Just after 10:00 PM on 3 -13-10 a Kara Wooten was found to be illegally parked in front of the Poplar Street Apartment, a well known hangout for Drug Dealers. At this particular location, No Parking Signs were placed there to keep the Dealers from hanging out, distributing and or selling drugs.
When a Fruitland Police Officer approached Kara Wooten's vehicle they picked up on the odor of marijuana. Wooten admitted she was in fact in possession of a dime bag and was subsequently arrested for possession.
Wooten is a Volunteer Firefighter from Station 2 in Salisbury.
These firefighters are out of control. Dont they check the background of their members ? They impersonate cops, fight, threaten bloggers and now drug dealers. Wow !
So very sad , Kara is a nice girl.
what is the purpose of the last sentence? What does THAT have to do with anything?
...and we care why?
Holly Cow stop the madness. Does anyone see that these volunteers are no good. They are not held to any standards at all. Can the people of Salisbury imagine if they had a life or death emergency and she showed up high as a kite. And here's the deal citizens of Salisbury, if you think she is the only one you are crazy. The only people she hangs with is volunteers. I hope this is an eye opener. Way to liive up to the professional firefighters Salisbury volunteers. It's great to know we have drug addicts coming in to our homes.
pee test the whole damn bunch of them, not just the city, county wide....
Honestly, I have no problem if the volenteers want to burn one, swidt. Everyone is so quick to run someone down. 12:07 probably just finished shooting up before they posted that. I would be more concerned if they smoke cigarettes or didn't tie their shoes. 12:07, don't see you volenteering.
The stuff should be legal.
Anon 12:13 PM,
I care because when my house is burning down or I have a friend or family member injured in a car accident, I don't want a bunch of stoners being sent to the rescue! Besides, drugs are illegal even if you are a fire fighter!
There should be mandatory drug tests for all public servants; paid AND volunteer! If SFD does test then how did her use slip through the system??
@ Anon 12:07:
Someone in possession of $10 worth of marijuana is hardly a drug dealer.
Well thats almost as bad as driving intoxicated with a loaded gun in the car Actually that is not even close to being as bad as driving intoxicated with a loaded gun in the car. Can we find a real criminal, sometime? Anytime????
Anonymous said...
Honestly, I have no problem if the volenteers want to burn one, swidt. Everyone is so quick to run someone down. 12:07 probably just finished shooting up before they posted that. I would be more concerned if they smoke cigarettes or didn't tie their shoes. 12:07, don't see you volenteering.
12:30 PM
Obviously a farmin taking up for a farmin.
How do I know? Because many farmin can't spell. It is volunteer not volenteer.
Jeremy Gordy is that you again or Morris Batdorf?
So what, she smokes pot, big deal....Marijuana should be legalized. Would this have made the news if she was in a bar having a drink? I think not, it is socially aacceptable to drink but not smoke?!?! Makes absolutely no sense to me at all and I am not even a pot smoker, but I do know many successful smokers. You would be surprised by how many professionals that do. Legalize the stuff and tax the hell out of it and the world would be a much better place in my opinion
Wow. Are you people really ripping apart an entire group of volunteers because of the mistakes of one? Get a grip. I'm sure they have policies and procedures to deal with this, and most departments have rules prohibiting drug use and alcohol use (time period before duty, and of course not on duty). Just because they were using doesn't mean they were a known user, they've just now been caught.
Mary Jane is not a drug, it's an plant or herb. Now the three or four (insert your favorite pain killer) your little ones are stealing from you and popping at school are. Prescription drugs are the largest abused drugs.
I dont care what you say. Marajuana is illegal and as a citizen I dont want a bunch of pot heads coming to my emergency. What is wrong with this city and its fire company ? Can anyone be trusted anymore ?
Her supplier is probably the red head with the hot temper from station 2. Hes been caught with weed and the fire boys administration just ignores it. A damn kindergarden on Brown St. and no less.
Danny Who ? Look for a long novel telling us about his online college and denial.
This goes back to the poor leadership skills of Rick Hoppes, Dru Bragg and Bill Gordy.
Gordy, are you chief of the Volunteer Division?
Oh wait, Gordy is in Florida hoping the new chief will forget about his reign of terror until he gets back to suck up to him.
She doesn't like to pay her bills either.
Go Back
Case Information
Case Number: 020300061572009Claim Type:LANDLORD TENANT MONEY JUDGMENT
District/Location Codes: 02 / 03Filing Date:08/19/2009Case Status:ACTIVE
Complaint, Judgment, and Related Persons Information
(Each Complaint, Hearing, Judgment is listed separately, along with each Related Person)
Complaint Information
Status Date: 10/09/2009Filing Date:08/19/2009Amount$1733.35Last Activity Date:10/09/2009
Judgment Information
Judgment Type: TRIAL JUDGMENT ENTEREDJudgment Date:09/04/2009
Judgment Amount: $1,733.35Judgment Interest:$0.00Costs:$19.00Other Amounts:$0.00
Attorney Fees: $0.00Post Interest Legal Rate:X Jointly and Severally:In Favor of Defendant:
Possession Of Property Claimed valued
awwww poor wittle anonymous 1:15 ... marijuana is not a drug, its a freakin' plant. get over it. please for the love of god go smoke one yourself... you need it... id rather some heads show up to my house to do anything, than a bunch of drunks.
any day of the week.
legalize it!
OMG how can a fire dept let drug dealers work there?? dont they do background checks??? I wouldnt want some one coming to save me "all highed up"
This post could have just been a survey saying
"Should Pot be Legalized?"
If the half of everyone knew the REAL %'s of people that smoke pot it would blow their minds. Better yet, how many of them are on REAL drugs (i.e. cocaine,Rx pills(abusing of course), ect.)? How surprised would everyone be? Very surprised I think.
Of those people, how many volunteer for their community? Probably a pretty small %.
SO, if it gets your panties in such a WAD, how about go and volunteer yourself and make the world a 'better' place.
Self righteousness at it's best.
ps. if that survey has already been taken sorry
12:13 to 12:45 PM:
Look, Im just saying that with "volunteers", you get what you pay for.
Plain and simple, dont s**t on the FREE help.
Did she break the law? Yep. Sure did. And she has to deal with the ramifications of her actions.
Does her name need to be on the internet for everyone to see and start making false accusations such as drug dealing, seem necessary?
Did your life/time benefit from this sort of post at all?
Just something to think about...
12:30 I'm a volunteer out in the county, and I'll take your pee test anytime. Advise me the place and time and I'll be there.
She broke the law you idiots , she should be punished. It is considered a drug , Duhhhh! The girl should not be allowed to belong to any fire dept. She belongs in jail! Hard time at that!
She went booh hoo crying like a little baby.
Get your facts straight... Look on case search. The Charges against her are:
Charge No: 001Description:CDS:POSSESS-NOT MARIHUANA
Statute: CR.5.601.(a)(1)Description:CDS:POSSESS-NOT MARIHUANA
Amended Date: CJIS Code:4 3550MO/PLL:Probable Cause:
Incident Date From: 03/13/2010 To: 03/13/2010 Victim Age:
(Pulled from Maryland Case Search on 03-24-2010)
to 12:56
this isnt a spelling contest, give me a break.
i am sure you have done at least one thing in your life that is much worse than smoking pot, that included, as probably 99.9999% of the population has. that is the point here. unfortunantly pot is still illegal and she did break the law.
at the same time the police have to show some sort of job purpose. if i was a cop i would want to bust the most harmless criminals too, the pot smokers.
catch some real bad guys please.
grow up 12:56.
If every volunteer in this community were urine tested for pot and subsequently fired, there wouldn't be very many left.
what happened to having a heart for the people that volunteer to put their lives at risk for you?
oh ya... don't knock it 'till you try it!
w.a.r. POT
it really doesnt matter where you stand on legalized marijuana. in this case, it is still illegal in MD to possess or consume pot so if you are doing either you are breaking the law and should know the consequences are arrest, fines and or jail. sorry about her luck, but who wants a firefighter that is dumb enough to sit on the side of a city street and smoke pot out in the open. idiots like that deserve whatever they get, based on the stupidity that being so blatant requires, i would think she may not have the common sense required to handle a fire or emergency situation.
