"The (Wicomico River) North Prong continues to divide our city as a visual and economic barrier separating our city," Shields said. This would have been the perfect beginning for cleaning up the Wicomico River."
Upset by a recent veto from Mayor Jim Ireton, Shields said Thursday's inaction on the property acquisition demonstrates a lack of commitment to Salisbury's West Side. (stated in today's Daily Times)
Excuse me Shanie but please explain this one to me. Let's just say the City bought this piece of property. Do you think one of your constituents would be willing to buy it back from the City after is has been improved?
Are you that simple minded that you cannot clearly see that the West Side of Salisbury is the future of Salisbury, in which they are slowly pushing out your constituents, (INCLUDING YOU OUT OF YOUR OWN HOME).
Shanie throwing a fit over something like this clearly shows her ignorance. She should be more concerned with the overgrown weeds and upkeep on other properties on the West Side. Shanie said, "It shouldn't be no where in this city or this county,"
Hey, Shanie, here's a suggestion to you. IF that property is so overgrown with weeds and so forth, why not contact Tom Stevenson and have him WRITE THEM UP???? Fine these people until they finally get it! If they refuse to groom the property, why not have Public Works do it and place a lien against the property. Who knows, maybe you'll end up with it for FREE anyway.
Many have stated that Shanie Shields is getting a special deal on a rental property from one of the local Slumlords and IMHO seems to vote in favor of everything questioning special interests in the City.
Shanie, if your people actually cared, they would have never voted for you in the first place, get a grip. The only person you're concerned about is the former Mayor of Salisbury. You know, the one that still controlls three out of the five City Council Members.
I wont even talk to people this stupid, its a waste of time and words. The fact that she is an elected official sure tells you alot about Gen-Pop doesnt it.
I truly believe that she is. Such a waste...
Blacks vote her in because of skin color surely there is a better qualified black person. You deserve better.
This woman looks like she has Downs Syndrome
Shanie just wants to know when the next pork chop sandwich is coming her way. If the north prong is developed, the people of the west side won't be very welcome. The poor blacks will be pushed away or the project will fail.
why doesn't the city get on the landowners case and make him cut the weeds and grass. they sure do anyone else here in town.wonder what makes him special? they should cut it and bill him if he won't. sjd
I could kick Eli Whitney in the butt. He responsible for this whole mess. If he had never invented the cotton gin , Shanie could still be working. That's
her credentials.
Get into my BELLY !!!!!!!!!!
I have had a couple of conversations with this lady. Shanie is a a devout racist and a cop hater. The fact that she truly has an I.Q. somewhere in the 60s is scary. She is voting on issues that are paramount to the future of Salisbury. The district that will suffer the most put her there.
The answer to your headline is "YES".
Does the term "FOB" ring a bell -- Barrie let them get away with things for years, and we can fault Ireton (but not much) for not already issuing citations to the owner (Bernard Kapiloff - "SALKAP LLC").
Google him and read about his scrap tire dump in Baltimore.
Please come to the next regular City Council meeting (Aug 24) and in the public comment part tell Shanie what you think of her "attitude". And when Louweasel tries to shut you down, say what you think about her.
We cant wait until 2011 to take back the City from the "3 stooges" and their cronies.
Wheres Von when you need her?
The greater stupidity is that Shanie is sitting on the City Council.
Why do obese people buy tiny cars? In the event she has the misfortune of being in an accident it is going to take a whole lot of jaws action to unfold her from that car. If you are fat be proud if you chose but also think about the possibilities of inhibiting rescue crews to save your butt!
Why can't we keep political issues we have with people,Strictly political??? The size of a person has absolutely nothing to do with their ability to make decisions relevant to their employment or political duties. Grow up people!!!
She was voted in because she is black ! They're are more qualified black people out there so next time look for substance instead of color.
well...If Anyone knows about "Being PUSHE out of HER House...It's SSHHHHAAANNNNIIIEEE!!!! LOL LOL
The Daily Times finally found a way to get rid of her now the city should. The paper used the excuse of lay offs and job cuts, when in fact, her job was not cut. The very day she was let go another person was at her desk doing the same job Shanie was supposed to be doing. The paper was afraid of her and the trouble she would cause if they fired her, they finally sort of manned up and used lay-offs as an excuse. Everyone at the Daily was just happy that finally her lazy, self-righteous, racist ass was gone!
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