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Saturday, September 19, 2009

Raw Diet For Pets

Information collected by Jane Anderson

Millions of people around the world feed their pets a raw diet. This is not a fad. If your vet does not support your quest for a healthy pet via a raw diet, please find another vet!

Let's face it, pet food companies and vets do not want you to feed a raw diet, because it harshly affects their profits. Isn't it time your pet's health came before someone else's profits? I've received 10 times my normal amount of email in recent days by people justifiably scared by the recent pet food poisoning problem. If you want to switch to raw food, and you need help in addition to what's provided on this site, or just want a cheer squad on the side to encourage you to explore your options, feel free to email me . I may take 2-3 days to get back to you (I work full time in another job + have the family), but drop me a note.

I care about your pets' health, and I care about your learning journey.

GO HERE to read and view more.


10001110101 said...

My dog generally gets:
Poached eggs and toast
Hot oatmeal with cream

Rice and Vegetables
Boiled potatoes and french cut green beans.

He loves milk to drink and gets a milk beard from it.

He no longer eats dog food. I am sure he would, given a long enough wait but I have made him a rotten rascal so that stares me down until I give him the goods.

Chimera said...

I have read about raw diets before and if you have the time to prepare it,it really is beneficial to pets.I wouldnt feed a dog or cat prepared table food but some do.Cooked chicken and rice are very good for a pet w/diarrhea issues.