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Friday, April 09, 2010

NPR Achive Describes Obama As 'Kenyan-born'

Those crazy "birthers" are citing National Public Radio.

Really? NPR?

Archives for the tax-supported organization reveal that a 2008 report described then-Sen. Barack Obama as "Kenyan-born" and a "son of Africa."

NPR's promotion for the story included a brief description of West African correspondent Ofeibea Quist-Arcton, who "describes the stories that have been exciting, including the U.S. presidential race of Kenyan-born Sen. Barack Obama."

After discussing various issues developing in Africa at the time – such as Kenya's violent elections, the attacks in Zimbabwe and the presidency of South Africa – the conversation on the program "Tell Me More" turned to Obama.

At about 9:45 of the audio report, interviewer Michelle Martin said "a son of Africa. Barack Obama is poised to at least have the opportunity to become the next president of the United States." She asked, "How does this campaign look overseas?"

Quist-Arcton responded by describing Obama as a member of the Kenyan Luo tribe and reporting how Africa viewed the race.

"You know [the campaign] has absolutely fired the imagination not only of American people but of people in Africa," she said. "For a start Barack Obama's father is from Kenya. People were very excited and because they had had a failed election in Kenya, and the opposition leader Raila Odinga comes from the same tribe as Barack Obama's father, the Luo. The joke was going around Kenya that America is going to have a Luo president before Kenya does."

WND also reported this week when a video appeared in which Michelle Obama said her husband's "home country" was Kenya.

The video, posted April 3 on YouTube and forwarded by a score of Internet e-mails, shows Michelle Obama saying, "When we took our trip to Africa and visited his home country in Kenya, we took a public HIV test." Here's more


Anonymous said...

Obama needs to be arrested and jailed along with the other progressive Socialists !

Anonymous said...

Dumb. You birthers are just never going to get it, are you?

Anonymous said...

What amazes me is, all Obama has to do to shut the "birthers" up is to provide his legal birth certificate. Thats it, drama over! But he has yet to do so. Why? What does he have to hide?

Anonymous said...

FYI to you morons: Obama is already president. The point is moot. Move on to better causes.

Anonymous said...

What is it you want us to get 10:31? What is so Dumb about what was report on NPR and what his own wife said? Are they both lying?

Anonymous said...

Never going to get what, butthead?
That, though the Dear Leader is a fraud he's beyond accountability?
YOU are the one who doesn't get it.
The Constitution is clear.
A million plus to hide his info-- what does that say?

Anonymous said...

And when you that believe this idiot and follow him like those simple minded who followed Charles Manson or Jim Jones who drank the kool-aid, find out your wrong!

I think all of you should move to Kenya with you beloved Obama...

Anonymous said...

ANON 10:31
Get what? The Liberals and ones who love to be followers and want everything for nothing has been duped by a Chicago CON-ARTIST. NO US Citizen, NO Lawyer, NO Constitutional Rights, NO individuality ect. is Obama's history and beliefs. Obama's determination to establish full control over the US Citizens. I get it now and when he started his double talk. I dealt with the best con-artist and manipulators for over 20 years and read Obama like a book. It is a shame others are to blind. You don't get it yet and glasses won't help.

Anonymous said...

He has roots in Kenya. Every American citizen has roots in a foreign land. This is why the far right gets little respect. Their extremism is irresponsible and shows tremendous lack of intelligence.

Anonymous said...

10:31 You America haters are never going to understand we will win in the end !

Anonymous said...

Dumb America haters giving their and my freedom away .

Anonymous said...

10:31am, it could be a conspiracy...the more you he avoids having to show it, the more people are convinced he is hiding something, but if you go to the link, you'll find that information has been scrubbed from the internet, why? I'm not a birther, I don't believe for a second that from birth he was destined to be the President. But I want to know why he hasn't just released his info for all to see.

Anonymous said...

arrested and jailed because he won a free election in this great democratic republic.

Anonymous said...

Get what? Oh you mean get to see his real birth certificate. No we probably won't.

Anonymous said...

