Age: 11 DOB: 05/18/1998
Sex: Female
Race: White
Hair: Brown Eyes: Blue
Height: 4'8"
Weight: 78 lbs
Missing Since: 12/22/2009
Details: The child was last seen in the PM hours on
12/22/2009 at her residence in the 31000 block of
Old Ocean City Road, in Salisbury, Wicomico
County, Maryland. She has brown hair that is
worn in a ponytail, and she was last seen wearing
red fuzzy pajama bottoms with Christmas trees on
them, and a pink John Deere t-shirt.
1 – 200 of 246 Newer› Newest»troper 4 is circling winterplace park and troper 2 is checking bennet rd
just posted this on facebook and hope others will too or anyother site they can
my friend works at the perdue plant on zion church road and she said there are helicopters flying all over the place.
Joe - please keep this at the top of your blog until she's found.
Please help find this girl , I know her mother and her very well !! Let us know what we can do to help ?? Keep us posted Joe
Praying for her safe return.
Hope and pray she is found safe and sound!
I don't understand why this Amber Alert did not get on the local media, it is not posted on the route 50 signs either. I received the recorded message from the State Police at 1:13PM today at my house. We live in the area of her home. I found it on the ncmec.org website and forwarded it to Joe and everyone I know. It went up on Delmarvanow website after it came up on Sbynews. It is still not on wboc or wmdt website. How sad...the more of us that know, the better the chances of finding her. I can hear and see the helicopters circling. If they need help searching I will volunteer. Thanks for posting Joe.
The mother's boyfriend is being interrogated by the WCSO right now. He's a registered sex offender ID'd by the other daughter as being seen with her last night. Other evidence was found in his truck. I hope they get her soon, and maybe find out why the mother let a registered sex offender around her young girls.
Any volunteers searching? Would like to help if anyone has any information on looking to help fine her!!!
Prayers for this little girl that she is safely found and returned to her home.
Praying for her and her family... Also posted on facebook. Does anyone know why WBOC doesnt have this on their website or as breaking news? I figured the more people that see her photo maybe the more of a chance on finding her!
Prayers here for this little girl and this family. Can't imagine what the parents are going through.
We had a phone message from the state police on my voicemail at home informing us of the abduction. I live in close proximity of where the abduction took place. I knew it was a bad sign when I noticed the helicopters that have been circling the area. We will keep an eye open for anything concerning this precious little girl. I hope and pray for her safe return.
My heart goes out to all..This is my friends little sister. I hope to the Lord that she is found asap. This is very serious. I live right across from the Perdue grain mill on zion church hill, and when i saw how close it was, it gave me chills. Again, prayers are with you all.
why so few details? was she abducted from the home? was she outside at the time?? if they have a person of interest, is it someone that's known to the family? as i read this my child was going outside...that didn't last long because of this frightening story..Prayers to her family and to her...
Dear Joe , This is my niece please,please,please keep this front page until her safe return . Haley bug is a precious little girl . Any one with information please come forward . We want her home and safe. Keep her in your prayers Thank you - Tracey Powell
Tracey, call me at 410-430-5349.
How come WCSO didnt release this information? alot sooner if at all?
If I recall correctly, there is a registered sex offender who lives on Bennett Road, I think there were two people listed on Bennett Road with the same last name.
What is the registered sex offenders name? What is wrong with these mothers allowing men in their home around their little girls!!!
The info that the boyfriend is a registered sex offender, who is in custody and the little girl is still missing is scaring me to death. Beat it out of the SOB.
anonymous 4:44 would that subject be William Leon Johnson, DOB 12/10/84... Go to case search and look up this fine citizen of salisbury.... Her mother should be ashamed of herself to allow a sex offender around her children, love isn't that GRAND!!!!!
To Tracey Powell,
I have known Jennifer for years. Please have someone call me so i can get in touch with Jennifer.443-944-6875.
Wondering if you have heared anything???
Nothing substantial. Like I said earlier, I am aware of many things in this case but I promissed the Sheriff's Department I would let them do their job and not interfere in any way. These guys are on it, so please sit tight and I'm confident we'll have some answers soon enough.
