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Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Obama's Health Care Plan: What Do You Think?

After debating health care reform for more than a year, President Obama says it's time for Democrats to deliver.

Hotsheet has followed every step of the process, from early speculation about the process of reconciliation to the raucous protests from the plan's opponents.

Democrats are expected to use reconciliation within weeks, allowing them to bypass a Republican filibuster and pass a final bill with a simple majority of 51 votes in the Senate. Republicans, meanwhile, insist they cannot support the measure and that the American public does not want it to pass. Recent polling from CBS News shows people are growing impatient with the debate, even as strong support still exists for some elements of the Democrats' bills.

Now it's time to hear from our loyal Hotsheet readers. What do you think of the way Washington has handled the debate? What do you think of the policy options on the table? Let us know your opinions in our user poll here and in the comments section below:



Anonymous said...

As usual Dems allowed Repubs. to come out hard with fear tactics and demonization. The American people get worried, Dems. move to slow to assuage their worries, then the American people just get plain fed up. All while Repubs. smirk and hope to use the division to regain power while the American people lose out on REAL debate of the core issues.

Anonymous said...

And once again, it's Republicans who take part in the "polls". It's obvious when you look at the poll results.
I really didn't care for how the questions were written because they were written so your answers pretty much "had to" side with the Republicans.

Anonymous said...

There has been NO debate on core issues. Read the bill 9:25am, theres nothing in there that makes significant reform. Just because your ignorant enough to trust these crooks dosent mean the rest of us are. Your the blind leading the blind....

Anonymous said...

925/942......CBS is by no means rebublican msm. I feel sorry for you having to go threw life with such large blinders on....

Anonymous said...

9:47, that is my point. With all the fearmongering BS coming from Repubs. and the inability of Dems. to explain themselves (largely due to having to appeal to such a broad constituency) we haven't seen a true debate of what the core issues are. My previous comment says nothing about supporting the bill. But as we can see, the idealogues will quickly resort to insults whenever someone doesn't tow the line with them. Makes it pretty hard to have a constructive debate, don't you think?

Anonymous said...

10:12 Large diverse base.Yep all the welfare base, morons that say things like after Osama is elected we wont have to worry about house, car or other payments, the very rich like Bill Gates, George Soros and others all the while blaming the Repubs as being the party of the rich, all the illegals (more welfare reciepients for the base) The conservatives that will start taking this country back in November and finish the job in 2012 are the middle class that think people should be respomsible for their selves and government shoud serve a very limited role.

Anonymous said...


That right, when you can't argue the facts try changing the subject. And if you don't like the eastern shore the road that brought you here can take you back to the hole you came from.

Anonymous said...

amen 105

Anonymous said...

I'd like to see all Republican representatives & senators just stay home & not vote on this thing!

Anonymous said...

I have to laugh when the eastern shore insults start flying ! First off all great minds have come from small towns so go back to the city you came from stupid !