How judgemental!! Are all of you without guilt of something? I highly doubt it. I am not a fireman or afilliated in any way. All I can say is get a grip. This is minor. Do you have lives? If not, go get one.
if they would fire them and test them, it would give us poor folks a job . i cant find no work so i want to be a firemen now. cant be to hard caus they can smoke dop and stuf like that. i smoked it 1 time, makes you eat a lot of stuf and laff alot. we got it at home in old mexico. we like obama
and this girl works for life star caring for patients???????????? has she been suspended or fired from there???
why does it need to be said she doesnt pay her bills, you dont know what the deal is with that. if you are gonna comment at least keep it on the topic! she was wrong, people make mistakes, move on!
Who is mean enough to blog her prior small claims record! That is not necessary, and not even close to being germane to the issue. Whoever you are....not your finest hour!
If she was a dealer, they would have arrested her for possession with intent to distribute. Unless you know her personally, don't start inserting your own assumptions because we all know what that does.
Despite what everyone may believe, there are plenty of people in different fire depts on delmarva who smoke marijuana.
She made a mistake and has to deal with it, so when everyone else on here (myself included) becomes perfect, then we can start judging her.
She was not on duty or going on duty immediately after, so what happens is strictly between herself, SFD, and the state's attorney's office and is none of your/our concern.
my gosh people...relax...i am not for legalizing pot at all but no need to get all bent outta shape over this small ordeal...everyone makes mistakes. i wonder how many people smoke pot and still crying on here trying to make them selves feel better...and for those of you saying legalize pot....grow up and get a life get a job and off welfare!
Anonymous said...
why does it need to be said she doesnt pay her bills, you dont know what the deal is with that. if you are gonna comment at least keep it on the topic! she was wrong, people make mistakes, move on!
2:56 PM
Anonymous said...
Who is mean enough to blog her prior small claims record! That is not necessary, and not even close to being germane to the issue. Whoever you are....not your finest hour!
3:19 PM
Not paying your bills is criminal and one small criminal act leads to another. See what I mean. How would you like to go to work all week and your employer decides he doesn't want to pay you that week??
No go suck up to Obama and other liberal dumbocrats.
Anonymous said...
and this girl works for life star caring for patients???????????? has she been suspended or fired from there???
2:47 PM
I wouldn't say she has a job "caring for patients." Lifestar Ambulance is not a real ambulance service and they don't provide patient care. They are no more than a taxi service transporting Mom Mom from the nursing home to the doctors appointment and back. If you can prove that they provide actual care then I will retract my statement.
A dime bag, thats funny.
She works for heart to hart ambulance were most criminals work. Look at who works there Aaron Rainer who sexually harasses all the women around him. Gary Micheal who i think was on a post a while back for sexual harassment. Daniel Hill which i think everyone has read enough about him. I dont know anyone else that works there but they most likely have records as well.
It's not Lifestar!
All the people who say this is not a big deal are crazy. You must all be the same volunteers that hang out with her and smoke pot. I'm sure most citizens do not want her in their house. The fire department does drug tests for a reason. But here's the thing, your Salisbury jolly vollies don't get randam drug tests. I agree that alot do legal pain killers and that's wrong too. Why can't we just rid our city of these scum that call themselves volunteers. These fight fire for free guys that don't come close to knowing what this job is about. They obviously don't take it serious because they are defending this girl who broke the law. One day yor baby might be sick and you will call 911... Do you want some drug addict coming into your home taking cafe of anyone. I don't and from this point on I'll make sure if I call 911 no volunteer will enter my house. Nothing but a bunch of posers.
Hey mayor Ireton, chief hoppes, chief bragg, and volunteer Gordy, your volunteers have no respect for for the job and belong nowhere near an emergency situation. I can't believe what i am seeing on this site. People supporting this girl who is out buying drugs. What the hell. When do we get some new leadership that will have some control. Does no one realize that nomatter if drunk, high, or under the influence of anything you should not want these people taking care of you. I've seen these volunteers around and I've never seen a more pathetic bunch.
Maybe she's a Pantera fan and bought some weed in memory of Dime Bag Darryl. lol
Hell, even Barry Obama admits to doing a toke or two. Nothing wrong with it.
Fruitland Police have no crime to deal with, so go bust a pot smoker. All the murders and rapes must have been solved and nothing else to do.
I'm a career professional firefighter in Salisbury and I have to say that this has really disgusted me. These volunteers have walked over this department enough. Now they just think they car get high and do what they want. Believe me people of Salisbury the people that call themselvs volunteer firemen are sub par at best. They are constantly failing classes and getting in trouble. They could never stand up to us real firemen. Just because they do it for free does not make it admirable. Most these guys want you to crash your car or have your house burn so they can look cool in pics. Now that we know they are doing drugs why would we want them around. Us professionals get drug tested regularly and take it serious. The volunteers obviously don't care. I will tell you this... I now boycott any scab to come into my house if it's on fire or not. I would rather my house burn than let potheads in my house. You volunteers are dead to me and I wish they would disband you all.
To those Firefighters and or commenters making excuses for this individual, shame on each and every one of you. Quite frankly you have placed a HUGE black eye on this community by making supportive statements and or excuses.
I'll never forget a Judge saying to a Public Figure, our children and community depend on YOU more than anyone else in this Country. If YOU start to lie and or break the law, you can no longer be trusted, period.
Seriously, shame on each and every one of you.
For real you people are so rediculous. Don't you have anything better to do with your time then to get on here and talk about people? It must suck to be such a coward that you have to talk sh*t about someone over a computer, instead of to a persons face.
seriously joe, if we outted every public official that lied and could not be trusted we would have no one in office anywhere.
which would be fine by me.
but your statement is simply ridiculous. this girl was not in a morality contest. AND she still has to deal with what she has done as the law intended. Why isnt that enough for you?
Quit attacking people and besmirching names for the fun of it. The public benefited ZILCH from this entire post. You just pissed off a bunch of people that were are already mad about current events.
4:39.... So one day if you are unfortunate enough to find your house on fire and the department sends a few trucks out to save your life and all your possessions, are you gonna make each responder take a urine test as debris is falling from your ceiling and burning all around you before they have the honor of taking you out of the house? Are you going to test each person outside before he or she is allowed to remove a hose from the truck? If they smoked pot in the past or maybe had a few speeding tickets or forgot to return a library book do they not deserve the privelege of risking their life to save others FOR NO PAY?
You have a lot of problems you need to get sorted out.
Rob S
anonymous 5:10, you must be one of the biggest Idiots I have seen on the Blogs.
My name is NOT anonymous, yet yours is. Again, Idiot comes to mind, face to face.
""" Anonymous said...
I'm a career professional firefighter in Salisbury and I have to say that this has really disgusted me. These volunteers have walked over this department enough. Now they just think they car get high and do what they want. Believe me people of Salisbury the people that call themselvs volunteer firemen are sub par at best. They are constantly failing classes and getting in trouble. They could never stand up to us real firemen. Just because they do it for free does not make it admirable. Most these guys want you to crash your car or have your house burn so they can look cool in pics. Now that we know they are doing drugs why would we want them around. Us professionals get drug tested regularly and take it serious. The volunteers obviously don't care. I will tell you this... I now boycott any scab to come into my house if it's on fire or not. I would rather my house burn than let potheads in my house. You volunteers are dead to me and I wish they would disband you all.
4:58 PM"""
Blow it out ur big fat A** Mr Career man. You act like the vollies are the only ones that do anything wrong. Maybe you should consider 1 paid fireman that got arrested for setting trash cans on fire and pulling fire alarms at the collage dorms, 1 getting arrested for impersanating a police officer, 1 caught drinking on the job. Gee you have alot of room to talk. And if you look at the pictures that are being taken on calls it is mostly paid guys. So get your facts straight before you run your mouth and spit out more stupid out.You cant lump all the vollies in the bury into your little rambling. There are some good guys in the department that work very hard side by side with you that do a dam good job. If you have a problem and they are dead to you maybe you should grow some balls and look over at them and tell them that, as your riding on the new fire trucks that they are paying for and using the SCBA bottles that they paid for and most of the hurts tools and hand tools that you are working with.
anonymous 5:11, open your eyes, you Idiot. Your own people are on the attack here and quite frankly, I can't blame them. You certainly had fun whenever I was charged with anything and it is a matter of public record. Get used to it.
Hey Wayne, why don't you grow a set and start using your real name on here instead of being anonymous. Oh, that's right, I'm sure you promissed the DFD you'd stay off the Blogs again, just like you promissed the Judge you'r "NEVER" say anything bad about the Albero's ever again. What goes around, comes around Wayne.
