DelMarVa's Premier Source for News, Opinion, Analysis, and Human Interest Contact Publisher Joe Albero at alberobutzo@wmconnect.com or 410-430-5349
Saturday, September 05, 2009
Worcester County Deputy Fire Marshall Indicted
"Brian Winter, a Worcester County deputy fire marshall, was indicted by a Wicomico County grand jury Thursday on first degree assault and weapons violations in connection with a domestic dispute resulting in a shooting at his Salisbury residence on August 15, 2009. He is free on $50,000 bond while his wife, Jennifer White, remains in custody for similar charges."
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Does anyone know where her two children were during this event? Those poor kids need our sympathy and prayers - hopefully her mother can help.
The kids are fine and are being taken care of.
You people really need to mind your own business and worry about yourselves. That is the problem with the world today. No one knows how to just worry about themselves.
Brian and Jen were alone when the shooting occurred. None of the three childen were at home.
"You people really need to mind your own business and worry about yourselves. That is the problem with the world today. No one knows how to just worry about themselves."
Yep, keep it behind closed doors. It is not like someone got shot.
Anonymous said...
You people really need to mind your own business and worry about yourselves. That is the problem with the world today. No one knows how to just worry about themselves.
4:35 PM
Two idiots with guns and everyone is supposed to ignore this situation because you want them to?? You are just as much an idiot as they are.
This is exactly why Fire Marshal's shouldn't carry guns, they are not police.
Being a Fire Marshal I went through the 24 week police academy at the Easternshore Criminal Justice Academy just like every other police officer did on the shore. I arrest criminals for arson and other fire related crimes. I went through more training to be an expert in origin and cause of fires and post blast schools so I can testify in court. I carry an MPTC card just like every police officer in the state of maryland carries. How ever I guess anon 9:10 feels that does not meet the standards of being the police.
They carry guns because people who commit arson are dangerous people, and they deal with them on a regular basis. if I investigated arsonists I'd want a gun too.
To the Assnonymous person who left the comment regarding fire marshalls not being police, well I'm here to give you a lesson so please pay attention if you can. The fire marshalls in the St of Md have to go through an accreditated police academy therefore earning the rank of Police Officer. They do the exact things that the recruits have to do to become police officers. So maybe you are just a disgruntled person who is just another f**king idiot who is trying to THINK they know about things!!!!
Don't be fooled people-a fire marshall CAN arrest and/or detain people so they usually are carrying.
Don't let it bother you too much. If Joe would censor some of the crap that he allows on here and set some sort of standard, maybe it wouldn't be such of a rumor and gossip mill.
ESCJA 61 said...
Being a Fire Marshal I went through the 24 week police academy at the Eastern shore Criminal Justice Academy just like every other police officer did on the shore. I arrest criminals for arson and other fire related crimes. I went through more training to be an expert in origin and cause of fires and post blast schools so I can testify in court. I carry an MPTC card just like every police officer in the state of maryland carries. How ever I guess anon 9:10 feels that does not meet the standards of being the police.
she is not some innocent abuse victim here! do a maryland judiciary search. she is an ex-marine with a history of violence in relationships (ask any of her other husbands - plural! - or boyfriends). she has even posted pictures of herself AND her children waving guns around on social networking sites. also, not to point out the obvious, but HE is the one who got shot and she was the one showing "no signs of abuse."
On the other hand, because Joe let that idiot's comment through (which I knew was idiotic just because it blamed a whole group for the actions of one person)...
I just learned a lot about fire marshalls! Thanks, and may you fellas be safe in your dealings with the arsonists!
OH, that's right...he can wonder around while his wife sits in jail because he works to serve the citizens. If her charges are no more than his she should be out to what an injustice. BUT of course that's the way SHORE governments work.
Stop lying.
she is not some innocent abuse victim here! do a maryland judiciary search. she is an ex-marine with a history of violence in relationships (ask any of her other husbands - plural! - or boyfriends). she has even posted pictures of herself AND her children waving guns around on social networking sites. also, not to point out the obvious, but HE is the one who got shot and she was the one showing "no signs of abuse."
Him being released has nothing to do with government. Their bonds were/are the same $50,000. Which means $5,000 can get you out of jail by any bail bondmens. Looks like her family and friends feels she's better off in jail.
OK Anonymous 2:52AM, I did a judiciary case search on Jennifer Kay White and there is not ONE record of violence or domestic abuse on her part!! There is NO history of violence in her relationships. Yes, there are pictures of her SAFELY showing her children how to use a gun, she IS and ex marine and knows weapons and her father taught her how to shoot. So she does not have the normal fear an average Jane Doe would have of pulling the trigger in a threatening situation. They are BOTH at fault that night of making poor, drunkened decisions. Get your facts straight before you post LIES!
she is not some innocent abuse victim here! do a maryland judiciary search. she is an ex-marine with a history of violence in relationships (ask any of her other husbands - plural! - or boyfriends). she has even posted pictures of herself AND her children waving guns around on social networking sites. also, not to point out the obvious, but HE is the one who got shot and she was the one showing "no signs of abuse."
2:52 AM
everyone else is spreading lies? right! that's why jennye is in JAIL! or is that a lie too? time to let her face the music and finally be accountable for her actions. who "safely" teaches a young child to use a gun anyway??? even britney spears thinks that's a bad idea.
you can find out more about Maryland State Fire Marshal's Office at the above web site.
now about Wor. County Fire Marshal's Office. http://www.wcfmo.org/
I just did a judiciary case search and found 11 entries for Jennifer K White..........