Do they need help in searching for her? This is breaking my heart. Please let us know if we can help.
hey joe i know you have sources in the WCSO and you probably already know that this is a recovery effort they are looking for the body of the little girl. i personally think the mother should face charges for endangering the welfare of a child. This happens far more often than makes the news when women date boyfriends who are sex offenders while they have young children.
Where can we go and help. What can we do besides prayer for this little girl?
check the local motels, that's where they found a missing child last year, under the same circumstances
Why do these people roam our streets at all? I blame the lawmakers, judges and those that keep re-electing them.
Hey joe you should do a story on how there is 178 of these dirtbags that live in salisbury, and work for PERDUE...???
Thanks for letting us know this... checked both "news" sites and they posted it 45 mins after you did. Incredible. why hasn't there been an amber alert going off on the local channels? no beep beep beep sound getting our attention then no amber alert emergency postings?? I don't understand.
OMG! Another psychopath on the loose. Could this be a Dr. Bradley copycat?
Please let us know if there is a public search put together? If so, please post it so we can join. If there isn't one then, please let us know so we can talk to Sheriff Lewis and arrange one. I cannot imagine what the family is going through. They are all in our thoughts and prayers.
7:16, those hens should be appropriate for them. LOL
joe is this a search & rescue????
How about a little compassion people! keep the lyncy mob mentality out of here and remember that a mother and family are without their little girl 2 days before Christmas. Keep the blame out of this, that person is obviously in custody and let's focus and finding her.
To ALL of you interested in a search party. When I spoke with the Sheriff's Department much earlier today I of course made the same offer but they stated they weren't using outside sources at this time.
In fact. I have a friend on the scene at the command center and they just announced to several individuals who also just walked up and made the offer to help search that they were still not using anyone outside the police efforts at this time.
Give it some time, (like I said earlier) and hopefully the Police will accept our offers and we can help in the search. I personally agree, time is of the essence and the more people they have searching the better the chances of finding her in better condition.
were is the command center located
All of you mothers out there, please visit the website and check for who is lurking in your area.
You cannot tell me this mother did not know about this. With everyone that myself or anyone of my friends date, this is the first thing we look for before even giving them a chance!!! Shame on the mothers who are so selfish to put their little girls in this situation.
I am keeping up with this all the way in Texas-I pray for a safe return and strength for friends and family. God bless all of you who are quickly volunteering to help out. I hope she is found unharmed-please keep us updated here as new news is made public.
The command ctr is at zion church on zion church rd. I just some ppl walking down brown rd looking in the ditches with flashlights. This is horrible! I hope he gets what he deserves!
To those who keep saying the mother is to blame - she was in the care of an aunt not her mother - and sometimes we do not always know who we are keeping company with - the facts are these we need to pray for Haley at this time - pray for her safe return to us. Tracey Powell - Sarah Haley Foxwell's Aunt
you can thank the liberal tools for things like this.our government and its liberal law makers have created laws to protect trash like this.they are afraid to give scum like his the punishment they deserve.if this happened to my child and we knew 100% without a doubt who did it i dont think i would let them make it to court.
Just hugged my kids and told them how much I love them. I hope this turns out well. Please Lord!
I live right in the area went to see if I could assist with search. I did see searchers in the fields near my home but they are not using volunteers at this time. Apparently, the sheriffs office will make statement later on whether or not volunteers will be used. I was told to watch the local news.
We have 70+ac of woods behind our home,just off Old OC Rd. We are searching, just in case.
The command center is on Zion Church rd at the church there.
Tracey, thanks for sharing that information. That is one of the things I assured others I would not personally put out there. I have just offered to volunteer once again all night with a search party. Let me know if anyone else is interested. I have not received a response back on it but if they give the go ahead I'd like to Post it and get as many people out there as possible.
i heard they are searching morris lenard road aswell. have they givin up on the woods behind winterplace park?
We are working on something with all the people calling to help. As soon as that need comes into play, we will contact everyone that has left their name and number. We have a lot of law enforcement personnel and search and rescue teams currently working. Thanks to all that have called and left their info, you will hear from us asap.
I'm a few miles away... can be there in no time... headed to the garage to check batteries in the lights and such. Just say the word.I hope and pray for the best possible outcome.
Though we disagree, we'll go together on this one.