10:31 here just to clarify. You are dumb because you cannot read those quotes and figure out that they do not mean Obama is not a citizen. You are dumb because you apparently believe someone faked a newspaper notice in Hawaii when Obama was born (so they must have a time machine). You are dumb because it has been explained over and over agin to you why the documents presented are legit. You are dumb because even the leaders of the Republican party admit Obama is an American. You are dumb because you refuse to acknowledge all of the evidence that is contrary to your fixed point of view, while providing exactly zero credible evidence of your own. You are dumb because you waste your time and energy on nonsensical arguments about the President's birth certificate when it is over and done with. You arte dumb because you listen to Glenn Beck and think he is something other than a bad actor.

That is what you don't get. Clear enough now?

Anonymous said...

I refuse to argue with the liberals in here. Like I told my son if you argue with an idiot it doesn't make you much more than one yourself.
Republicans have to see it to believe it!!!!
Unfortunately Democrats have to believe it to see it.

Anonymous said...


If it were possible to start a slow clap on the internet, consider me starting it for your comments. Couldn't have said it better myself.

Anonymous said...

1:40 you are dumb because you evidently didn't understand what 10:31 was implying. You look like the idiot! This is the most backasswards blog site I've ever seen.

Anonymous said...

2:38 slow is the key word !

Anonymous said...

I have yet to hear one person, far left dem or blue dog say one thing Obama has done for the good of this country. I hear all the rhetoric regarding Obamacare and the bailouts but nothing substantial. This leads me to the conclusion that liberals just want to feel good about voting for a black person. It doesn't matter that he is not qualified to be POTUS. What matters is they can rest easy knowing they voted for someone of color. It's all about what makes them feel good.

Anonymous said...

Yo 1:40- no worries, just reading your rambling thoughts lets us know you're nothing more than one of those free-loaders obama wants to use in his mind bending ways to weaken you further. You libs keep preaching there is a birth certificate. Question, where is it and have a single one of you seen it?

Guess what? The sky is falling. STOP, don't look up because you obviously believe everything someone tells you. Grow a brain and think before speaking boy.

Anonymous said...

WHO CARES!!!! He' our president now and nothing is going to change that. Enough with the "he was born in Kenya" it will change nothing.

Anonymous said...


You just don't get it. As to the birth cert., what was shown was a short form that could have been gotten after his trashy white mother returned from Kenya. People want to see the long form. Yes the certificate shown was a legal document, but not the official birth record. As to the birth notice, that could possibly have been put in the paper by his grandparents.after his birth in Kenya. There name of the doctor that delivered him has never been released. Why would Obama and the dems spend millions of dollars to fight the release of this info. If he was indeed born in Hi. why just not prove it and end the debate.

Anonymous said...

3:52 That too can be changed ! and if he is found to be an illegal it will happen overnight . But most likely will be impeached anyway !

Anonymous said...


Your first two words speak volumes. Every American should care. If indeed it could be proven that he was born in Kenya, he would be removed from office and probably prosecuted and imprisoned. We are, or at least used to be a nation of laws, and if the person that leads this country is proven to have broken the law we should all be concerned.

Anonymous said...

4:05 Come on liberals don't care about laws or playing fair for that matter, it's all about controlling others by any means necessary !

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

"You are dumb because even the leaders of the Republican party admit Obama is an American."

1:40 PM

What Republican leaders admit Obama is an American?

Definitions of admit: declare to be true or admit the existence or reality or truth of;

Ok please provide us with the truth. Where is the reality? In order for someone to admit something they need to have the knowledge and in this case it obviously doesn't exist!!

Please answer the questions and show us the truth!!

Anonymous said...

Come on ! The sheep will never be wise to their Sheppard !

Anonymous said...

I admire you republicans because you are sore losers. As my coach used to say "show me a graceful, good loser and I'll show you a loser." Keep being engaged with the issues, keep going to these websites and keep watching Fox and oh yeah keep staying away on election day. A super majority means you are a super loser. But at least you're not a good loser.

Anonymous said...

6:13 You kool aid drinking fool do you think this is a sporting event ? The left is taking all our rights that would be you included wake the f@#% up .

Anonymous said...

If it were a fair election I would agree, but this election was rampant with voter fraud from ACORN and SEIU and everybody know it!

another real americin©® WE HAVE THE GUNS!! said...

"You America haters are never going to understand we will win in the end ! "

another real americin©® WE HAVE THE GUNS!! said...

"I refuse to argue with the liberals in here. Like I told my son if you argue with an idiot it doesn't make you much more than one yourself.
Republicans have to see it to believe it!!!!
Unfortunately Democrats have to believe it to see it."