It was three years ago today the obsessed Jim Rapp and Zoo Staff called the Police on me once again for visiting the Zoo and taking pictures. Rapp tried to claim I assaulted him after he ran up to me, (I was standing still) and didn't stop fast enough and bumped into my camera. (I have the entire thing on video, including the audio).
CODE 4, CODE 4, they yelled out over their radios, ROTFLMAO. In depositions each Zoo Employee was asked what "CODE 4" meant and every one of them said, I don't know. CODE 4 meant Joe Albero was in the Zoo. They considered this one of their Emergency Codes, most of which include getting out the Zoo's Shotgun. The Good Old Days!
I think it would be fun for all of us to Dress up like Joe-you know, the mutasche, gotee, button up short-sleeve shirt, jeans, white sneakers and, of course, a camera around the neck and head over to the zoo! They would be going nuts with all the "CODE 4's"! LOL I think I just figured out my halloween costume-Joe, I promise to make you proud!
What the He!! do have a shotgun for? Don't they use traquilzer darts? That's nuts
They look like the Village people standing there. Lol
Testosterone plays such an important part of the antler cycle, and when they castrated the deer that had profound effect on it's antlers.
Have Fernando Guerrero walk in and take some pictures for you. I don't think the group would stick around very long.
Why did the old guy with the beard show up. When they yelled Code 4 he must have thought someone yelled Cold Stone west gate. You need to cut back buddy.
Unless they ban every one from taking pictures how can they stop you. I see people all the time taking pictures. I see no signs telling them not two.
You sure its not C.W.D,(chronic wasting disorder).
No way it was CWD. That animal has some type of genetic problem. Antler growth is also affected by diet ?
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