As for Mr. Gordy. I understand you'll be returning April 1st. Perfect timing, "Fools Days."
To 511, are you insane. If a person that's has been trusted to come into our homes and take care of us we have every right to know who and what they have been arrested for. You might not think it's a big deal to many of us it is. What if I didn't think rape was a big deal? Could I get on here and say hey why are we talking about this rapist it's just making people mad. Come on joker be real. I don't agree with Joe for most issues but with this one I do. We all have the right to know and to the people that support this... Your ignorance amazes me. You must be the same rednecks that volunteer and smoke pot with her. It must be nice to just really not know anything about what responsibilty really comes with this job. Kara wooten you are no good to this fire service and it would be nice if you and the rest of the redneck want a be firemen would just bow out gracefully and save yourself from any further embarrassment. Come on guys it's time. Wouldn't you rather just go back to your full time job than be a laughing stock to the sfd. I bid you good day.
How many of you eat prescription meds?
Hey sby volly, you're a joke and I'm laughing as I write this comment to you. Get your facts straight. No one was ever charged and went to jail for impersonating a police officer. Oh and I have worked next to you and believe me it was very forgettable. I would rather you just not be there because frankly you just get in the way. There is not one tick I would trade for a career guy so sorry about that. Hold on.... I just had to control my laughter. Your vollies are a joke and will always be one. I don't care abot this new equipment and either do any of the other professionals believe me. I'm sure they would leave it all just to get rid of the awsome inside joke of the sfd volunteers. As I wipe the tears from my eyes Im trying to think of one good thing you stand for and much to my suprise I can't think of one. Wait I think I have one... Yes you keep the wonderful officers in fruitland in business by suppling them criminals to arrest. Thank you, thank you very much mr sfd volly for your contribution. But as for the professionals like me, thank you for taking his job serious and always showing that we are one a Level that no jolly volly could reach.
2:15 was right! Check the MD Judiciary Case search site. The charge was/is Possession of CDS: NOT MARIJUANA; to wit: cocaine, herion, PCP, pills, etc. NOT marihuana.
As for those of you stuck on the "Marihuana should be legalized" and "FPD should catch REAL criminals" trips - as long as marihuana and other drugs are illegal, possessing them IS a real crime, and Ms. Wooten IS a real criminal!
someone posted that the charge was not for pot and they are correct,case search says cds/NOT marijuana not once but twice it says that,so yes she needs to go ,i dont see too much wrong with pot its not anywhere near as bad as anything else but its illeagle and thats the point its not allowed any of it!
I wouldn't say she has a job "caring for patients." Lifestar Ambulance is not a real ambulance service and they don't provide patient care. They are no more than a taxi service transporting Mom Mom from the nursing home to the doctors appointment and back. If you can prove that they provide actual care then I will retract my statement.
3:36 PM
Lifestar does more pt care than most departments combined. Just because you more than likely applied to work there at some point and were obviously turned down because you failed the background check or hmmm, maybe even the drug test yourself, don't be so upset, really.
Maybe you should ask some of Salisbury's finest medics and paramedics where they got their start, Lorenzo Cropper NREMT-P for instance, or Tim Collins NREMT-P from Princess Anne who also works for Lifestar and is the area education coordinator for MIEMSS. There are many more however I chose to name two of the top!!
You forget, the very people that work for Lifestar are the very people that are paid paramedics for other fire departments in the area and volunteers. Commercial Ambulance companies are held to the same standard, if not higher than 911 companies.
Before you start slamming companies for being mere taxi services for old folks,you may want to do your research.
why dont you fd members put ur names on here paid and volunteers you all got so much mouth hiding behind a screen well state ur names and then settle it all and no im not a member but you all are gettin on my nerves try to say ur better then the other man,i have alot more respect for volunteers for they dont do it for the money but the paid members have this attitude i aint going in there if i aint gettin paid and im better then you cuz i get paid,man grow up and get along and be thankful that there are people that care and want to help no matter if they get paid or not! pussys!!!!!!!!!!!
Read the charges carefully. CDS Not Marajuana. My experience in law enforcement has shown this charge to usually be Cocaine or Crack. Of course the MSP lab has the final say and that takes weeks. Are we sure she had marajuana.
Hahahahahahahahahaha....hahahahahahahahahaha... You silly volunteers, let's just leave the real firefighting to the professional career firefighters of the sfd. It sounds like you would rather be smoking pot and being not good at firefighting anyway.
I'm right, the court documents are wrong.
We have become a country of drug users. All of these drugs are nothing but a crutch for people who can't face reality. She should be charged with the crime and hope she spends some time in jail. All of you who condone this are losers
and will never make it in business.
So, that tells me that you are democrates , what a waste!
Joe holland you have no idea what the fire service is about. Yo get paid at you job thus th career members at th sfd deserve to get paid. Would you do yor job for free? No I didn't think so. Oh as for thinking these ticks do it for the love of it you're wrong. These people just like wearing the t shirts. They go to bars and resturaunts and ask for discounts because they are"firemen". They sit arond the tick house praying for your house to burn down so they can go pretentious to do the job. You sir are clueless. Did you know they pick and choose the calls they go on. Of they don't feel the call is worhy or doesn't sound good they leave the station and don't go. They are posers and have you fooled. The only reason why they are volunteers and not career is because they couldn't pass the process. The fact is when you call 911 professional career firefighters come and serve you with what ever you called for. That is our job and we it do it everyday an love what we do. A volunteer wouldn't go near you unless it made them look good for the website. Open your eyes man. Oh and when your house is on fire it's a career man running in and saving yor family not the pot smoking volunteers you admire so much.
TDP 1207 ... such a nice girl, and she's probably been smoking the whole time you've known her, get over it...
Does mr holland know that if he calls 911 tonight because he is having a heart attack it's career highly trained firefighter/paramdics coming to help him not the volunteers that are scared of their own shadow. Does he know that the career guys have trained everyday for years and volunteers never train. He should thnk more before he opens his mouth. And the reason why noone can say their names is because for some reason if we are off duty and express our true opinions the great chiefs of this fire department feel they can still suspend you. Believe me if anybody comes up to me and asks my opinion on the volunteers of this department I have no issue telling my opinion. I guess mr holland likes pot smokng posers coming into his house andcl caring for him.
Anon 6:29-
It is the VOLUNTEERS that get up in the middle of the night in the county and the city to SAVE YOUR A$$ and your property FOR FREE!!! The city of Salisbury has hard working duty crews during the day at stations 1,2, and 16. However 16 is the only one staffed 24/7.
WOW, that would leave ALL VOLUNTEERS at night for the other stations as well as vollies from 16 to supplement. So mr not so inteligent, more than anything in the middle of the night it is THE VOLLIES that come in and save your A$$ and oh yeah some of those vollies are the paid peeps that worked at that very station the day before!!!! Maybe YOU should lay off the weed and get your facts straight.
The volunteers are the backbone of mostly EVERY department on this side of the bridge!! Maybe you are just not man enough and just do it for the money, which around here, is not much. Try being a volunteer and getting up in the middle of the night to go help someone in need and not getting paid for it. You very well may find it more rewarding than getting paid for it.
6:29,I got ur point but im really not speaking about salisbury when i said what i said other than you all running ur mouths at each other on here and not confronting one another,as far as the volunteers that I respect they are my family and friends that are in my local fire dept in Deal Island/Chance Vol. Fire Dept..thats who I want to save me,and yes I know they sometimes pick and choose thier calls,but you see we are a very small community and we know who the "frequent Fliers" are and Im sure you have some also,but alot of them are nothing but drug addicts that are wasted air breathers who want nothing but a free ride to the hospital to try and get pain pills cuz they have already sold thiers for stronger drugs and now they need more. So I relly didnt mean no offence to you or anyone in particualer
To all of you saying you wouldn't want someone to come to your house high if it were on fire. Who are you kidding? You would let me show up high and pee on it if you thought it would save your home.
Shut up and quit boggarting the joint.
zzzzzzzz- come on, who in the heck really cares?
what did having the court record of her landlord tenant case have to do with a possession of pot case
Let's see, arrested for drugs, can't pay bills, thief, probably needs anger management, probably a stalker too... she sounds like she is related to Wayne Barrall!
Anonymous said...
