the city shall maintain their respective curbs, gutters and sidewalks bordering their parcels of land in such condition as to be clear of all growth of grass, weeds, brush or plant growth within the curb, gutter and sidewalk.

First notice of violation affords a ten day compliance window. Second notice of violation offers a seven day compliance window, a third or subsequent violation will result in the city securing a contractor to perform the necessary work. All charges/fees etc. will be placed against the property in the form of a tax lien. The City of Salisbury is also authorized to write a Municipal Citation in the amount of $25 for the first day of noncompliance and $50 for each additional day of noncompliance, not to exceed $500.00.

NSCC accepts calls for service (complaints) regarding violations of Chapter 8.08. To contact Neighborhood Services & Code compliance please call (410) 341-9550 Monday thru Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.


Anonymous said...

In more ways than one.

Anonymous said...

Get your tape measurer out and start measuring.

Anonymous said...

They grow some real stinky stuff over at the . . . oh, you mean lawns!

Anonymous said...

Maybe they should spend more time fighting crime than policing yards.

Anonymous said...

Almost everyone who is not a Bigtime landlord will get a grass citation at the end of April.Sometimes I cut mine twice and take pictures and still get one.It is a source of revenue for that department.More criminal minds there than in the jailhouse.I was hoping Mr. Mayor would clear them out. Guess they put on a "nice face" for the boss.

Anonymous said...

Total waste of tax payers money. Get a life and enforce laws that actually do harm to people. I guess the county needs something for all of these public employees to do rather than just sit around and drink coffee and draw a paycheck. Maybe it's time for a layoff in order to help with the budget.

Anonymous said...

These are city employees who walk around in your yard and peer at your property and find flaws in your paint and a cracked window and attach a fine to it. If they enforced their laws evenly they would be thrown out of the city on their A$$es. They don't mess with the wealthy, only us poor working class individuals. The county has there own bunch . These however are city employees in question here. Spend the money on the police Department and catch the vandels who destroy property and write on houses.Don't punish the victims. That is what they do.

Anonymous said...

Mr Mayor probably shows them respect for their knowledge so they mirror it back. The criminal minds are at the top and the departmental employees are probably doing what they need to do to keep their jobs from pressure from the tilted elite.

Anonymous said...

Many of my former neighbors got tired of the city patroling their yards and the constant ticketing by The BHZ and now the NCCC or whatever,Tired of the crime and having their property destroyed.They Left the city. They sold their homes at a loss to become rentals in the city. Looks like a plan in motion to me. A strong Mayor could set this straight.70% rentals but they won't get mine

Anonymous said...

Dude...I thought a second,...what was I saying?...oh yea, now I remember...I thought everyday was grass n' weed day!

Anonymous said...

Remind the city of Salisbury to clear & repair our streets and if it snows, to plow them!
Remind them we neither need nor want a new library.(Save a buck for the other reminders)

Anonymous said...

great, just a reminded to go out and weed the potholes and cracked sidewalks in front of our house that the city choses to ignore. while we're out there, we can also peer over at the slumlords' and wonder why they are exempt from this bs.