Fathers have been teaching their sons hunting safety from a very young age. How many pictures have we seen of 6, 7 and 8 yr old little boys all decked out in camo proudly displaying their first 'kill'? But there's something wrong if a mother teaches her daughters gun safety? In the picture you are implying to, the child has ear protection on and is being taught gun safety in a safe environment. I never said Jen was not at fault. They BOTH were at fault that night. Both had guns out and waving around. Either party could have pulled the trigger had they felt threatened. That's why they are both charged equally. I read the judicial search, they are all for speeding tickets and traffic violations. Not one act of assault or domestic violence. All I am saying is dont spread LIES for the sake of spreading LIES about another person just because you dont like them.
What I don't understand is why this website has to illustrate that he is a Worcester County Fire Marshall. The problems between them two are "personal" domestic issues and have nothing to do with his employement. And before you idiots say it was because of the gun(s), I supposed had she shot her boyfriend she was seeing while separated from Brian, the headline would have read "Ex-Wife of a Worcester County Fire Marshal Shot Boyfriend"
You sound very immature or very young. Or both.
everyone else is spreading lies? right! that's why jennye is in JAIL! or is that a lie too? time to let her face the music and finally be accountable for her actions. who "safely" teaches a young child to use a gun anyway??? even britney spears thinks that's a bad idea.
Him being released has nothing to do with government. Their bonds were/are the same $50,000. Which means $5,000 can get you out of jail by any bail bondmens. Looks like her family and friends feels she's better off in jail.
Your last comment is extremely UNTRUE. As FAMILY, we just don't have the means to bail her out right now. $5K for SOME people is a lot of money that you NEVER get back. Her mother is putting one child through college and taking care of her children while this ordeal is going on. Priorities are in order and obviously everything has been well thought through. I would suggest all of you keep your comments about Jennifer to yourself considering many of them have NO VALIDITY. She has NO previous domestic violence related offenses. You're just making yourselves look like gossip hungry cyber lurchers. Grow up.
Newsflash: Jen is out of jail and doing fine. Thank all of you for your concern and well wishes. Stay classy.
Anonymous said...
Him being released has nothing to do with government. Their bonds were/are the same $50,000. Which means $5,000 can get you out of jail by any bail bondmens. Looks like her family and friends feels she's better off in jail.
i would sell me car if my daughter was in jail to get her out for 5K. Why has that not happened? I feel sorry for both of them, they let booze get affect their lives
looks like you let booze affect your speech. you don't know what you would do until it happened so crawl back under your rock.
"She has NO previous domestic violence related offenses. You're just making yourselves look like gossip hungry cyber lurchers. Grow up."
I now know for a fact you don't know know more....
What about the time while Brian was in the police academy (and almost got kicked out at that) when the Ocean City Police Department were summoned to their house on Old Wharf Road for a domestic and verbally heated argument where one of her illegitimate daughters was scared for her life and called 9-1-1. Check those police records and see what you come up with.
Oh.... that's right... Jennye doesn't have an previous history of violence... She is an angel and i'm the pope and guess what... I DEFINITELY KNOW MORE
I know you are a nasty POS. Now you attack the children with your B.S.? And Joe, you are no better for allowing this vile crap to go on. Shame on both of you.
11:50 AM
First of all, Jennye has no illigitimate children. If you lack education, look the word up the the dictionary and you will find out the true meaning. Her daughters were fathered by her ex husband and then her tubes were tied. The children that night in OC never called the police, but where there when Brian was holding her down and throwing her around the house not allowing her to escape. The phone call was made by Jennifer and Brian was escorted out of the house my the PD. Jennifers father would have gotten her out day one, but he knew she was going to get arrested again when it got put to circuit court so he waited. As soon as she got the papers served in jail, she was out. I leave you with asking yourself this question. what would you have done with a loaded Glock to your head? Let him shoot you? Let me know how that turns out.
Check your facts before you make comments like what would you do....
According to police documents the gun was never loaded - it had a magazine but no round was ever chambered. So technically - the gun was never "loaded".
Thank god her tubes have been tied if they actually are. Brian obviously has a problem using protection and God knows neither of them should be permitted to reproduce and bring more children into this screwed up household.
You know what the sad part of this whole thing is? Not to mention our society in general on domestic violence... In three months they will probably be back together again and next time this happens, and it almost always does, one of them will end up more seriously injured or dead.
Hell who knows, maybe they will both end up on Jerry Springer or one of the other daytime drama shows.
True. His gun was "loaded" just not "locked" (no bullet in the chamber according to the official DC papers).....
It is ashame the main street media had to rehash old news. And again they had to emphasize the "Worcester County" part. This was a domestic issue and if the papers and this blog for that fact, had to report every domestic where an injury was the result, no other news would ever get reported.
I think they just ruined his job and any "decent" job she may want in the future.
1:45 PM
You have got a lot of room to talk about anyone that should not be reproducing.
It is quite obvious that you have your own personal agenda in this matter. We get it.
People get dumped all the time. Get over it. Judging by your mentality, it will certainly happen again.
I for one am finished giving you the attention you seek. Go find it elsewhere.Hate is eating you up from the inside. Go take a walk or something.
any update on this situation?
oh lovely, now this broad is working in Elementary schools in wicomico county......
I'm trying to figure out how a woman is arrested for shooting someone and is now working in schools.
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