I wouldn't say she has a job "caring for patients." Lifestar Ambulance is not a real ambulance service and they don't provide patient care. They are no more than a taxi service transporting Mom Mom from the nursing home to the doctors appointment and back. If you can prove that they provide actual care then I will retract my statement.
3:36 PM
Lifestar does more pt care than most departments combined. Just because you more than likely applied to work there at some point and were obviously turned down because you failed the background check or hmmm, maybe even the drug test yourself, don't be so upset, really.
Maybe you should ask some of Salisbury's finest medics and paramedics where they got their start, Lorenzo Cropper NREMT-P for instance, or Tim Collins NREMT-P from Princess Anne who also works for Lifestar and is the area education coordinator for MIEMSS. There are many more however I chose to name two of the top!!
You forget, the very people that work for Lifestar are the very people that are paid paramedics for other fire departments in the area and volunteers. Commercial Ambulance companies are held to the same standard, if not higher than 911 companies.
Before you start slamming companies for being mere taxi services for old folks,you may want to do your research.
5:55 PM
If you think a private ambulance company is considered EMS or patient care providers you are a Joke. Speaking of rejected, you are working for Lifestar because YOU can't get a real job in EMS. Lorenzo did not get his start at Lifestar, he got his start as a volunteer in Princess Anne before he started working in Salisbury. Like many others Lifestar was an easy job for supplemental income. Tim C.? Please don't get me started on that one. As far as you claiming he is the "educational coordinator for MIEMSS" WTF are you talking about? Their is now such thing. And please don't get me started on Tim, I like him to much, but let's leave it at that.
Well here is a fact. Most full time employees of Lifestar of Hart to are rejects that don't have the skills to be a career employee of a real EMS company. Just a fact my friend.
I have been to several functions at the fire halls over the years with alcohol being served, and when the whistle when off the place would clear out. My point is that I am sure some were under the influence when they left. Given the lesser of the evils, I would take someone under the influence of THC over someone drunk. This is not met to excuse the illegal action, but if she were arrested for public drunkenness would she be getting all this verbal venom? The intoxicating effects of THC especially those affecting motor skills are less debilitating and of shorter duration than alcohol. Yes it is still illegal, and she will have to answer for that, but in the big picture I really don't think she is a huge threat to public safety. Hell, if she is stoned she would probable be to mellow to even respond. You guys need to lighten up. Yea, she did not make good choices, but I don't think she deserves all this hate.
What is a " tick " ? I always heard that the fire service was a brotherhood where people were prepared to die for each other. WTF happened in the SFD ?
Anonymous said...
...... WTF happened in the SFD ?
9:01 PM
Barrie Tilghman, Steve Brezler, David See, Rick Hoppes, Bill Gordy, Dru Bragg....need I go on??
this shows the exact reason why nobody wants to be or associated with any kind of fire department they are all a bunch of aholes..who need someone to stroke their egos because they are losers when they are outside the big red truck
And while we are bragging about how great the volunteers in the Salisbury Fire Department is it should be known to the tax payers that there was a second fire call for Station 16 and they scratched. The volunteers were re-alerted for a call because the paid crew was already on a call and they scratched. They couldn't get the second fire engine out and the duty crew had to hurry up and clear the first call and take the second call. THE VOLUNTEERS NEVER GOT OUT!!
So Bill Gordy and Jeremy Gordy I though you all said we didn't need the paid firemen and the volunteers could handle all the calls after 5:00 PM?? What a joke, just like you said we needed a $14,000,000 fire station, 5 new fire trucks, a $1,000,000 fire boat, and a $250,000 Haz Mat Truck.
Speaking of Bill Gordy and Rick Hoppes lets do a quick survey and find out how many people want them GONE!
That Justin Byrd is a sexy beast!!!
Gather around folks because I'm about to spit you some knowledge. These pothead vollies like to make you think they are saviors and the backbone of the sfd and it's just not true. That makes about as much sense as a football bat. If they would take the time to lay their spliffs down they would see that they scratch alot which means they just don't get out. Also it takes at least 2 to 3 alerts for them to get out when. For the people that don't know that means if your house is on fire it may take them up to 8 mins to show up. Luckily the career guys will bd there putting the fire out. To you volunteers, if you would take the time to put your one hitters down for a minute and get to the firehouse to make a difference would be nice but by the way it sounds people don't care that you're stoned. Folks they are no backbone of this department, if anything the paramedics are the backbone. I know I know we got of subject a little but this girl smoking pot just proves how volunteers don't take this stuff seriously and really don't care about the people of Salisbury. It hurts to know the truth salisbury volunteers.
To 7:09pm are you kidding me? Can you be that clueless? I would let you in my house and pee on things if it was on fire and you were high. WRONG! I know you must think you are some kind of hero or something but if you pulled that the only peeing you would be doing is into a catheter if you catch my drift.
legalize it. This sh*t is dumb.
1031 PM
I want them both gone as soon as possible. What is the status of the new fire chief? This has been going on to long and a new fire chief is needed.
The paid guys are stoners too !
Wow, Busiest blog in town. Keep up the good work Joe. The law is the law...If you break it you must pay.. Its as simple as that...
Theres much more to this story. The female in question has been having relations in and out of the firehouse with members both single and marrried. Officers know this has been going on and have not done anything. They were warned before they took her in and they ignored the drug reports by other firemen. They got what they deserve.
Hahaha Anon 854. Doesn't suprise me. I could never stand that girl - she is nasty! And I guess now on coke too. Wow.
Here's a thought, there is not one fireman in the Salisbury Fire Dept. that isn't trashed by comments like these. I sure hope you guys keep your worthless little battles in house, there are a few of us in other departments that actually have pride and do our jobs for the right reasons. You guys are the worst, and deserve the chief an mare you have, no-one else would want you! BFD
I must say how disappointing it is to look at these posts and know that some of the people I consider my friend’s have posted such garbage. I am a volunteer in the Salisbury Fire Department and have been for many years. I am educated and trained in the fire service as well as in personal life outside of the fire department. It bothers me to see that one person’s wrong doing can cause such nastiness among people. I will not take up for this young lady, because of what she did is against the law and is wrong. She will get the punishment that she deserves and she will have to live the consequences for her actions.
I do not think its fair for the actions of one person should be considered the norm for the rest of the group. As a long time member of the department I have seen plenty of good and bad in both the volunteer and career ranks alike. Anytime you have that many people working at one place it will not be full of saints. Each and every member of this fire department have at one time said or done something that they should be ashamed of or have been in some sort trouble. The difference is that some of us learn from our mistakes and some never learn. That’s human nature and it does not matter if your career or volunteer, that’s just life.
Is that the same girl from Station 2 that had the "exposure" a couple years ago????
Well said anonymous 11:02. I too am a volunteer in Salisbury. It is an embarassment the way that people have acted on here. Really folks, your attempts at bashing each other are only making all of us look bad in the court of public opinion. Yeah it's no secret that you career firefighters train more than us volunteers do. But that's not because all of us don't want to. I work Monday through Friday, other wise I wouldn't hesitate to train with the duty crew any chance I had. But the sad reality is we only have one scheduled drill a month and it's either a bulls**t drill or it gets cancelled. So naturally we look like bumbling idiots when we roll up on the fireground. There is no company pride and because we hardly ever have to function as a company the left hand doesn't know what the right hand is doing. So bash us all you want to, but for being such "professionals" you sure are painting a pretty immature and unprofessional image for anyone who reads this blog. Seriously people, this city looks to us for help regardless to our status. All of our gear says Salisbury, no career, no volunteer just Salisbury. So rather than sit behind your keyboards creating your next ball buster for the vollies. Reevaluate your own attitudes and level of professionalism and let's get back to the way this dept uses to be.
No, that was someone else. She is a fairly new member at station 2.
Perhaps everybody on here should step back and take a look at themselves. You are all fighting like children simply over the volleys vs career issue.
Think about this...go ask any career member in Salisbury or any career EMS provider on Delmarva. We all started out as volunteers.
I'm ashamed to see other people from such a reputable and "brotherly" profession behaving so immaturely.
Anon 824, you obviously have no idea what you are talking about. Tim Collins is the education coordinator for MIEMSS. In regards to his professional character, I will stand up for him any day. He is a brilliant and seasoned paramedic who has EARNED the respect and position he is in now.
Well, what happened to one with the exposure?
Alcohol is worse than WEED!
