Yesterday Levi Willey Sr. pleaded guilty to 59 counts of sexual abuse charges. He was sentenced to 25 years in jail but Judge Newton Jackson III suspended ALL but 18 months of that sentence.
While many of you are outraged over this, allow me to explain why several of us have worked so hard to change the sex offender laws.
House Bill 254 now states, "A Court may NOT suspend ANY of the mandatory 15 year sentence." I should add, there is NO chance for parole. In another Bill related to this Bill, (which also passed) NO good time credit can be given on a sex offender.
I want to make some of these issues very clear and there's more.
I want each and every one of you to also understand that while we were successful in the House of Delegates and they did in fact pass the Bills, these Bills still must go through the State Senate to become law.
We cannot rest until we have walked these Bills through the Senate. We still need YOU to participate and contact each and every Maryland State Senator to encourage they accept and pass these Bills as written.
Should we be successful with these Bills, on Oct. 1, 2010 this will go into law and ANYONE charges with s a sex offense, (including first time offenders) will be subjected to this law and NO Judge can change it.
This is great news!! Thank you Joe for explaining this. Do you know where I find names and numbers for the Senators ?
Just wondering if the current laws are going to be adjusted to meet the offense? As it is now a 18 year old getting a naked picture from his 17 year old girl friend is a sex offender and gets put on the sex offender registry. Does he now have to serve a mandatory 15 years also?
anonymous 12:04, I would suggest you ask the States Attorneys Office.
Mandatory minimum sentence laws, such as this, virtually insure that defendants will take their chances at trial.
That will force sex abuse victims to be subjected to the embarresment, and anxiety, of testifying at trial, and the potential trauma of the defendant being ruled not guilty.
In the Levi Willey case, the State, and the Judge, agreed to the sentence to spare a 10 year old victim.
They should be commended; not criticized.
Would it not be easier to just get rid of judge Jackson?
Do the parents have the final say on that?
Do the math here, people. By this example, each count of sexual misconduct only nets you 21 DAYS in jail! This is disgusting and outrageous.
Again great coverage Joe !!!!!!!
All local media has taken a backseat on this one. You did great.
Mike Lewis awesome work. You have what it takes to get it done. I am proud to call you Sheriff.
It is sad it took such a horrific case to wake Annapolis up.
Great work !!!!!!
God Bless.
12:12, then call your senator and get something added to the law so that the victim is not forced to testify.
I agree the kids should not be put through it. But if the judges are going to let this )(*#)*#ers walk so they can do it MORE kids, then we need a law that takes away their ability to pick and choose.
Somebody hurt one of my kids, buddy you will never find them. They be gone.
Joe I do not agree with your Blog all the time. I have to commend you on your coverage of this issue. It has become obvious W.B.O.C. & the Daily Times have taken a nap on this one. Hands down you are the news source for Delmarva. I guess when they do not have "Bad" news on the Sheriff's Office they do report it or print it.
Keep up the great work and keep the news coming in that the bleeding heart liberals do not want anyone to hear.
Sarah was a hero and now this legislation will save other Sarahs out there.
I live just around the corner from where this child was found. I know not a day goes by that I do not think of this lost child. I am glad to see our Sheriff and folks like you took up this fight for justice.
I have stopped my daily times and I have sworn off WBOC.
Know we need to see that Leggs does not take another free breath.
I bet none of those 59 were Judge Jackson's kids or family members!! What a disgusting bunch of judges we have. They are a joke!!! How can any judge sit in front of a man that admits to 59 sexual abuse cases and give him only 18 months. I hope he gets what he deserves in jail/prison in those 18 months and Judge Jackson you are despicable to say the least!! Somebody needs to get rid of every judge that does this nonsense.
What don't some of you understand about " the Judge and State's Attorney agreed to this sentence to spare a 10 year old from having to testify".
And no, the MD General Assembly doesn't have the power to overrule the Sixth Amendment to the US Constitution, which guarantees the right to question accusers, if there is a trial.
