Quite a few people got up to speak. Some were classmates of Sarah in School, one was her Teacher. All beautiful heart felt words.
I have had several conversations with a family member of Sarah's and I want to share with you one of the things I shared with them.
As many of you know, I recently lost my Mother. We were so very blessed with the fact that God allowed us to spend three weeks of quality time with Mom before she left this world. This was a luxury I spoke of often because I truly felt this was a gift from God. Mom felt no pain in her last three weeks and so looked forward to going "home." Home, meaning with God.
While many of you wonder just how horrific Sarahs final moments were, Sarah felt no pain. Sarah was shielded by God and was long gone well before that monster Thomas Leggs took her from this world. I truly believe this to be true. My Mother spent her entire life serving God and now rests comfortably in his presence. Sarah, (an innocent 11 year old child) felt no pain. However, Sarah was taken away in an instant and the Foxwell Family didn't have that three week luxury as I did. It's a very difficult closure to accept.
Could we have done more for the Sarah's in this world. I'm sure we could have. However, it was said time and time again last night, LOVE your children. Give them that extra kiss at night and tell them how much you love and appreciate them because you never know what tomorrow is going to bring and or if tomorrow will ever come.
Today, many of us will meet in Salisbury to celebrate Sarah Foxwell's life. Over the past week a community came together in support, put all our differences aside, put Christmas on hold, fed each other, shook hands and hugged each other, perfect strangers. Sarah Foxwell did this for us. Do we grow from this, or do we divide, that's up to you.
For me, I see a light in Salisbury I have never seen before, at the expense of an 11 year old innocent child. If you choose to come to Sarah's Memorial Service, do so unconditionally. Do so because you want to better our part of the world. Don't point fingers, don't pass blame. Let God handle that one day down the road.
In the mean time, we have a lot of work to do in the year 2010. I hope to God our politicians are reading this message because we need them now more than ever. We need to unite, not divide.
A special thanks goes out to the Foxwell Family for being there Friday evening. One Family member mentioned that much has been said about the Family not showing their face in public. Sarah was buried last Thursday in a private setting. The Family should never have been expected to go public, especially under these circumstances.
YOU do NOT deserve answers. Those who feel they do did NOT go out and search for Sarah unconditionally.
Thanks, Joe. So very well said.
Will the location of her burial be kept a secret?
Look at that sky!!! It reminds me of Vincent's "Starry Night" painting. So much love. Beautiful.
Many people will struggle with what you have said, Joe. Many do not know God and do not understand how things happen in this world. I'm glad that you made the point that God did not allow Sarah to feel pain. There is an incredible book titled, "The Shack" that tells a story of a man dealing with the loss of his daughter in a situation much like Sarah's. The story is not about what happened to the child, but what happened to the father in his walk with God. It's an amazing novel that may just provide healing and peace for those who are struggling with this the most right now.
As we gather as a community to offer up prayers for Sarah, may we also pray for those closest to this case - the family, the law enforcement who were so emotionally invested in this case and continue to be and the friends and classmates that shared in Sarah's life.
Very well said. From someone who has lost a young child from a tragedy it never goes away 51/2 years later not a day goes by my son isn't thought of laughed about and loved and missed very dearly.To the Foxwell family you can only deal with it the way you know how and take all the time you need.I pray you will find peace in your little angels memories her laughter and her smile!God Bless you all.
We understand and appreciate your post, with the exception of this (the last) paragraph -- "YOU do NOT deserve answers. Those who feel they do did NOT go out and search for Sarah unconditionally."
Please explain what your meaning.
And, do you realize that many of us were unable to search for Sarah for a variety of reasons. I ask because that paragraph implies that all who were unable to do so are unworthy or worse, which seems unchristian to say the least.
Your hope that the circumstances will not divide us is most appropriate, but your statement quoted above is likely to do just that.
Joe says he sees a light in Salisbury. My God I hope so.
This was very well said Joe! I am not sure that my faith is as strong as yours,but I sure do hope that you are the one that is right! I hope she never felt a thing. May she have been long since flying with the angels.
You are again right when you say the beauty of the people comming together was something I have never seen before. I hope this is something that remains, because you are right. Our government can not ignore us if we stick together. This should never have happened, but may something good come out of this. I wish the laws to change,to protect our children. So something like this doesnt have to happen ever again to another inocent child! Together we can make a difference!
God Bless!
Sarah was Buried Thursday?
Yes,Sarahs family had a private funeral and buried Thursday
I Apologise to Sarah
I had heard that the Private Family Funeral was held on Thursday and for that, God Bless them. They needed their OWN closure! I woke up between 6 and 7 this morning, had my coffee and took a shower. I don't have a car so I was not able to make it to the Prayer Vigil last night because it was too far to walk at night. The Funeral today was within walking distance for me and I was ready to go. But with the temp at 25 and the winds blowing, as I started out walking, I had to turn back home. It was too much and the cars on the road came way to close for comfort for me because there are no side walks there. I am SO sorry Sarah! I wanted to be there so very much but please don't feel as if I have let you down. I was there in spirit and soul for you. You will always have a place in my heart for you.
Cindy Whetzel
If Tommy Leggs had GOD in his heart, the community would not be going through all of this drama. I hope you are right that she felt no pain. Again thanks to all of the community that searched for her. May God bless each and everyone of you.
Very well said, Joe. Sarah is now in the care of a loving, caring God who will never, never, let her be alone or be in any danger, ever again.
God Bless the Foxwell Family.
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