Really, I know this person, do not exactly like this person to say the least, as well as work at the same place as her. I can say that out of everything I have read about lifestar and hart to heart is B.S. yes we do play taxi on some days others we do legit patient care and yes lifestar does urinalysis testing as well as a background check; and the same goes for hart to heart I am not condoning her actions in no way shape or form and definitely do not think that the issue should be taken lightly when it comes to her judgment. But I will say that everyone that is stuck on this topic of everyone at either of these places being criminals not the case, yeah there are some folks at both places of employment that have made mistakes I am sure of that but to put a blanket statement and say that they all have is utter lunacy. Also to say what is said about vollies, I do not understand why there is such an issue? Besides 16 with they're 24 hour round the clock paid staff and 1 and 2's paid day staff and the surrounding fire companies paid ALS staff what do the rest of these departments consist of? Where did the paid ff's get their start? I'm sure that some paid ff's went through an academy somewhere, someplace and went straight to being paid but remember where you come from and get off of your high horse. It thoroughly disgusts me that we all do the same thing whether your paid or a volunteer; whether your just there for ems or fire or both. Just stop acting like an ass! Throw the books at her both judiciary wise employment wise and volunteer wise; and most definitely whether a surrounding volunteer company or mixed with paid and volunteer and even the commercial ambulance companies start drug testing more often and check backgrounds more than once, just so that this type of issue does not continue to happen.
@1117... yes!! That's her... back on high school
everybody needs to just leave her the hell alone. She made a mistake and she will pay for her mistake, but theres no need to sit on here bad mouthing someone for it. She is a good person that screwed up and thats the bottom line so drop it !
Anonymous 5:42, get ur facts straight. Dave cox was charged for impersonating a police officer, he'll he admitted to it. How he got off is beyond me. Wade carlin was fired for coming to work drunk. Trish Arnold fired for " psychological" reasons. John hitch fired for, well we won't even go there. Most of the good medics who aren't too old to have moved onto real departments. So the next time you bring your heads out of your a**'s for let reality sink in for a minute. Some of you "professional" (I use the term lightly) firefighters are just as bad as the vollies your bashing. You gripe and moan that you have to wake up to take a B.S. call. Then complain all the way back to bed. I wish I got paid to sleep. Look at most of you, your fat and outta shape. You would get winded doing overhaul on a dog house. You walk around with a chip on your shoulder like this city owes you something. Be thankful you have jobs, oh maybe that's where the hostility is coming from. The next round of budget cuts could send your fake a**'s to the unemployment office. And now that they want to use vollies to fill in on duty crew pieces to cut the overtime budget you little babies are running scared that the council may find you replaceable. Get a life and stop boasting your own egos, or you just might find yourself getting a new job.
If it wasn't for the volunteers Salisbury Fire Dept would fall on its face, And as for paid firemen i wish i could work 180 days a year get paid to play video games wash my car and sleep. then complain about the volunteers who work 40+ hours a week and do it for free as well as take the same classes the on their own time that the career get paid to take. If you hate volunteers then quit get a real job or go somewhare that has no volunteers, cause we are here to stay.
come on joe put let some comments get through bashing them a little they want to bash the vollies and we are teying to set the facts straight. the point is that they want to air out our dirty landry to every one and call vollies losers and that theey dont know what to do and that they think they are the best but, they work for salisbury still because this is the only place that will hire them. they miss calls too. They say they get there first but that is their job they are there and we are responding from home. But, if they notice station one is catching them and on their heals now and they don't like it. We are just as qulified as they are and some of us have college degrees so no we are not all idiots. stop judging all the vollies because of one that is all they have some problems too. and why not post what has been written to you. you post theirs now post ours!!!
And another thing look at the trouble the career personel have got intooverthe last few years. i rest my case
lets get the real facts straight it is your job and the vollies are here to stay. don't like us there are other jobs accross the bay if they hire you you all are not fire gods. if you think you are then one day that fire will bite back and the vollies you bash will have to help you and they will because they are willing to do it. Get in our way though and you will know we are there we will not take your stuff anymore if we ask how then show us don't catch an attitude do and that will be taken care of after the calls over.
Anonymous said...
lets get the real facts straight it is your job and the vollies are here to stay. don't like us there are other jobs accross the bay if they hire you you all are not fire gods. if you think you are then one day that fire will bite back and the vollies you bash will have to help you and they will because they are willing to do it. Get in our way though and you will know we are there we will not take your stuff anymore if we ask how then show us don't catch an attitude do and that will be taken care of after the calls over.
8:24 PM
WTF!!! Will you please go back to school and get an education.
What happended to turn this in to a paid vs vollie thing again? I am a vollie with Salisbury. I enjoy the people I work with, paid and vollie. We have the same training and classes. Last time I checked, my firefighter cert still says the same thing the paid staffs says. (University of Maryland), My EMS Cert still is issued by the same people(MIEMSS) so whats the problem? You get paid for it and I dont? That makes me less than you? Give me a break. We all do the same job. Yes some maybe be better than others at it. Both on the paid and vollie side. You think you are so much better. Its amazing little R. how fast you forget about where you came from. I remember when you were a vollie at station 16. Vollies were cool then, well that is until you crossed the line to paid and thats good for you ,not knocking that. You are only where you are at now cause of your daddy. We didnt like you as a vollie and we don't as paid. I just feel bed for your co-workers andthe vollies out at 2 for having to deal with you and your piss poor attitude all the time, as well as the citizens you supposedly help your piss poor excuse for patient care you do. Do all of us a favor, go back accross the bridge to 33. Oh thats right, they are vollies there and you are better than them and cant go back cause your paid for Salisbury.
I work for Salisbury FD. I am ashamed at all of you that are here crying. I see both sides of the argument, but how this turned into a career vs volunteer thing is beyond me. I can not sign my name due to fear of retaleation from the ivory tower. I enjoy working for Salisbury, and I have had many chances to go to other jobs. I choose to stay at SFD so far. I may eventually change my mind, but I enjoy serving the community in which my family works, and passes through daily. I understand that there are paid guys that act as though they are the greatest thing since sliced bread, however we have are fair shair of volunteers that act the same. There is a lot of tension in the dept at the moment, mostly due to they fact that we are waiting to get a new chief. But there is also a budget crisis. People that work here are fearing for their jobs, aswell as many of the volunteers whom are afraid of or have already lost their jobs in other industries. We all have families to feed, and houses to pay for. Please think before you post some of the stuff you do. I had to wait a day or two to post due to the anger I experienced reading this garbage. She made a mistake, the department has SOP's and a city handbook for handling this situation. She will have to answer for her actions, and deal with the ramafications. She is not the girl who was exposed a few years back to life altering disease. I will close with this, I will not leave any of you by yourself in a fire, no matter what your rank, or your membership type. One thing I will ask, is please act accordingly, you are not god, and if you got in this to play god then you need to quit now. I came here to help people, and I get to every shift. Everyone needs to take a breath and we all need to figure out how to get the city through its tough financial times so that we can ALL serve the citizens who pay the taxes and payed for our nice equipment. We are truly fortunate to have the caliber of equipment that we do.
Its funny to watch the small minds battle here. Anonymous is all I see and everyone knows who said what. Paranoid could best describe your behavior along with children.
A California appeals court ruled this week that threatening posts made by readers of a website are not protected free speech, allowing a case charging the posters with hate crimes and defamation to proceed.
You aint in California.
If you were you could get stoned.
I don't give one damn bit about what the volunteers think about the permanent employees and vice versa. All I care about is someone showing up and putting out my damn fire. PLEASE, all of you, just STFU, get back to work, and worry about the citizens instead of your egos. enough already. sign me "tired of hearing about it"
The trash talking that the volunteers and career guys are doing is quite disgusting IMO. Is there a single career firefighter in Salisbury that was NEVER at some point and time a member of a volunteer fire company? If so please post and attach your name.
I'm telling you it's the same girl!
Anonymous said...
Is that the same girl from Station 2 that had the "exposure" a couple years ago????
11:17 AM
Anonymous said...
I'm telling you it's the same girl!
11:14 AM.
I'm 100% sure that this is not the same female member of station 2 that had the "exposure" issue early last year. Wootten is a probationary member and has not even been in the department a year. your information is wrong and you obviously do not have a clue as to what your talking about.
We are all very sorry Kara, you should not have been arrested, the cop should be fired, humiliated, and run out of town on a rail. And that goes for any cop who makes a pot bust. We are going to weed you all out of law enforcement. Go work at the dump, you will feel right at home with the other garbage.
