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Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Obamanos! Hispanics,Blacks Bail On President

President Obama is losing his core constituencies as black and Hispanic minorities have begun charging that candidate Obama lied to them with his message of "hope and change," Jerome Corsi's Red Alert reports.
"Having raised expectations with a charismatic presidential campaign, the Obama White House is now under pressure to deliver results to the blacks and Hispanics who voted for him in record numbers," Corsi wrote.

President Obama is losing his core constituencies as black and Hispanic minorities have begun charging that candidate Obama lied to them with his message of "hope and change," Jerome Corsi's Red Alert reports.

"Having raised expectations with a charismatic presidential campaign, the Obama White House is now under pressure to deliver results to the blacks and Hispanics who voted for him in record numbers," Corsi wrote.

Members of the Congressional Black Coalition scheduled a meeting with President Obama to demand progress on jobs, especially given that African-American unemployment rates at around 15.6 percent at the end of 2009 were much higher than the 9.3 percent unemployment for whites.

"The 43-member (Congressional Black Caucus) is fighting through one of the most difficult periods in its 39 year history, and some members and aides say they are getting far too little support from the nation's first black president – a man they once believed would be their strongest champion," Politico noted.

Rep. Alcee Hastings, D-Fla., said, "There's not enough attention to poor people."

Rep. Jesse Jackson Jr., D-Ill., warned, "While I respect President Obama, delivering victories for his political future should be the least of our worries on Capitol Hill."

Likewise, Hispanic Democrats in the House of Representatives threatened not to vote for Obamacare if the Senate's strict restrictions barring illegal immigrants from receiving federal subsidies to buy health insurance remained in the final bill.

A group of activists demanding comprehensive immigration reform legislation held a press conference at the National Press Club in Washington, D.C., to deliver the message to the White House that illegal immigrants and their supporters are losing patience with Obama.

Here's more from WND


Anonymous said...

Omama makes many decisions that are based on his religious beliefs. Being a muslim , they do not set well with any other religion. The people who voted for him were mostly unaware of his religious beliefs. But , he has a lot of support with the radical muslims in this country.

Anonymous said...

Why don't we go ask the black's and Hispanics I'm sure there will be a different answer than what this loony says.

Everyone wants a quick fix. Impossible.

Anonymous said...

8:44 why don't you join us here in the real world.

Anonymous said...

What gets me are the ones that support this bill. Do you really think it wont come out of your pocket too? Even Gov employees cost will go up and next year, just like the rest of us working, you'll be paying 6-8thou for someone elses health care and yes, the illegal ones too!