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Friday, August 14, 2009

A nice compromise

I like to be the type of person that finds a compromise in a contentious issue.

Well the latest one happens to be health care reform.

Why don't we have each party (Democrat, Republican, and any Independent parties in Congress) draft up a health care reform bill? Then we present them to the voting citizens of the US, without telling anyone which party wrote each one (in order to eliminate bias on all sides). We give it 6 months to a year for the people of the United States to have a chance to read and decide. And then the people vote. Which ever one receives the people's majority wins. And then we reveal which party wrote the bill people want. Just for kicks of course. The health reform bill the people of the US voted for directly, is the one we have, that way the majority wins, and (hopefully) everyone makes an informed decision.

Let's face it folks, Congress has for the most part stop listening to the people who voted them in. In an issue as important and life changing as this one is, we shouldn't go relying on people who don't listen to us to make the decision. The people of the US should directly vote for it, as it is something that affects us deeply.

Now a few other rules. The bill should be no more than 100 pages long. There is no reason for a 1,800 page bill that (I am going to go out on a limb here) the VAST majority of Congress hasn't bothered to read. I think you can cover everything in 100 pages. Maybe 150 tops. The bill needs to be written in plain simple language that anyone with a basic high school education can understand. There should be people ( not from Congress) to explain any part of each bill that someone doesn't understand in the easiest way possible. That way everyone can figure out which works best for them.

Something tells me that if this happened, we would have a voter turnout that would lead to a true majority deciding the path our country is to take. Not a bunch of power hoarders out of touch with their constituents deciding for us.

If this miracle were to occur, even if which ever bill I voted for lost, I would still be pleased with the outcome, because I would know that this is what the majority of the country wants, and that democracy has (finally IMHO) worked.

Just a thought. What do you all think?


Anonymous said...

I've got a better idea. We voted them all in last year, so why don't we follow the Constitution, and let them do their jobs. I voted for Obama because he promised health care reform. He's trying to achieve that now. He's listening to me, and the other 54% of the population that voted for him. Welcome to Democracy.

joealbero said...

It's an excellent idea. However, as seen from above from anonymous 4:23 who is clearly glued 24/7 to Salisbury News, it scares the crap out of his type, democrats.

You see, it's fair and honest and all they can understand is demand and control.

Reminds me of little sissies stomping their feet, I Want, I Want!! It's my ball and you can't play with it, I had it first, kind of crap. Goo work Chelsea.

Chelsea Reid said...

Well I'm a Democrat as well, who voted for Obama.

But at this point, I have lost faith in Congress's ability to develop a bi-partisan bill that can be agreed upon. Let the people decide. That would be true democracy.

Anonymous said...


Well we wont hold that against you, although I can't understand your vote.

I will say it is an excellent idea and would be accepted by most people, however because it does make so much sense the politicians would never let it happen.

Anonymous said...

I think it is an excellent idea. I agree that the powers that be don't seem to be listening to the public any longer and they just do what ever they feel like doing. I also agree that we don't need an 1800 page health care package that has 1500 pages of "other junk" thrown in on the side.

Anonymous said...

The short answer. Because ACORN rigs elections.
I have a better idea. LEAVE HEALTHCARE ALONE!!!!!
You want health insurance..go buy it! There are plenty of companies selling it!

Anonymous said...

Just watch how the elected representatives respond to the overwhelming number of people that don't want government healthcare.
Do you want those same arrogant S.O.B's in charge of decisions about your treatment.
Try to get an audience with one of them when your sick and need treatment that the government won't cover.

Anonymous said...

I'm tired of hearing about people who say that their "insurance" won't cover certain treatments.
1. You can buy as much coverage as you want.
2. You can pay out of pocket for ANY treatment available.
Under government health care, neither of those options will be available.
B.T.W. Don't give me the Obama talking points. Once the government gets into the health care business, all of the private choices will be forced out. It's just a matter of time!

Orsonwells said...

Waaaiittt a minute! Every Congressman knows that he knows what is best for you better than you do! They could never let us make our own decisions!

Besides... Which one would be able to keep the secret all year! HA!

Anonymous said...

Anything that impacts 16 5 of the national economy should be a constitutional amendment, ratified by 3/4 of the states. That won't happeb because Obama and his cronies know it would never pass. We are now seeing why he wanted it passed before cngress went home to listen to the people.