I think I see the problem here.
Everyone's concerned because it's a fact that marijuana kills brain cells, turns people in to murderous scumbags, and holds absolutely no medicinal purposes at all.
Which is why they insist on people switching to tobacco and alcohol. The safe drugs.
I will end my sarcastic rant with a serious tidbit.
America is sitting on gold, but no one of importance will admit it.
11:44 AM
I do not believe my information is wrong and I know exactly what I am talking about
I do not necessarily support the usage, sale, or legalization of marijuana, but I hardly think it warrants the anger filled debate waging here. It is in-fact illegal, should it be? Not my place to say. A majority of us have at least seen marijuana, if not smoked it. I definitely feel that this is being blown out of proportion. Marijuana has caused an overdose or any direct harm to anyone, no more than tobacco use anyway. Sure it does have its potential indirect dangers, but certainly far less than alcohol. And I cannot think of five firefighters who do not smoke, chew, and/or drink. Also I doubt that a lot of people know that the founding fathers grew marijuana and hemp and encouraged the colonists to do the same, because it was a great all purpose plant. And that most of them were under the influence of marijuana while writing and signing the documents that make up our government. We very rarely call their judgment on these matters into question. So I would feel better about a stoner coming to help me, than no one at all. I would prefer someone being perfectly clear but I certainly would not deny help from someone because they were a little extra-relaxed.
This hasn't turned out to vs a volunteer vs career fight. It's a Gordy loving pothead vs professional thing. I can't believe I'm hearing you all kiss each other butts. Don't let the hype fool you Joe, all they do us back Stab and make fun of each other. No one is safe here. I love the the fakes on here because it truly shows how weak you are. Mr albero, budget supervisor Gordy really has these volunteers convinced they are something. I wish you knew or saw what they are really about. Unlike the rest I will not sugar coat anything. They are nothing . If you really look around this county and state volunteers check equipment, train,hold fundraisers, and have clean up days once a week. None of this happens in the sfd with the vollies. They don't take pride in the life style. Those things are all part of being volunteers. When the new chief gets here and rids us of the evil Gordy things will change. I know if a new chief comes in and makes them do those things I said more than half will not show up because they are lazy and proboly not sure even how to check equipment. I mean pot does mess with your memory.
Hey why dont we just stop the station 2 stoners from responding. I mean they scratch all the time anyway. While they were at home baked the other night station 1 was getting out for a reported house fire. I mean now I know why you guys have those big Saturday breakfasts. WAKE AND BAKE! Oh and does station 16 even have volunteers anymore? Seeing one of them would be like seeing Obama make a good decision.
Anonymous 12:08, you don't know what your talking about. Kara was not allowed to ride till September of last year. That exposure happened before she was in the department. I was on the call that the exposure happened. I can't say the females name because it's her right to privacy, but I'm also telling you as someone else has that kara was NOT the one with the exposure. So get your facts right and post something with some relevance or just stay quiet.
I can't believe you people want this stuff to stop. This has been great entertainment. Pure drama at it's best. Please, please mr albero keep the posts coming. I can't stop reading.
Anonymous said...
11:44 AM
I do not believe my information is wrong and I know exactly what I am talking about
What makes you so certain that your information is correct?. As I stated previously, Wootten is a probationary member with only about 6 months in the department. The exposure issue with a member of station 2 happened around July 2008. So there is no possible way that Wootten is the female that had the exposure. So that being said I believe that you are in fact wrong.
Threats are one thing but thats a promise. We are all here for one purpose and thats to help the citizens of the City of Salisbury or to who ever we respond to. Everyone shows their ego now and then and we all just need to find how to work together and stop this paid vs. vollie bullsh*t. Like was said the vollies are just tired of what they have been doing for years and we have had enough. Let her actions speek for her not the fire department. Some of the vollies are tired of the sh*t that the paid staff dishes out but can't take it in return. Again, if we ask then show us, just as if you ask we will show you. Everyone learns differently and sometimes people forget how to do something. But, the attitude is what doesn't need to be shown no one learns though getting mad at another and they shut down to any learning. In the end teach for the better of the community and leave your egos at the station thats what makes things hostile and we don't need that in the fire service. We just need to do what we are all willing to do and that is whatever the call, calls for!
I am a volunteer with Salisbury FD. I have been around over 20 yrs, I am ashamed of both vollies and career, what the hell happenend to the brotherhood we once had in the 80s, Stop all this bullshit and grow up. We are only as strong as our weakest link. So don't be that link. and remember what goes around comes around. We are talking about someones husband.son,wife,daughter,mom or dad here. Would we want our kids or the childern we visit at schools to see how we are acting. I sure as hell don't. Just think about what I have just said here for a minute. Now you can trash me if you want but i will not stoop to the level to trash you. THINK BEFORE YOU POST.
11:48 You're completely right. We should "fire, humiliate, and run out of town on a rail" every person that performs their job as they are supposed to. Especially if those people are enforcing laws mandated by the local, state and federal governments. You sir/mam are truly an ignorant idiot. If you have a problem with the fact that marijuana is illegal then vote for representatives that advocate for the decriminalization of it. Don't go after the people that make a living enforcing the laws and protecting us.
As for my original post I have still yet to see a career fireman from SFD post a comment stating that they have never in their life been a member of a volunteer fire company. The reason is because almost all firefighters, especially in smaller companies that don't have an academy, get their training while volunteering in a volunteer fire company. So all the "career" fireman in Salisbury who were once members of a volunteer fire department, shame on you. Shame on you for using a volunteer fire company to pay for your career training which has enabled you to now make a decent living while at the same time bashing them now that you no longer need them.
well the same kara is also sleeping with justin byrd so is he on the s*** too. mabey th city needs to do random drug test. plenty of people wanting to join.
After reading the comments on this board reminded me why I left the SFD . A bunch of insecure self obsessed Hero wannabes pretending they are gods . When in reality your mostly a bunch of lazy over fed fat azz's that only F.D. groupie would want .
Im a volunteer in Salisbury and I can see why the career guys are upset. I joined here thinking it was the elite of the eastern shore and Ive come to find out that that is not the case. It is an embarrassment that one of our members was busted for smoking pot. Also it is embarrassing that we dont help with house chores or checking and cleaning equipment. we just stand back and let the career guys do it and its basically out of spite. i was actually helping cleaning one day and one of my officers told me dont worry about it the paid maids will get it. I just think the companies in the county understand more what we are here to do and us in Salisbury dont have a clue. there is a ton of posts of here about us volunteers being the backbone and taking care of business... what a joke.
3:20, No need to address your post to me and then continuously state "YOU YOU YOU". I'm not a member of SFD or any fire company in Wicomico County and never have been.
I'm simply stating that all the "career" guys trashing volunteers seem to forget that they were once volunteers themselves. Just because you put in an application and someone started sending you a paycheck doesn't mean you are a totally new person or have a totally different work ethic and if it does then maybe you weren't doing something right in the first place.
Does SFD require you to write reports? If so, I hope you have someoone check them when you are done because it seems the English language has obviously eluded you. Also, there is no need to write your entire post in caps lock, I am capable of translating and understanding the little under case letters of our alphabet.
Both females are worthless.
They act like they own their bodies.
This would have never happened if station 2 just modeled themselves after station 1.Station 1 at least makes it to runs. Cant we just have station 1 send members over there and clean that place up? It seems they need some major help. Station 16...hahahahahaha. Nevermind, I wont even go there.
Hey 12:39p.m., if the vollies need to go back to school you should join with them. Thought all career guys were the best and knew all but, your just like the ones you bash. By the way a have a degree and will always make more than you! So, F off to the paid pricks that think they are gods. Ill be laughing all the way to the bank. Then ill still give back to the community doing what i always wanted to, while your worthless uneducated crybaby a$$ sucks up the time clock sleeping. LMFAO!!!
They act like they own their bodies.
4:08 PM
They do.
MIke, first of all you are right my writing was bad on that last post so I'm sorry. Second, I just realized I had it in all caps. Third, like I said most of us volunteered in the county where they have good work ethics. That where we learned in having pride in what we do. We took care of our equipment so we didn't have to worry about spending millions of dollars on new stuff. Look it's the vollies in Salisbury that are the problem. Most of us still volunteer where we started. I love how you get on here and bash someone's writing when it's just a blog and doesn't matter as long as the point gets across. Come on man loosen up. No need to be so stuck up.