It has just come across the news that the person of interest is now considered a suspect.Who is this person? Is he William Leon Johnson?
hey joe i will help look for the little girl to, just let me know if i can help please, 443 735 0440 my name is john,,,,thank you an GOD BLESS
Joe if they do agree to allow a search party my husband and I would like to help in any way possible. Please post the information asap. We are keeping a close eye on updates in case they do allow it.
anonymous 8:14, NO, that is not the person.
say the word Joe
Please let us know if they start using outside searchers. I am going to check this blog all night, and would be ready to go in a matter of minutes if needed. Everyone that reads this, think of your own children. Wouldn't you want people to care and help find your baby? Lord be with this child. Whatever has happened, whoever is to blame....the child is what matters now. Let's bring her home!
Check out watch dog.com. I beleive he lives on Bennett Rd in Salisbury
Please Please Please bring this precious baby home safe for christmas!! My heart is broken for her, I am praying to god she is okay.
thanks joe for keeping all of us updated on this horrible situation. would be willing to come help search - just say the word.
Apparently the news channels are reading your blog.... Amber alerts are now being ran on wboc
We are praying for her safe return to her loved ones.We would love to help out also...PLEASE let us know...4102513591
There must be something we can do? I am praying that she is found safe and sound. She has been missing since last night and 8:00PM tonight is the first I heard when I saw it across the bottom of the TV and I jumped right on here for more information....Please let us know as soon as there is something we can do. In the meantime I will be praying.
So do you know the name of the person of interest that they interviewed? If it is not William Johnson?
WBI, 410-548-4891
The police have the moms boyfriend in custody?
which police?
Does anyone have anymore details?
Are they allowing people to help now Joe? Is that why you posted the number?
Joe, about three years ago there was a search done in the Quantico area using volunteers from the area as well as a volunteer search and rescue team from Virginia and a group of volunteers who supplied dogs for just this kind of thing. The search was for an elderly man with alzheimers disease who wandered away for the old folks home there in Quantico. A team with the dog found the man alive, dehydrated, and hungry, after being missing for almost two days. There were many civilians who played a part in that search effort and it turned out alright. We have two four wheelers fueled and ready to go with people to man them for as long as necessary. We have wireless communications as well.
The person that is now a suspect is very knows the area that is being searched very well. His family goes back at least 3 generations in the area being searched. He obviously is not cooperating with the police.
No William Leon Johnson is NOT the person in custody!
anonymous 8:32, of course I know who it is. In fact, I have a Post all ready to go with the detailed information but I have not been given the go ahead to release the information.
Please go ahead !!
If there is anything, besides lots of praying we can do to help - please, please let us know. I will be there in a few minutes is needed or wanted to help.
Please let them find this baby girl!! My heart is breaking also...praying for her safe return and praying for family!
I will help search. Note it on here Joe and Salisbury and the surrounding areas will be there.
Bless the family and the Sheriff's Dept. Keep up the good work & bring her home.
can no believe how long it took for the law,public news(shame on you WBOC and WMDT),and the State of Maryland Child Protective Services to react to this ......have had alot to differ with you on things in the past but you have made a new freind ..... are we ALLOWED to help yet ?!?!?!?
Why can't they tell us whats going on?
I am waiting to go. If I can bring Coffee, Sandwiches, anything to help to find her. We need to keep the searchers going with fuel.
Mike Lewis can we PLEASE HELP!
All area agencies have pooled their resources together. I'm told Spd has allocated numerous personnel as well.
What can we do to help there is nothing on the" Eastern Shore Network"WBOC or WMDT" ?!
anyone have the scanner freq the search is on?
Unless they no she is no longer alive...this is an injustice to the child and any hopes that if she is in the elements that she will survive.
This child was reported missing when? The first I heard about it was at dinner tonite. This is crazy. Why hold back?
Could everyone just stop for a moment and look at the big picture here. and it is Sarah.... This child is out there somewhere alone without her family to hug her and kiss her good night... Regardless of her family's situation right now let's just put that aside and pray for Sarah....
Should we go to the command center?
I think right now we should just pray and let our great sheriff do his job. To many people will destroy sny evidence.
Joe, Thanks for all of the updates..We need to pray for Hailey and her family. We need to pray for all of the people searching for her... it is the efforts of everyone who is helping that will bring her home safe....It is wonderful to see that our community wants to pull together and bring her home...Please pray for her...let us know Joe when they give the go ahead to help in the search....
if mike lewis is on the job, then we have our best men on it. god bless her, i pray everything will be ok.