Anonymous said...

Congress is a drama, the elected officials are actors, the script has been written.

Anonymous said...

it's good idea and I'm old enough to remember when things 'were' on the ballot.

I would like to add that whatever the people vote for, all political members of the house and senate must first try it for a year and remain in whatever program that passes

Anonymous said...

sounds good but I am not sure we can even do that lawfully and can you even imagin the misinformation and inability to remain silent on whose plan is whose????????????

Anonymous said...

OOOH Pelosi would really hate this idea... I like it already!

Anonymous said...

I think you are on to something here Chelsea.

Anonymous said...

We already had an election. If you don't like the results, you get to try again next year. Until then, deal with it.

Anonymous said...

Chelsea you are brilliant! I only wish there was a way to keep everyone honest enough for it to work.

Unfortunately, the plan on the table will create financial segregation worst than what already exsists. Those with money will pay for/bride their doctor to see them. Those without will have to wait until their number comes up. My child is a cancer survivor and cannot wait when she needs treatment. I would sell everything I own if she needed to pay/bribe a doctor to be seen or get immediate treatment. I'm sure this would be viewed as dishonest by most but when it is your child you would do anything. We have great insurance now and I am thankful. I have no hope that we will be able to continue with this great insurance if this plan passes.

Poppy J.

Anonymous said...

Then we are changing the rules of what a representative democracy is. Regardless of "being fair" just look at California for an example of what happens if you bypass the standard legislative process and allow all important decisions to be decided by popular vote.

Nothing ever gets done. Voter turnout would still be low. The losing side would file injunctions in court that would hold up any progress for years. There would be other elections to try and counter the election results of the first one. We would live in a permanent election cycle, 24/7/365. Television ads, then counter ads, then counter counter ads, and an even deeper divide between the people, a greater distrust of government, blah, blah, blah.

Then, who is paying for all these elections?

Idealism is nice, but it has never worked.

Anonymous said...

To hell with bi-partisanship. The republican don't want to work with Democrats, and everyone can plainly see that. Congress should use the Budget Reconciliation Act to push real health care reform through. Bush had no problem using this, or any other tool at his disposal, to push legislation through the congress, why should Democrats be any different.

Michael Swartz said...

Chelsea, you are making a few mistakes in assumption here.

First of all, you're presuming that government needs to come up with a solution that is based on government interference. Most of the TEA Party and other protestors tend to be of the opinion that government needs to have its hands off health care, so your pallette of choices should include a "none of the above" option.

The second problem is that our nation is set up to be a representative republic intentionally. Obviously states can have referenda to decide issues but our Constitiution is set up so as our country would not be a true democracy because what the majority wants is not always in our best interests as a nation (for example, it's been determined that only a minority wanted a revolution in the first place - if we listened to the majority then where would we be?)

Finally, you can bet that if the people speak and the result isn't what is desired by the far left they will try and find a judge to declare the result null and void. Happens every time they lose at the ballot box.

As imperfect as our system is, it's still the best going. That goes for both our health care system and method of government. Lord knows they can both use some tweaking though.

Tim Chaney said...

I won't support any health care plan from congress that is not good enough for them. If it's not good enough for them why should it be good enough for us?

When they come up with a plan that's good enough for them, I may change my mind.

Anonymous said...

Has anyone else wondered who actually writes these bills? Obviously it is NOT members of Congress since they don't even know what is in it--so are these written by staffers or have they been crafted by other non congressmen many years ago and have been just waiting for the opportunity to have a Democrat super majority--if so then it really has nothing to do with the PRESENT, it is irrelevant to our current situation, it is merely a decades old wish list by those who want to eradicate any personal freedoms other than those mandated by the "Government" The Democrat party DEPENDS on the government via entitlement programs, pork, etc. After all how likely is it that bills of the complicated magnitude like Porkulus, Cap and Trade, Health Care etc, thousands and thousands of pages have JUST BEEN WRITTEN since Obama took office????

Anonymous said...

4:52 Brings a good point. I'd like to see this load of garbage signed by its author so we know who needs firing first!

tom t said...

we are not a democracy... we are a nation of laws that protect the largest minority in the world... the individual.

mob rule does not make good government. you get the health care you can afford... the government runs medicaid... if you need it.
