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Thursday, October 08, 2009


Where is it that the current administration is taking the country? Some call it Liberalism, others call it Socialism, however I believe it is rooted in Marxism. Some basic tenets of Marxism would include, -

* Control of all production.

* The transformation of society, by overcoming class divisions.

*A commonly owned and managed economy.

* Free and universal education.

* Abolition of the standing army, replaced by a citizens militia.

Marx came to see that capitalism had created, an oppressed class. He was convinced that in no social order will freedom be assured as in a society based upon communal ownership. While the thoughts and writings of Karl Marx and his disciple, Frederich Engels are far too lengthy and complicated to put into a few short paragraphs, we should be able to see parallels in our current government.

To succeed in the reformation of the government it is vital to demonize those who have been successful under capitalism. The mass of people must be convinced they have been oppressed and denied the opportunity to prosper. Only by following the enlightened leadership will people be free. A compliant media and the suppression of descent is critical to the takeover of the country.

In my opinion, it is not Conservative verse Liberal or Democrat verse Republican. It is Capitalism verse Marxism. Where will you stand?



Anonymous said...

A) moves initiated in 2008 (before Obama) were being used as an emergency outlet to ward off recession. These moves are temporary.

B) Is there something wrong with setting conditions so that the child born and raised in the ghetto has a chance to grow into the next Bill Gates?

C) see "A"

D) public education is nothing new. Are you saying this is bad?

E) no one is abolishing the army

My point, if you really want to sway minds to your point of view, stick to the facts. Take an objective view of the facts, THEN make a decision instead of trying to mold the facts around your ideaology.

Anonymous said...

I agree with you that we are dealing with Capitalism vs. Marxism. The problem that we are having is that the middle class is always paying the bill for a capitalistic system. Until we can get the greed under control, capitalism will be in danger. It's not only the "poor" who know how to work the system.

Anonymous said...

Come on, ifyou take out the military spending the US economy is over 95% public generated. This post is a lie!

Joel said...

Is the person that wants a handout at taxpayer expense less greedy than Congressman Rangel who cheats on his taxes? Or Pelosi who must have a luxury jet? or the CEO who takes exhorborant bonuses?
We currently provide a free education K thru 12. Higher education is only free to those bright enough to obtain a scholorship[. Take a look at N. Y. city college, a once fine institution, that was wrecked by open enrollment.
Success comes before work only in the dictionary.

Anonymous said...

Everyone is pointing fingers in the other direction when there is guilt on all sides of using the system to benefit individuals. Our "elected" officials lie to our faces to get elected and then pander to whomever benefits their needs. The "poor" are sick of not being able to escape their circumstances. The middle class just pays and pays. The wealthy will continue to protect their wealth regardless of what they have to do to protect it. This vicious circle will never end. Whatever system is operating there will be corruption as human beings are not as intelligent as we would like to believe.

jefferson said...

It seems to me your basic assumptions are way off base.
Who is trying to control all production???? Certainly not the government. Initiatives that were put in place to help in an effort to recover are temporary.

I am, sorry, I do not see anyone forcing us into a different class. Equal opportunity, if that what you are talking about,is a truly democratic ideal.

If you wanted to go out tomorrow and start a business, who would stop you? would that business be state run? Don't think so.

Free and universal education. Yes we have that. Do you wish to abolish it?

Who is getting rid of the army? do not see that on anyones agenda. Id on not see a basis for any argument here at all.