Anon 9:11 it is 24 degrees in Salisbury right now, if Sarah is believed to be alive she needs as many people as possible out there searching for her. She is 11 years old and the better condition she is in when she is found the more information she could provide police herself. Right now we don't need heros we need genuine caring people who will search side by side to work together and locate her. I wouldn't care if it were a police officer, a doctor, a hunter, or a farmer that located my child if he/she was missing. I would just care that he/she was found.
Notified Nancy Grace of the fact this is not being listed on the Maryland State Amber Alert system, also notified her of the delayed response to notify the public of this childs disappearance/ abduction. If Salisbury keeps on without national coverage there will be more crime and more incidences like these, it needs to stop NOW.
that poor little girl. people make me sick. i'm fed up. its going to get to the point of vigilante justice returning.
ANON 9:17 I agree 100% with you.
I would be there in 15 minutes if they put out the call. I'll keep checking back here. Please, please let this be ok.
I dont know about anyone else but im going to the command post at the zion church to see for myself whats being done. Anyone else want to join me?
I personally know the whole family. And my heart goes out to all of them and I pray to god Sarah is found and comes home safe.
Joe, a friend posted this on facebook from WBOC- If you're able to help with the search for Sarah Haley Foxwell, the Salisbury girl who's gone missing, call WBOC at (410) 749-1111, ext. 2. My husband called the number and they are asking people to go to the command post to assist with a search. My husband is on his way now while I stay with our kids and hold them a little closer tonight. God look over this little girl.
I am so upset. I am disgusted with the t.v. news with hardly any information given. People are willing to help, My husband, I and my father searched winterplace for about an hour/hour and a half before dark...And there was no police there searching. I am a mother of three and would be horrified if they didn't everybody to help that could. Shame on WBOC and WMDT for not having alerts up right away!!
9:36pm and I am chompin at the bit, ready to look for this little girl! Release us hounds and let us help bring her home!
I don't know this family but I have an 11 year old that is asleep in his bed right now and I'm so very thankful for that. Please, please let her be ok...
For the Love of God, I can't understand why on Earth we are just finding out about this at 4pm if she has been missing since last night. I don't know all the facts, but it is dumbfounding to me to know that a child that is 11 yoa and has not been seen for that long of a period of time and the public isn't made aware immediately.
anything new Joe??????
I'm heading out right now. Let's go people.
Anon 9:38:
We received a call from Code Red this afternoon just after 1:00 pm. But other than that, there was no media coverage on this until well after 4:00 pm.
Please post the address for the command center--I want to go, but the WBOC number was no help.
Maybe the reason why they have not asked for help searching and do not have a heavy police presence in searching is because they know something they're not releasing to the public. Before everyone gets outraged at the way this is being handled - please think that there may be a reason.
My prayers are with the family at this time.
Are they really interested in help now. I don't want to go and be in the way.
How about beverages and food for the searchers?
I have posted WBOC's request for volunteers on my FB page, and my husband is packing up the flashlights to head out there now. We have our own two kids, and as teachers, we feel like all kids are our kids. Let's find her.
I saw an S & L Deb filled in the blanks. Bennette road she has 40 yrs there under nineteen.
Just spoke with the Sherriffs department. Said they are getting volunteers to organize search parties for tomorrow morning if she is not found tomight. Call them and give them your name and number so when it starts we can help
I first would like to say...patience. We all want to jump up and just do something when that something will prevent a successful recovery of Sarah. Because dogs with the "NOSE" to locate various types of persons are being used, having 3,000 people trampling through the woods can ruin a track. What I am so amazed at reading is the shallowness of comments. You all forget many of the police have families too and want to find Sarah. That's why things are being done the way they are. No one wants to delay the recovery process, but if they just start letting eveyone run around on a wild goose chase, this search may indeed turn into a recovery. As far as going onto the websites and ASSUMING the person of interest is someone who isn't that is just as wrong. Joe has been given information he has been asked not to release for a reason. If and When he gets the okay, he has always been faithful and gotten you the scoop. Its okay. Patience. Its tough. We all want the best, especially at this time of year. We all have strings attached to our hearts. Pray, have patience and have faith in the system. That's something we all have forgotten.
