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Friday, March 26, 2010

Gas Prices

When Bush was in office and gas prices were kissing

3 bucks a gallon, everybody blamed it on him and big oil.

Why is it now that gas is kissing 3 bucks a gallon under Obama

And nothing is being said by anyone or reported by the main stream media?


Anonymous said...

It was in the news when gas was $4 and $5 gas was a reality. And, everyone complaining about health care has taken up all the news time so no time left to complain about other stuff.

Anonymous said...

Because nothing has been done to regulate the oil thieves.

Anonymous said...

your so right

joealbero said...

I never paid $5.00+ per gallon for gas.

Jamie said...

Go to and click on the 6 Years chart. You are correct Joe, we never had to pay $5 for a gallon of gas, but it was not that far off. Coincidence that when the gas prices dropped was about the time the GOP realized a Democrat president was likely?

Anonymous said...

Typical demon-crats, they just make it up as they go. Joe you are so right, but if someone was to ask Obama he would blame it on Bush.

Anonymous said...

Because every time we point something like this out, we're "racist", "Obama-haters", "we want him to fail", "red-neck tea bagger", or "Still the previous administrations fault". We already know the reasons.

Anonymous said...

The price of gas peaked when Pelosi refused a vote on offshore drilling and instead closed the congress and went on vacation.
People were suffering, trying to decide whether to buy gas to get to work, or make the mortgage payment and that bitch refused to allow congress to vote on drilling.
I will NEVER forget that!

Anonymous said...

Cause the MSM is "Kissing" his a$$ !!

Ron Brawl said...

I was just talked about this topic this morning at the Eagles club. Gas just keeping shooting up and the media doesn't seem to notice.

pissed said...

To pay for GW Bush War.....Scumbag

Anonymous said...

Cause we're used to getting screwed over by now

Anonymous said...

Oil was also at $145 a barrel. It is still around $81 now with soft demand. Gas should be around $1.75 right now.

The current administration WANTS gas to be around $7 a gallon to promote their green agenda. Obama has yet to issue any leases for offshore drilling even though Russia is drilling in the Gulf of Mexico.

Anonymous said...

I've spoken with a cpl ppl that work at refineries, some refineries have stopped production, some closed, some laid-off, all storage facilities are full...usage is down. This, in part is the reason for price hikes...usage is down. This administration, and probably ANY admin. will keep cost high....for the TAXES they get.

Anonymous said...

Obama has already said he was going to make energy prices unaffordable .

Anonymous said...

Because gas rose from under a dollar per gallon to four dollars in a few years time during Bush's regime. It hasn't risen dramatically like that in the year Obama has been in office.

Anonymous said...

The price of commodities are fixed and manipulated by the people who CONTROL OBAMA AND BUSH.

The Presidents have no power over these matters. They have no power in general. They are given their marching orders along with the scripts from which they read on the teleprompters.

Wake up

Anonymous said...

It is still Bush's faut.
Obama has healthcare fixed, so give the man a break.

Anonymous said...

A weak dollar makes oil cheaper to foreigners but more expensive to Americans. Get over yourselves.

joealbero said...

anonymous 5:13, You knoiw, there's only one Idiot that I know of who lives in Salisbury who gets a woody every time there's talk about tax increases or prices going up. Only One!

Anonymous said...

5:03 is that all you have ? Waste of a comment !

Anonymous said...

5:03 Obama fixed health care alright fixed it so we will be taxed to death and lose our freedom of choice if they feel something is to dangerous or unhealthy to do and might cost the government money . I don't know about you but I'm a big boy and can pay my own way and take what ever risks I want and can pay for them when I fail . I just don't feel I need to pay for your lack of dignity .

junior21804 said...

maybe you could tell Obama we want more choices in our gas prices in stead of our insurance!! blaming Bush inst the answer to high gas prices because no matter what your political party is the president takes the same payoffs from the same big oil companies as the president befor him and the 1 befor him nad the 1 befor him, you get it!!

Anonymous said...

We were also bombarded every day with the death tolls in Irag and Afganistan under Bush. I haven't heard a thing about it since hussien was selected. Just putting the messiah in power stopped all the death. Isn't that amazing?

Anonymous said...

ok... everyone thinks it, i will say it. our society has become scared to say anything negitive about the black folks. NAACP will crawl up the medias ass so far if they say anything negative about the "Great Black Hope". Now ,with that being said, I think it is great that a black man\woman has been elected President. That stops the comments about "the white man holding us down" bullshit.. The fact is that Obama has a strange agenda for this nation. white,green,purple,black, or green...if your messing up, your messing up. Report the facts media.