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Friday, October 30, 2009

Speaker Pelosi Ignores American People

Yesterday, Speaker Nancy Pelosi and other House Democrats unveiled H.R. 3962, their latest version of the health care legislation that’s been hotly debated for months in Congress and across the country. (Read it here.)

One thing is clear. Your concerns about a government takeover of health care have been totally ignored by Speaker Pelosi and her allies, who worked behind closed doors to write this bill. After months of debate, the bill they introduced today is essentially the same bill the American people have already flat-out rejected.

Government-run insurance? Still in the bill. Higher taxes? You betcha. An individual mandate that restricts choices and innovation by requiring Washington to define what qualifies as health insurance? Check. A job-killing employer mandate, a budget-busting expansion of the Medicaid entitlement, and countless provisions that set Washington bureaucrats firmly between you and your doctor? Better believe it.

What about comprehensive lawsuit abuse reform and a ban on taxpayer funded abortion? Not surprisingly, those important items are still not in the bill.

There is one major and obvious difference between H.R. 3962 and H.R. 3200, however. At 1,990 pages, the new version is almost twice as long as the old one. H.R. 3962 has all the “government takeover” of H.R. 3200 with an extra thousand pages thrown into the mix. That’s a whole lot of government involved in personal, private health care decisions.

The American people want reforms that provide them with more choices, more competition, more innovation, higher quality, and lower costs. That’s the approach taken by the numerous patient-centered bills introduced by Republicans, including my own Empowering Patients First Act, H.R. 3400. Unfortunately, our ideas have been consistently and intentionally dismissed by the majority party.

But passage of this monstrosity is by no means certain. Though we expect a vote on this bill in the next week, there is still time to make your voice heard. Please forward this email to your friends, family, and co-workers. Get the word out and don’t delay. The future of American health care is in the balance, and we are on the clock.


Rep. Tom Price, M.D.


Anonymous said...

Why doesnt Price practice medicine full-time? Because he gets paid better by the big insurance companies, directly.

Anonymous said...

Maybe they will begin to listen to the american people after the elections next week. I predict republicans will garner some wins and the playing field will even out a bit.

Anonymous said...

If this bill passes , there will be wide spread disorder. This country is on the verge of a revolution and these idiots can't or don't see it. Obama is trying to please the illegals and poor that voted for him , this he is hoping will give him a second term.
He will awaken a sleeping giant if it happens. I hope it doesn't pass , however , we all know it will in time. I'm ready anyway , God help the ones who support this idiot.

Anonymous said...

You Obamabots have elected the enemy to run the government.
How do ya feel about being resposible for you own demise?

Anonymous said...

If government take over of health care is so popular why do Pelosi and Reid only have approval ratings of 21%? Any why is Obama's approval rating dropping?

Anonymous said...

Liberal agenda never seems to stop. Just word it differently and insult the american people's intelligence once again. Same old kennedy crap. UNREAL!

Anonymous said...

1:11 How do you know Dr. Price works "part time" and even if he does what freaking difference does it make? Paid trolls ALWAYS have to have the first comment, don't they.

Anonymous said...

1:40 you're right. this may be the defining moment. this may be the spark needed to set this whole thing off.

Anonymous said...

He is looking after his own.

Anonymous said...

I stand at the ready to defend my constitution and my country. locked and loaded.

Alex said...

This bill will pass and nothing will change in your lives, except maybe some of you will have a more affordable healthcare.
Obama will win in 2012 and nothing will change. This country is not on the verge of revolution.
Just because you refuse to look for news anywhere other than this blog of Fox News, does not mean that there will be revolution.
Take a look at stock markets, they're up. (not giving a credit to Obama here as historically markets act independly from whomever is in the office)
Thank you,

Anonymous said...

Alex is a hypnotized Obamabot !

Anonymous said...

Bella-Pelosi and Scary Reed coustumes available just in time for Halloween .

Anonymous said...

Does ACORN pay you directly or do you get kickbacks from the stimulus money?
Your arguements are beyond rediculous!
NOBODY can provide healthcare for 40 million more people and reduce total costs at the same time.
Don't like insurance companies, then pay as you go.
There is no such thing as a free lunch!

grand ole party said...

hey alex ! boy the stock markets were up today!hows your blue chips performed under this democrap domain of b.s. this blog and fox are a no spin zone .you friggen liberals think you can control every aspect of ppls lives.i am waiting for a bathroom cam at my job so i can show pelosi what she sees when she looks in the mirror.

Anonymous said...

Could it be that Pelosi is conducting according to the will of liberal constituents in her district? Maybe she's fighting for what the people in her district want. You can argue the merits of the bill, but don't try to make this a personal attack of Pelosi vs. America.

Anonymous said...

Alex, Section 2531 cuts off funds to states that enact tort reform. After a period of time you can no longer buy private insurance, but must take the public option. $572 billion in new taxes and it doesn't include $245 billion in money to keep Doctors from being cut. You can take Democrat promises and wipe your butt with them. No wonder Chavez and Castro love Obama.

Anonymous said...

Alex, I know your type. You will be the first person with a mid life crisis as you cant get ahead with your current job and then you will whine that the government has too many restrictions to keep you from opening your own business.

Its that, or you are already having your crisis and now think that because you cant better yourself you need to bring everyone else down.