The owner of this Hearse almost died when he saw the gas prices but Sam's Club was just too far away. Word has it Exon will also be selling caskets to compete with WalMart. The idea is, they have so many people dropping dead of heart attacks right on their lots, why not cash in and charge it on the customer's credit card.
Exon, your final destination One Stop Shop.
They get you coming and going.
Yup gas IS expensive. Thank you Pelosi, Reid, Obama, and the rest of the Dumbocrats that refuse to allow domestic drilling and that are shrinking the Dollar to the point that it is worthless on the world oil market.
So, how's that hope and change working out for ya?
Not all Exxons in town are expensive. The individual owners of the stations can choose their prices based on their nearest competitors.
If we drill here, our oil goes on the world oil market. It does not stay here. Thank the oil companies for that.
I told you not to bring travelers checks save them for your journey
$4.00 fuel will return soon. Wait 'n see lf I'm wrong!
Haha that poor guy. I used to work in that same store. He's a regular that stops in that store almost every day that drives limos, buses, hearses, etc. He's a good guy that just happened to be in the right place at the right time for Joe's camera.
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