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Monday, November 16, 2009

Libtalker Montel Williams: Potential Ft Hood Reaction Equal To WWII Internment Camps


Anonymous said...

I don't have an issue with internment camps during WWII it was necessary unpleasant but necessary . As for a Muslim back lash I hope so the Muslims in the service who cannot fight the war on Terror because they are not allowed by the Koran need to be kicked out of the military and the country .

Anonymous said...

shouldn't he be more worried about his stripper wife?

Anonymous said...

An isolated incident..sure, just like the muslim that ran over his daughter because according to him "she had become too Americanized", or the daughter of muslim parents that became a Christian and had to flee her home state because she feared her muslim father was going to kill her for switching religion. Muslims have no right to be in the U.S. military, they are not going to stand up and fight for American so they have no right to be in America.

Anonymous said...

The American people seem to get it, and hopefully nesxt year will elect candidates that get it.

Amen to all of the above comments!

Anonymous said...

Montel needs to worry about his blender sales and just the F%$# up!

Anonymous said...

I don't know if all Muslims are terrorists or not but they the so called " Good Ones " are always suspiciously silent when something like this happens .I can't do much by myself but I no longer spend my money in Muslim owned business's and encourage all of you to do the same !

Anonymous said...

i think we should put montell and all liberals in an internment camp

Anonymous said...

And Montel was a marine! He is a disgrace!

Chimera said...

Someone put him in camp,along with Bono,Sean Penn and all the other celebrities who think they know everything.

Anonymous said...

I can't believe the taxpayers paid for a Naval Academy education for this clown!