As a volunteer in Salisbury, for the record the career personel don't know how to check the equipment either, cause they are asleep in the lounge all day or washing their personal vehicles with city supplies,or playing grab azz all over the stetions. or r playing troll hideing out bahind the firehouse smoking all day. Want to see dedicated career people stand in the doorway at quitting time and hear an alarm come in, it looks like the starting lineup at daytona 500 as the run to the parking lot and haul azz outta there in their personal vahicles. Then who takes the call, the vollies thats who. Salisbury needs to seperate fire and ambulance service and get rid of the paid crew, they only run on BS calls anyway, if its a real fire the vollies are alerted to come put the fire out anyway cause they can't handle it .All they are there for is to chase the amb. sweep the floor and scrub the toilets. thats all they are good for anyway a real job like most vollies have would kill their worthless underworked azzes. Really people of Salisbury thats the truth they think they are fire Gods and thats the farthest from the truth. posers, vollie want to be s thata all. But no one in the private sector would hire them thats why they want to play fireman and we actually pay thease idiots for it. LOL.
Hey 4:29pm. I have a degree too and I'll laugh all the way going to the bank getting paid for what I love doing. Don't get upset because I succeeded where you didnt. I'm sure when you were a child and your mommy asked you what you want to do you said get a degree in business. Well when my mommy asked me I said I wanted to be fireman and thats what I did. OH and giving to the community? Lets be real. Ok the next all call we get I'll sit by the door and give you a chance at the nozzle. WHen you back down and act like your mask doesn't work or you trip don't worry because a real fireman will be next to you to pick up the slack. Don't worry though it's cool, no one will take that sweet Salisbury volunteer t-shirt away that you love to wear. And when it's all done and the page has turned I'll be a fireman and you'll be a 9 to 5 guy that couldn't do what he truly wanted to do... Be a paid fireman. LMFAOX2.
VOLLUNTEERS don't wash the equipment.. - hahaha wat a joke, every friday we have to wash and fuel the trucks cause they were left enpty and nasty and most of the time we have to put the career stuff back on their racks cause they were still asleep when the left the day shift. OMG dude get it straight before you make an ass out of yourselves. and we need to buy new equipment cause the duty crews wreck it.
This is a very interesting post. As a citizen of the community I think it is very important to know the background of who we expect to be there in our time of need. Why are people getting fired from SPD? People arent doing their jobs who are suppose to be getting paid, people who are working for free are getting bashed! As a father I would like to know why people are getting kicked out of the fire department for unknown reasons (ie: 7:49) if people who are suppose to be saving lives are getting fired for impersonating cops, coming to work intoxicated, "head problems" and then John Hytch with the ..."we wont even go there"..doesnt make me or my family feel very safe. Especially not knowing the reasons behind it.
First of all 4:41 all the vollies don't want the new equipment. There was a need for station one for a new engine it was one of the oldest and starting to be unsafe. for the truck people wanted to keep the engine tanker because of the need for it to stay there because we knew Sta 16 couldn't get it out in time. The career don't even know it goes first. Hey idiots, you need water when there is no hydrants not just to be there first. But, we do need the truck for responding in the county since we get out unlike others and it is a great asset on some calls. but for some of the other stuff it could have been bought another time when money wasn't so tight. Sta 2 also needed new equipment also it was junk that they bought and was going to cost to much to keep.
Kara is not the same female you are speaking of about the exposure. And I can't speak for Kara because I don't know her that well, but the other female is certainly not "worthless" You obviously do not know her very well because if you did you would know she is the type of person that would do anything for anyone, and is a very nice women. So whoever thinks she is "worthless" should maybe get to know her a little better before you just "assume"
ha ha very good i can take a hit too. Thats right i do have a business degree and still enjoy being what i want to be but don't put up with all the bullsh*t that the ivory tower throws out. When it affects my pay check ill just be a business man making the money and you will be unemployed because of your peers. When your mommy asked you and you told her you wanted to be a fireman why do you just act like one now with no balls and just sit there when your asked if anyone has anything to say. so just put that uniform on and not be real fireman who comes back after the clock. Oh but you can't thats right.
What I want to know is why Kara Wooten was outside of her kitchen, let alone her house, to begin with.
It's not a womans place.
Haha 4:54 good one i can take a hit too. Your right i do have a business degree and when my mommy asked me thats what i wanted to be but a wanted to be a fireman too thats why i make the money and am a vollie too. Hey, i don't have to take all the bullsh*t from the ivory tower either but, you do. When your mommy asked you i bet you never thought you would be a ball less paid fireman who is affraid to lose your job if you speek up. But, that might happen anyways since the economy is in shambles but i will still have a job and be a real fireman who can respond after the clock you can't. Hell, you can't even be represented by your union that you pay for. Why? because they even think your a joke!!!!! LMFAO!!! Remember pay those dues and don't forget to take out the trash!!!
Hey Saturday Night LIve, I just heard the funniest joke Ive ever heard. A salisbury volunteer just said they put out fire. Folks listen its funny because you'll see alot of people at the scene of a fire. All the people inside are always career firemen unless the fire is out. I mean... we do need someone to overhaul the house. Get to work you funny little men.
Im a citizen of Salisbury and don't really get this whole argument. I am in no way involved with the fire service but don't understand why the volunteers brag about the career guys having to clean up after them. it sounds lazy.
Why does station 1 think they are better than station 2? What is going on here? Station 1 are you serious? Station 1 has been known for alot of things but being good is not one of them. Ok so they got out finally but thats because they have a 2 year volunteer as an officer with no life that lives by the staion to make sure it always gets out. But hey showing up is not all what you need to do. Station 2 for life,
The female involved in the exposure was Crystal Allensworth. And yes, she is worthless.
Just for the record, All volunteers are held to the same standards as a new hire for the city, for example, Background checks, fingerprinting at the sheriffs dept., physical and training, etc....., We do it because we want to help the community, or at least I do, You are correct, some of the younger ones we have in the department should go and do something else, because, to be honest, they're idiots and I believe someday will get someone hurt or worse, But I have to trust the officers to take care of that. As for Ms. Wooten, she has been suspended from the fire service until the outcome of the court date. And at that time the decision will be made by the Fire officers of her future. As it stands right now it doesn't look good for her, Remember we were all young once and, getting caught or not, we all have made mistakes, Hopefully we all learn from them and go one with our lives.
So when you get $3500.00 losap and a $500.00 a month check from the City, along with not needing to raise one finger to raise any of that money that you spend on whatever you want, unlike every other fire depts. in the County. Get a grip. The TAX PAYERS from the city and the county pay for all your toys. Maybe you Vollies could help the city out and sell some of that weed so you would be doing something besides...... "doin it for free".
.......VOLLUNTEERS don't wash the equipment.. - hahaha wat a joke, every friday we have to wash and fuel the trucks cause they were left enpty and nasty and most of the time we have to put the career stuff back on their racks cause they were still asleep when the left the day shift. OMG dude get it straight before you make an ass out of yourselves. and we need to buy new equipment cause the duty crews wreck it........WTF!?!?!?!? Who ever posted that dumb s*!* is not a member of any Salisbury Dept. I'm a volunteer and just give what I can, thats the point. Waaaaaayyyyyyyy off base on that one scooter lol. You can't even spell it, let alone be it.
Who is john hytche?that has gotten me interested too 5:00!
Anonymous said...
hahaha wat a joke,
cause they were left
equipment cause the
4:54 PM
Tons of grammatical errors in a small paragraph from an illiterate Farmin!!
The female involved in the exposure was Crystal Allensworth. And yes, she is worthless.
6:55 PM
why yes you are right, that was me. It's pretty sad that you have to anonymously call me names, how mature of you! Maybe you should think before you just throw names out there because it's very obvious you are someone within the Dept, nobody else would know my name. Since you seem to know me so well, why do you have to anonymously say rude and hurtful things about me through a computer, why not grow up and say it to my face?
And I assure you, Kara and I are not the same person.
There was a fire today in mill pond. I saw Delmar volunteers but no Salisbury volunteers. The man who put the fire out was a career firefighter.the Salisbury volunteers were proboly just getting high somewhere and forgot to respond. But yeah they put fire out in this city. OK and I scored a touchdown last night at my softball game. why cant the career guys rely on the good volunteers of the county and just get rid of the salisbury vollies. they dont need to be there. they never show anyway. ok vollies I guess you can keep riding the coat tails of the career fire men but dont think for one second that that makes you a firemen. We real firemen take this job seriously and want to fight fire, not get arrested smoking pot.
