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Friday, October 30, 2009

Red Kettle Drive Kicks Off, Let The Sniping Begin

Is it possible to sap the spirit of giving from Christmas? No, but some Eastern Shore residents sure give it a go.

Yesterday the Salvation Army kicked off its annual “Red Kettle Drive” with a breakfast in Salisbury. These giving individuals, and many others, will spend countless hours during the Holiday season ringing a bell in the cold and collecting funds to help those less fortunate than themselves. Sounds great, doesn’t it?

Not on the Lower Shore. Why? SbyNEWS publisher Joe Albero has the unmitigated gall to use Maryland and Delaware’s most popular blog to promote the Kettle Drive and encourage his readers to volunteer their time and money. Shame on you Joe!

Because Albero is none too popular with certain quarters of our community, some will actually encourage residents NOT to contribute. For those who live outside of the confines of our bizarre little “Peyton Place”, I’m quite serious.

Local gadfly and Barrie Comegys mouthpiece Jonathan Taylor requested that “concerned citizens” (translation - “Albero haters”) call the Salvation Army and demand that Albero be excluded from the 2009 Kettle Drive. Since Albero was at yesterday’s kick-off, that obviously didn’t work. Their next plan is to distribute nasty little pamphlets to drop in the kettle rather than cash. Now that’s the Christmas spirit guys!

Now the appropriately named “Grinch” promises to have “coins” made stating their refusal to donate because of Albero. Granted, this is so many mule muffins, but imagine the type of twisted personality required to come up with this nonsense.

It doesn’t matter whether you love Albero or hate him. Last year the Salvation Army was facing a shortage of volunteers. Albero took it upon himself to promote the hell out of the Kettle Drive AND donate hours of his own time. SbyNEWS readers stepped up to the plate with their time and money. Despite the economy, the Salvation Army saw a sizable increase in donations. Was this ALL because of Joe Albero. Of course not. I never heard him make that claim. However, there is no question that Albero impacted the Kettle Drive and he (along with his readers) should be applauded.

Instead, we are witnessing a nasty little cabal encouraging people NOT to support their own community because of one guy’s participation. Following their logic, if Albero is seen shopping at Wal-Mart they shouldn’t shop there?

My view is a little different.

To Albero - Promote the hell out of the kettle drive. Double your coverage of last year (if that’s even possible).

To SbyNEWS Readers – Keep it up! I know times are tough, but donate your time and money.

To the Salvation Army – Thank the Lord for people like Albero and his readers.

To people like Jonathan Taylor – Don’t forget your sun block. You're going to HELL!

from Delmarva Dealings


Anonymous said...

Rumor has it John Robinson is providing the protest coins to be deposited in the kettles.

Anonymous said...


My sincerest wish for The Salvation Army, the community and you - let's not mention the Grinch or anything about his "group" again this Christmas season.

The attendance at the breakfast yesterday and the level of community support proves that the Grinch and his group are of NO consequence. The Army and you - should not be tainted by him.

Let's just hear the positive, heart warming stories - and forget about the rest. It doesn't deserve our attention.

Thanks for all you and your readers do to support not only The Salvation Army - but other worthwhile endeavors on the Lower Shore.

Let's ring those bells!

Anonymous said...

It's not just Jonathan Taylor. It includes John Robinson, Billy Burke and Stephanie Burke. They are all ghost writers using Jonathan's name.

Anonymous said...

Birds of a feather, that group. I'll take Albero anyday. Frankly, if they - and people of their ilk -dislike Joe so much, why do they keep coming back to his blog?

You rock Joe!!!

Anonymous said...

Hey, wake up folks, thats why he calls himself the GRINCH, I call him the Fat Man, well actually something else LOL

Anonymous said...

Forcing something into the kettles to disrupt collections could be seen as a form of theft of service, like dumping your garbage in someone else's paid container or putting non-mail into U.S. mail boxes.

If I were your Salvation Army, I'd be prepared to file a criminal complaint.

Good luck to all down there.

Anonymous said...

I think that this is an absurd idea! Why would anybody trying to restrict the performance of a charitable organization just because they dislike one person who tremendously boast the performance of the organization?! "Salisbury Grinch" is a fitting name for JT-this context fits him perfectly! Not to mention, he certainly isn't in any sort of financial position to donate any thing except maybe his scooter so that he could get a new one on the dollar of other tax payers!

Unfortunately his plan may work, although not the way he had intended; times are tough and clearly charitable donations are going to be at an all time low this year. This being the case, donations will most likely be less than they were last year, thus giving crediability to JT-he will inadvertently be able to say that "Joe Albero's reputation caused donations to decrease this year" which may/will not be the case at all.