Joe your thoughts on going to the command post. Will we be in the way?
Joe just heard who they have in custody....known him many years wish i could say it surprises me but it does not he was always a little wierd.... We will keep praying that Sara comes home safe... Keep us posted Joe you are doing a great job keeping us up to date....Pray for all that is helping in her search
My husband just called 410-548-4891, they are taking names and numbers to form search teams. We were told that only the police are involved right now and they will possibly need help tomorrow morning but they are hoping to find her tonight.
my fiance is helping with the search now...this just breaks my heart to know that she is out there and they have waited this long to allow others to help search for her. I hope and pray she is found alive and well and can be home with her family for the holidays.
I cry every time I look at my son sleeping safe & sound in his bed. I can't imagine what the family is going through.
Prayers go out to those whe are able to help in the search and to her family.
My 4 kids were outside playing today thats scary what a messed up world we live in
Folks, please remember that even though little information is being released, that doesn't mean that little is being done. You know Sheriff Lewis is doing his best.
I just called the above listed number for WBOC and ext. 2 and received no information about the investigation or volunteers to search....we all want to help but we need accurate information
Its on the National Amber Alert Page.
Just looked on this site of the county's sex offenders. It's been awhile since I last checked it. It's awful what these people have done! People...you need to look at this.
There is one guy on there that lives on Old Ocean City. Actually more than one. Michael Edward Kennedy raped and murdered a 20 yr old.
My heart is breaking over this news. Joe, please let us know and we will get in our cars and go searching for this little girl.
WBOC stated they are going to release the name of the person in custody @ 11:00....Please continue to pray for her and those helping to look for her
just heard the suspect may be thomas legg jr.... take it with a grain of salt
There is a Press Conference at 11:00 tonight at the Zion Church.
Sarah is my god child and as sure as everything i am i am praying and begging to God that she comes home safe thank you to all the searchers out there looking for her please bring my baby girl home safe and as far as the suspect goes i hope he rots in hell for even thinkin of hurting this beautiful baby
My prayers go out to the family. I am in West Virginia but i will come if you start the search. I use to babysit this little girl. She don't deserve thus please bring her home for Christmas.. Jennifer you are in my prayers as well as your family. Start cutting his fingers off i bet he will tell.. y are they waiting so long to start the search??? call me jennifer 304-813-9112
Where at faith baptist?
I heard (rumor) that they have been searching the landfills in Wicomico County since this morning.
And you know how rumors are, but still...
Any updates?
Heard from my son who is a deputy and they do not need help at this time. Be patient and when we are needed they will make the call.
Mr Wilkerson your comment makes no sense to me at all. HELP
10:08 you are correct...
I called the above WBOC phone number 410-749-1111 ext.2 and asked if I could help search. The woman said, "The police said they don't need anyone to search." I was hurt to hear this!!!!!
Just watched the 10 o'clock news on the local fox channel. I am disgusted about how unintelligent and ill-prepared our news anchors and crew are in this area. They stumble over their words, state the obvious and provide nothing. It is an embarrassment to the Eastern Shore.
Fox 21 and WBOC is now in full coverage mode They've now been doing regular updates and Amber alerts.....Havent seen a thing on 47 WMDT............ I guess they don't want to break into those important sitcoms. Way to go,Covered everything else..... 17 mins into the 10:00 news they have finally talked about it
THere is a Thomas Leggs (not Legg), Jr on the sex registry list. also can go to maryland judiciary case search to look him up.
10:15 in time it will.
PLEASE PRAY THAT SARAH IS FOUND SAFE!!!!!! No parent should have to face this nightmare. If there is one thing that the entire community can do right now to help is pray.
Thanks Joe, if it wasn't for this website, I wouldn't have known anything.
I was also wondering why no Amber Alert wasn't issued...earlier? And no details? I still t think the more details the better, but...
My family and I are praying for her safe return....
you know what, let's focus on finding the child and we can talk about the coverage or lack thereof of the news agencies later on. Deal with what's important right now. It's counterproductive to be so ignorant right now.
dive team to parsons lake
Sending a dive team to Villiage at Parsons Lake...reporting from Houston btw
Have they looked in the recycle bins that are in that area?? Hate to suggest that, but this type of potential crime often ends up as a recovery, rather than a rescue...