That's right maryland just keep voting Demoncrat!
You can lay this at the feat of the politicos plain and simple
Vote the Demoncrats
Somebody sent this to O'Reilly on FOX. He exposes bad judges.
This is a link to the bill that passed unanimously. For some reason, someone amended the mandatory sentence from 20 years down to 15 years and it is only for 2nd degree rape.
What about all the other forms of sex abuse? None of it is covered here. This law states clearly it covers vaginal intercourse, only.
This is the person that is keeping this bill from being voted on.
Miller Senate Office Building, 2 East Wing
11 Bladen St., Annapolis, MD 21401
(410) 841-3124, (301) 858-3124
1-800-492-7122, ext. 3124 (toll free)
fax: (410) 841-3102, (301) 858-3102 Senate Judicial Proceedings Chairman, Brian Frosh is holding up his chamber’s version of the Jessica’s Law enhancement calling for long mandatory minimum sentences for those convicted of second degree child rape and molestation.
Chairman Frosh has placed Senate Bill 622 in a drawer that would ultimately protect the children of Maryland against sex offenders. Are we a voice for our children and their protection from child sex offenders when we place their safety in a drawer? Is this the value that Chairman Frosh has placed on the children of Maryland?
If Levi Willey pleaded guilty, then why would the child's testimony be needed anyway?? I see this as a mute point. The jerk deserves life! I agree the liberal judges need to go! It is deplorable and dispicable for Jacksn to give a slap on the wrist for such a serious sick crime. He will be out in 18 months doing it again.
12:12 spare one 10 yr old victim now at the risk of how many future victims? If there is enough evidence why would her testimony be needed anyway, particularly since the pedophile pled guilty?
I hate to say it but its sentencing like this that's going to lead to people taking the law into their own hands. I'm not advocating for that but people aren't going to put up with this type of a slap on the wrist. The criminal justice system in this country has become a joke. I don't care if you are 20 or 90; the penalties should be the same. I know some people have wondered about his age being a factor in his light sentence. Then there is the issue of children in these cases having to testify. Something has to be done there to not put the children through that but punish these monsters. Again, I hate to say it but it may be time for some southern justice. I know if I sat on a jury I could never convict a father that put a bullet between the eyes of the Levi Willey's of the world. It may be time to take that approach. They certainly don’t deserve to be taking oxygen from the rest of us.
8:37 and 12:12
The defendant didn't plead guilty until the deal was struck. The accused has a right to confront his accuser even if the accuser is a young child. Years ago licensed social workers (and other mental health professionals) could testify as to statements told to them by child victimss. More clearly stated: a child who had been a victem of sexual abuse would be able to talk to CPS workers and therapist who could then testify on behalf of the child. Unfortunately that can no longer happen.
As for the comment re: the "sparing" of one child to save future victims...please apply this to some young child who you love...who would be forced to have to sit in a courtroom (inc. the man who did the horrible things to her !) and discuss 59 sexual experiences forced upon her by some 81 year old pedophile. This child has suffered enough. I agree 100% that she should not have to relive these horrible experiences in public. Were this a child dear to you I am sure you would not want her forced to testify (extreme psychological distress). Sometimes what happens after sexual abuse can be more damaging to children than the actual abuse (reaction of non-supportive/non-beleivers, effects of the system,stigmatization). Another way to look at comfortable would you be sitting on the stand getting torn down by a defense attorney while relating your most traumatic, or, even simply your most recent sexual experince. Not easy for adults and sometimes too much to ask of a child who has been traumatized by sexual abuse.
I may have missed something but why couldn't a social worker and the proscecutor interrogate the victim and video it for the judge.
10:23 PM,
If Willey, or any sex offender, was going to automatically be sentenced to 15 years, without parole, as HB 254 proposed, they would have no incentive to plead guilty. Then the victim would have to testify at a trial.
Judge Jackson's sentence was 25 years, suspend all but 18 months, with 5 YEARS of supervised probation, not 5 months, as reported in the Daily Times article yesterday.
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