My primary, and usually sole, donations go to the United Way; however, I will make it a point to carry at least $10 on me at all times so that everytime I see Joe ringing a bell he'll get that money. Obviously I can't go out looking for you everytime you're ringing because I'll end up broke.

Joe, I will help you fill your pot and show the Salvation Army and the Community that it is well worth having you support this cause. I encourage others to do the same as well. And if you don't like Joe, I encourage you to walk up to him and say "FU!" as you drop the money in the pot to show that you are above these childish actions and are more concerned about a great cause than petty differences!

Anonymous said...

I don't always agree with things posted on site and to be honest sometimes i get down right pissed off. This is one of those times.

I may not see eye to eye with Joe all of the time--but I will give him one thing--he has a big heart.

Joe I applaud your help with the red kettle campaign! With the economy as bad as it is, everyone is hurting. We never know when we may need the help from the Salvation Army.

Joe, you never hesitate to post lost dogs, or requests for prayers for someone in need, or updates on local cancer patients, etc. etc. you truly do care. For that, I for one, thank you!

Please, everyone, support the Red Kettle campaign. The Salvation Army helps so many people. Anything you can give will help!!!

Anonymous said...

I said it long ago, those who try to do GOOD around Salisbury end up getting attacked. Usually the attack comes from those who aren't interested in doing GOOD things for the community and because they don't do anything, they come out like vultures against those who do.
I have learned my lesson around Salisbury and have taken my good works to other communities.
It will never change I don't think. There are too many people who just HAVE to see themselves as important for no reason and take the spotlight away from the ones who ARE important. Many of those important ones don't do it for the spotlight, they do it for the good feeling they experience in their heart knowing they HELPED someone!
That is Joe. Sure, he promotes his "cause" on his blog but as I see it he does it to get others off their butts to help, not for the fame of being a part of it.
Those idiots forget who it is that gets helped by this kettle campaign. They don't CARE who gets HELPED! They're just out to destroy those who help the cause!

I hope with your help Joe that the SA breaks all records for donations AND for volunteers this year!

Anonymous said...

i would gladly volentere if i had the time. i helped my mom do it when i was little.

Anonymous said...

Anon 3:56 PM, please stay in school!

Anonymous said...

My mother told me years ago that tha SA was the only charity that she gave to because when she was a child her family was helped by them. I have always tried to follow her lead. The fat POS said he rang the bell last year but wasn't at the breakfast. Chicken$h!t never shows up the same place as Joe unless his council buddies are there to protect him. As far as the magnanimous legend-in-his-own-mind JR is concerned he held an all-day fund raiser for a new skatepark and donated a whopping $68.00 after taking hundreds of dollars in merchandise to raffle off. I wonder how much was really raised? The fat pu$$y and his sidekick JR are sooooo jealous of Joe and his positive effect on the SA kettle drive they can't stand it! Keep up the good work, Joe.

Anonymous said...


Please - enough posts about JT and his sidekicks.

You and your readers are so above all that common stuff.

By continuing to post about them they are getting what they want - publicity and acknowledgement. They aren't worth it - and this kind of thing just takes away from where the focus should be - on the good work being done and getting ready to be done by the community.

Besides - if you REALLY want to drive them CRAZY - ignoring them would work best. ;-)

Thanks, Joe.

joealbero said...

anonymous 9:49, while I agree with you 100%, I did not write the Post. It was published by GA Harrison. I have refrained from saying anything about that group of childish Idiots, including JT, JR, Billy Burke and Stephanie Burke. Whoops, did I just say that. LOL

Anonymous said...

anonymous 9:49 you have hit the core of the solution. Ignore the nay sayers and maybe they will drift off into the sunset and let the Salvation Army and the good, giving citizen of our community do what needs to be done to fill hungry bellies, help those in need of assistance and last, but not least, help a child that may not know what Christmas is about, experience that feeling this year. Everyone, remember back to your childhood and think what it would be like to not believe in Santa as a child. And lets not forget the real meaning of the season and why he was born and the type of work he did on earth. GOD BLESS THE SALVATION ARMY, THE BELL RINGERS AND ALL THAT SUPPORT THE ARMY AND IT'S MISSION. Thank you Joe, for you time, consideration and kindness. Please, don't let a few nay sayers get you caught up in a whirlwind. Ignore it and maybe it will just go away.

Anonymous said...

I rang the bell for the first time in my life last year, thanks to Joe. It was truly an eye opening experience. There was change from some and dollars from others who had almost nothing to give. Everybody gave something, and everybody had a smile and a greeting. I am going to sign up and try to cover twice as many hours as I did last year, and I expect more will give this year than last. Thanks to everyone in the Community that gives to this event.
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