I believe they'll find her soon. We can only hope that she's okay.
a friend of mine just reported to the command center and was told no civilians would be allowed to search until tomorrow morning, stated that there was a potential for a crime scene to be compromised. does anyone know if Civil Air Patrol has been contacted? They have assisted in searches before and been successful. They recieve training in search/rescue. Scanner just called for a dive team to Village of Parsons Lake ?? where is that?
Just got back form Zion Church. About 100 or more folks waiting to help plus search and rescue workers. I was told listen for a news broadcst if they need volunteers.
We're all praying for her safe return home, God please just keep little Sarah from all harm and danger. Please just send your ministering angels and have them to wrap their arms around her. God please send her home to us because we love her.
I am assuming nothing was issued because they normally wait 24 hours when a person goes missing. I do no tknow if it is the same with a child. I could not imagine it being. Like everyone else here, I didnt hear of this until around 7:00 tonight. My nephew goes to school with Sarah! Everyone, just continue to pray for the best for Sarah and her family.
Happen to know someone who lives in the area - they have T.J. Leggs in custody, a sex offender.
terrible thought but if they are send ing a dive team, do they think she is dead now?
The amber alert wasnt issued earlier because the mother waited to report it! At least this is what I have been told..so take it with a grain of salt if you want.
I have to stop now, I just have to stop.
Thomas Leggs is the one in custody not the first person mentioned. But get this they both live on Bennett Rd!! America..we have a problem!
Mike Lewis ??? found his name on another message board...
This is the link to his delaware history
I do not know when the family actually reported her missing, or how long it was before the investigators were able to determine that she was actuay missing and not with a family member/friend/etc. But I do know that we saw the Command Post set up quite early today, initial Amber alerts went out to people who are signed up for notifications by 1 or so, and by 2 or 3 pm the Winterplace area was plastered with posters. The police don't have a magic wand - things take time, and really, they have done a lot if they didn't get a report until today.
Thats behind the Centre of Salisbury new housing complex
I don't know about the rest of you but I have a bad feeling about this. My gosh, and at Christmas on top of it all.
Is the County's "public information officer" Fineran helping to get the word out?
Dive team to The Village at Parsons Lake, which is just behind Bennett Dr. Ladies Auxiliary called to bring food and warm drinks, but advised not to go past a specific point. Looking grim.
Everyone should search their own property at this time and wait for further instructions from law enforcement.
My prayers are with this little girl and her family.
villiage of parsons lake is near bennett rd but it dosent look like there is a lake. It looks like a subdivison on mapquest
People try to be patient until morning. If we all go off half cocked in the dark with nothing but the best intentions of helping to find this child any one of us could come upon her and contaminate the scene. Please let the police do their job. Call the Sheriff's office and put your name and number in to be called should they enlist the aid of civilians during daylight hours. Many of us are hunters and know how to track. Many of us have a sharp eye for things out of place. We all want to do something to help. The best thing we can do is wait for WBI to ask for our help.
Joe - Kudos to you and your site for keeping us abreast of happenings as we pray and anticipate positive news about Sarah .....heartfelt prayers for Jennifer and Tommy as well.
# 93
He looks alot different in the 2 pictures
Seems he was convicted in MD AND DE.
Thank you, Kevin Griffin. I know everyone is anxious, but he is correct that when trying to track in the hopes of finding a live victim, too many people ruin the best chance by confusing the dogs' noses and other potential evidence.
First, pray. Second, be on standby. Third, go when summoned, but not before.
Be compassionate toward the family and police, not judgmental at this time. There is plenty of time for anger and blame later. You do not want to add to a family's pain over this.
Come together, people, with love, prayer and support. The number of people wanting to help is a wonderful thing.
Anon 10:37:
The pond is there.
It is diamond shaped and appears to be muddy--almost like a construction pond.
im sorry but the civil air patrol is a group of elementary to high school students the bodies would help but they dont have the experience to help and children shouldnt be out there just in case they find something bad they dont need to see.
Steve Dorsey from WBOC what an idiot
sorry to say that it sounds from the news conference that this is an expected recovery and not a search and rescue. so sad
I just finished watching WBOC with Steve Dorsey. I am appalled at the stupid questions that were asked. Clearly not prepared at all.
Mike Lewis you ROCK. I am so proud of you and how you handled this butt hole. Keep up the great work and god be with you and the rest of the searchers.
