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Tuesday, July 07, 2009

Sarah Palin: "All options are on the table"



Anonymous said...

To where, Alaska? There's no link...

Anonymous said...

Playboy foldout. it would be the biggest seller in the history of the magazine. She would get millions and I would buy two. you betchya

Anonymous said...

I thought she was "spending more time with her family"? I guess that means dragging kids all over the country to raise money so you can pretend to be just like everyone else, but rich. please.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I like the woman and still dont care.

Anonymous said...

Playboy? She is not hot, she is only Republican Govenor hot

Anonymous said...

I think she shouldn't run for a public office again. What does it say about her that she would quit with 18months left in her term. How can Amercia vote for someone for President that quit there previous job. She is done politically, and there may be more to come on these rumored legal problems.

Alex said...

First step would be to take a speech class.

Second step would be to run for President in 2012. Please do us all a favor Ms. Palin - run. If your actions haven't already contributed to the demise of the Republican party, your run for the office certainly will.

Anonymous said...

The only person getting more attention than they deserve then Palin is Michael Jackson.I don't live in Alaska and I do not consider Palin a serious contender for national office.So I really don't care that she resigned or why.The reality us that she was a needless distraction for the Republican party. And whether you are a Republican or not, anyone with any sense knows that we need a viable Republican party, particularly now with the insanity being perpetrated by the Dems.

Anonymous said...

Oh yes, please, please run. Guarantee Obama a landslide.

Anonymous said...

She is going into the Ministry. That's my guess and I'm sticking to it. I would like to see her in FHM, but not Playboy. I've got one old one at home already LOL.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

My "option" suggestion to Palin:

Disappear, lady.

Anonymous said...

She doesn't need to speak, just pose. Perfect job for her.

Anonymous said...

She couldn't do any worse than Obama has. At least she is a patriotic American. And what she says about less government and being fiscally responsible sounds like just what our country needs.
We are fed up with the Obama lies and taxes out the ass.

Anonymous said...

we appreciate her reasons. costing AK too much to defend her + 1/2 mil to defend herself. All BASELESS accusations!
lame duck governorship(she feels she will never get anything thru) & at the same time protecting the REPUBLICAN governorship.
her family has been thru HELL, all thru UNFOUNDED accusations.
She STICKS to her principles, which is more than I can say about most pols.
If everyone had the grace she's shown under fire we'd all be better for it.

Anonymous said...

Sarah needs to do nothing more than raise her family, make sure they have no more out of wedlock births and shut her mouth. She is not what the Republican party needs at all. She was a waste of time and milked it for as long as she could. The fact of the matter is she is a quitter, nothing more, nothing less. So she become's president and because no one is listening to her she just quits? If you think her family has been through hell now, let her trashy behind run for president! Get a grip, the worse you all can do is get amnesia about all of the crap the Bush boy did and blame Obama for every problem in the world. Keep on trying to deny his citizenship and did I say blame him for every problem in the world. Republicans need a leader who isn't extreme, is faithful to his wife, a heterosexual and without a shady past. Believe you me whoever goes up against Obama better bring their A game because the dirt digging will be wide and deep. Move on folks. Sarah's not your gal.

Anonymous said...

I would vote for her at least she is an American.