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Thursday, December 24, 2009


In his “State of the County” address on December 18th, Wicomico County Executive Richard M. Pollitt, Jr. announced that his Council on Physical Fitness and Healthy Living, an initiative that Mr. Pollitt promised to start in last year’s “State of the County” address, will kick off on Tuesday, December 29th, at 11:00 A.M. at Youth Exercise Services (Y.E.S) in Fruitland.

In last year’s address, Mr. Pollitt said that the fitness initiative would begin with him. Since that time, Mr. Pollitt has lost 30 pounds and has been working out at the Y.E.S. gym under the supervision of trainer Fred VanderVeen who agreed to take on Mr. Pollitt as “a project.” In the December 18th speech, the County Executive said, “If I could reverse a lifetime of bad habits and get in shape at my age, others would be motivated to give it a try as well.” Mr. Pollitt promises to give a brief demonstration of his work-out routine at the kick-off event.

The Council is chaired by former Green Bay Packer and Washington Senator star Tom Brown, a well-known and highly respected proponent of youth sports activities in Wicomico County. Assisting Mr. Brown on the organizational efforts of the past year have been leadership staff from the Health Department, the Board of Education, county and city government and local businesses. All will be present and introduced at the event.

Mr. Pollitt said that the Council will be primarily a public information resource of available fitness and health-related programs. The council will have a web site directly linked to the county website and will also utilize all communication tools available.

“We shall focus on bringing greater attention to issues such as childhood obesity, workplace fitness, senior athletics and many other key health issues,” said Pollitt.


Anonymous said...

This is so hilarious given the fact that Rick did nothing to curb the health care costs in the county. Nice Front Ricky but people are losing weight due to the economy and not being able to eat. They could care less about what size you wear.

Anonymous said...

Kudos! It's great to see those in the public eye lead by example. Anyone who has ever struggled with weight knows what a 30 pound loss entails. Ignore jerks like 8:40 and have a Merry Christmas!

Anonymous said...

LMAO, this coming from an 800lb Gorilla!

What a great example for all children in Wicomico County.

Lets focus more on cutting the fat in the county budget such as eliminating positions not need. ie. Jim Fineran, Public Information Officer; Sharon Morris, Assistant Director of Administration; last but not least Theodore E. Shea II, Director of Administration.

Pollitt should never have filled the PIO and Assistant County Administor's positions.

I am sure some of the other "department head" positions could be consolidated or combined.

What about he Board of Education? Has anyone ridden by the new Bennett High School to take a look at it? They could have saved millions of dollars on that building without that expensive brick work. Look at the expensive fancy glass and steel. That building is way to expensive for a Kiddy Warehouse. Wake up America the liberal democrats you keep electing are breaking us.