I dont know why people are trying to correct grammar on here... folks it's a blog, It doesnt matter how it's written as long as the point gets across.
Man joe Ive never scene a post get so much attention. IS there a story here? It sounds like there is a big issue between career firefighters and volunteers. Hoppes and Gordy like to act like it's really good but by the way it sounds is there is real tension there. Maybe someone should look into it
i swear that this post has been the most interesting post I have ever seen. These 2 groups work next to each other every day and just tear each other up on this site which they all claim they dont read. great post mr albero. this was a homerun. Hopefully more to come.
Im a citizen of Salisbury and don't really get this whole argument. I am in no way involved with the fire service but don't understand why the volunteers brag about the career guys having to clean up after them. it sounds lazy.
6:37 PM
Anonymous Anonymous said...
Why does station 1 think they are better than station 2? What is going on here? Station 1 are you serious? Station 1 has been known for alot of things but being good is not one of them. Ok so they got out finally but thats because they have a 2 year volunteer as an officer with no life that lives by the staion to make sure it always gets out. But hey showing up is not all what you need to do. Station 2 for life,
6:46 PM
Jimmy Corron is the problem at Station 1. If I remember correctly he was appointed by volunteer Deputy Chief Bill Gordy. See a pattern here?
as if the city hasnt had enough problems with their fire dept beefs over the years!!LOL good thing Tillman inst still the mayor!!LOL
We really don't need paid firefighters especially at a time when the economy is in the crapper. If volunteers are willing to work for free let them .
Anonymous 11:57, the vollies weren't there because the duty crew is on Monday-Friday. Besides, how do you know none were vollies? Last time I checked no where on my gear does it say volunteer. So Mr. Career guy stop posing as a concerned citizen. Because the general public can't tell us apart. Primarily because both career and volunteer firefighters will have glassy red eyes. Us vollies from getting high and you career guys from drinking everynight. I bet the green turtle is glad to have you, they're not feeling this recession because you bunch of drunks blow your hard earned (haha yeah right how hard is it to earn money sleeping) money there every night your off.
I think this whole forum has gotten completely out of context, it started out as a woman getting arrested for drugs and now it's all bout name calling and what a paid and a volunteer firefighter does. There is NO reason what so ever for private matters who has been exposed or who has said what to whom etc to be posted on this blog. With out the Paid or the volunteers there would be no fire department PERIOD!! Yes there are some better then others in this career field but all of this he said she said crap is belittling to others and feelings involved, just because one person gets caught with drugs doesn't mean the whole Dept no matter what station their from is in posession of drugs. Grow up people stop the name calling and posting who has done what on here be a little bit mature with your job nature...!!!!
Mayor Ireton it is obvious Rick Hoppes and Gordy can't control the problems of the Salisbury Fire Department. Please make that change as soon as possible.
As for the person that posted a comment about no Volunteers on the Mill pond fire, For the record, That was before the 5 o'clock bell, Stations 1 and 2 are manned by Paid personel from 7am till 5pm Monday thru Friday, The volunteers take over Monda thru Friday from 5pm till 7am and 24 hours on Saturdays and Sundays, To be fair, because the volunteers have to work there real jobs during the week so we can pay our bills, I can't count the times that I have gotten back from a structure fire or accident scene just in time to take a quick shower and get to work with absolutly no sleep. I have always had a fantastic relationship with all the paid firefighters I have worked with and it really bothers me to think that this is how they think of me. I am really going to think real hard about if I want to continue to be part of a this department. And another point before I end this, If it was a tax payer that made that comment, Just think of how much money the city saves by the volunteers in this city, i.e. your taxes!!!!
I would really like to know who the firefighters that are posting these comments think deserve to carry the name of firefighters from stations 1 and 2. If you don't think any of them deserve it then say that. I really need honesty here.
Ok I have been reading all of the comments on the post. But according to some really good sources she had powder cocaine along with a rock of crack. And then we can take it a step further how about the oral sex she was giving to some of the members at Station 2?? And why we are at it how about station 2 scratching on numerous calls and having response times in the area of 15 minutes. Where are the volunteers??????
Now as far as station 1 the annex behind station 1 completely gutting it to make this your play lounge somewhere around $40,000 dollars makes real good sense. Oh and for the kicker now everyone sit down keep in mind we are in a major economic recession and what do these morons do spend $15,000 dollars on leather helmets because they wanted to. Mind you that the City supplies them with turn out gear but we can spend the taxpayers money like we want to. This is some Great Leadership here, I guess the Assistant Chief must have forgot something with budgets from Fire Officer 3 class.
This is outstanding. Someone gets arrested for possession (I thought in this country you were innocent until proven guilty but that's besides the point) and someone has to drop a comment about how someone else, totally unrelated to the matter is "worthless."
Sounds to me like the person who dropped the worthless comment may be the one who is worthless. In my firehouse (which not a single one of you who have posted on here could handle being in) if you have a problem with another individual, you take it up with them, directly. If that doesn't work, then you handle it through the Unified Chain of Command. You start with the senior man, then the Company Officer, then the Battalion Chief, then the Asst. Chief and so on.
We also don't "air our dirty laundry" for the whole community to see in a public forum. Why don't you children all grow the F*ck up, and close your pie holes. You are an embarrassment to yourselves, not to mention the Fire Service in general.
God I weep for the future of the fire service.
Joe, please, for the love of god, shut down this comment blog.
crystal is right,if you think she is worthless be man enough or woman enough to show your idenity,otherwise shut your stupid mouth
Just a follow up to my posts:
So far not a single "career" fireman in SFD has posted stating they were never at some point in time a volunteer. You all should be ashamed of yourselves. Don't forget where you came from and don't forget where you may be headed. You are all on the same team, grow up and handle your differences like adults. Confront each other in the right place at the right time, not anonymous on a blog which is obviously anti-firemen in general. Hopefully you are all attempting to accomplish the same objective, protecting life and property in the City of Salisbury.
Dear 10:12 I remember when some career females were known for giving oral sex to the men on her shift, ie. remember the knights of the round table or how quickly you are to point your finger at someone else for the same thing that happens on the career side both on and off the clock' or how about a career supervisor living with his subordinate. and the cars with females in them showing up at the station after midnight, the survalance system at station 1 foiled that little scheme did'nt it. Remember the old saying don't throw rocks if you live in a glass house.well you should practice that saying.
bottom line, this girl.... is a piece of sh*t and has no business in a fire dept. hell she cant even remember to bring her helmet when she tries to go to a house fire. its sad to see what the fire dept is coming to, letting pretty much anyone with a pulse in. this girl shows up randomly to the firehouse about once in a blue moon and just sits her fat a** on the couch and drinks her soda. she's quick to run and tattle if you call her out on her worthlessness. she talks a big game and swears she's somethin, but she aint sh*t. i couldnt have been any happier when i came to work and heard what happened. she finally took care of herself and now we wont have to deal with her anymore.
Wow this just really goes to show all the drama that happens in the Salisbury Fire Dept. Almost 200 posts about a girl getting caught with weed. If she wasn't a volunteer, this post wouldn't even exist, but because she is she has to face the fact that people around town are going to find out.
This is just getting stupid.....Who cares what happened to who, or who does what, or who doesn't do what... Just drop it or grow up and sign your name.
Now I have read quite a few of these posts. I am a volunteer fire fighter. To those who say we are a joke, these are the facts. I have trained side by side with these "real" fire fighters. I have the exact same certifications and qualifications as paid fire fighters given to me from the same organizations that certified the "real" ones. I train as much as I possibly can to make myself better at what I do. I have received job offers to become a paid fire fighter. I turned them down. I risk my life every day to protect the citizens of my community and I dont get paid a dime for it. To say I am a joke is disgusting and your ignorance to the industry shows. Over 80% of fire deptartments are VOLUNTEER. That means, the majority of the people who save your ass are doing it out of goodwill. I dont believe I should get paid for what I do. I'm not okay with "Yeah, I will save your life but its gonna cost yah". There is going to be a few bad apples in EVERY industry, that is a fact of life. GROW UP, appreciate what we do for you or at the least dont try and cut us down as a bunch of losers. If you dont want our help then just handle your emergency on your own.
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