Say the word and we will help you in any way Salisbury can.
Thank you Joe for being the best News we can rely on. You ROCK too.
Wow our local newscasters really suck........ I'm suprised Mike Lewis didnt just walk away from steve Dorsey when he was stumbling and reaching for questions to ask.... peat and repeat were sitting on a fence peat fell off and who was left............ repeat......... pitiful seems wboc is falling apart trying to cover this story.
I did some cross searching and seen her mother Jennifer is no saint, she has a good number of cases and some that include endangering children. Is she being investigated as well? After all a woman that refuses to pay child support and puts her children at risk doesn't seem to be a very good mother or responsible person.
the reporter for wboc is a moron
now i wonder what excuse tj's sister is going to come up with this time for that worthless piece of crap like she did the first time he got in trouble for messing with the first girl. unfortunantly this family has to go through this but maybe now he will be locked up and off the streets. wboc keeps talking about bringing this poor child home for christmas it is not about it being christmas this is an awful thing to happen no matter what time of yr it is. i have three children and i can't imagine anything happening to them. i can't imagine what this family is going through.
Seriously WBOC...you are pathetic! I've never seen worse coverage in my life. No sound, stutter factory, awful questions to mike Lewis. Ridiculous! Rather read it from you Joe.
wboc is falling apart tonight
To one of Austinsoldteachers: Sarah's dad? Tommy? is this the same Tommy Foxwell that has the plumbing company locally?
10:57 look it up on google map then hit satellite there is a water hole there from the construction
... hear that her little sister saw the guy inthe house last night??
Could WBOC have found a more incompetent reporter to interview the Police captain?? How about asking the police what the suspect has said regarding Sarah's diapperance etc! He doesn't even listen to what Captains Lewis is saying to him.
Glad to see them giving so much coverage to this... I thought the Captain was a little disingenuous with his comments "We'll be out here all night long.... " So does that mean he knows she's dead, or the body is hidden, or does that just mean "We're willing to stay out here all night long".
Wonder how they know about the pond... is there a vehicle missing.
Parents... always check out the personal backgrounds of people you allow near your kids!
Hope she makes it somehow.... seems obvious that the police have no real hopes of finding her alive...
Is her name by chance Tracey?
My prayers are with Sarah & her family! Tj Leggs is a sick bastard! God please let her be found ALIVE and brought home safe!
I will help search..just give the word.
God Bless the Law enforcement involved and Mike Lewis. Mike said they won't go home until she's found. Guaranteed he means it too.
he asked if he had been charged with murder, you could tell it slipped out.
They will check every body of water within 3 miles of the initial crime scene as a matter of protocol. If they have no luck they will expand the search to 5 miles. Probably tomorrow morning. Bide your time. This is all necessary in order to maintain the integrity of any crime scene that may come to light.
Tommy Foxwell, Foxwell Plumbing is her father.......yes.
Also agree WBOC is ill-prepared and equipped to handle "newsworthy" coverage - you might need to start your own news segment joe....6AM and 6PM :)
T.J. started this pattern of behavior in high school - he earned a 10 day suspension when at his HS for trying to fondle a 9th grade student then.
He's had four offenses and he's still roaming the streets? He should have been put down like a rabid dog before he was 20 years old. Anyone who's ever had contact with him could tell you this was going to happen eventually.
i agree wboc is struggling handling this, especially steve dorsey but it isn't everyday wboc and our community have to deal with this. i am not sure any of us would not stutter. let's focus on positive energy not negative
Joe, if it wasen't for you we would be at the mercy of the local media. They are embarassing! Keep it up, you've made a believer out of me tonite.
wboc was and always is pretty embarassing. in reference to the comment about Jennifer being no angel, who among us is?I know I wouldn't want any dirt dug up on me, yet I've raised 2 lovely kids, grown now, but the road was rocky. and my choices, not always good.
embarassing broadcast tonight by wboc
Anonymous said...
Seriously WBOC...you are pathetic! I've never seen worse coverage in my life. No sound, stutter factory, awful questions to mike Lewis. Ridiculous! Rather read it from you Joe.
11:16 PM
I couldnt have said it any better..
It would be of help if they told us what he drove..maybe someone saw something suspicious and only saw a vehicle????
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