In a brief Press Conference held yesterday, Council President Frank White stated he has spoken to his personal attorney and will be filing suit against the Daily Times Reporters and Editors.
"Poor journalism" was his first remark while looking directly at TWO of the Daily Times Reporters. WBOC, WMDT & two Reporters from the Daily Times were present and admitted they had learned of the Press Conference from reading the Post on Salisbury News.
In a direct Memo from Brenda Benton, Interim Town Manager of Princess Anne Mr. White read, Article In Newspaper concerning Town Credit Card use.....
"After reading the articles in the Daily Times today I felt that some feedback on this article may be necessary. No Town procedures have been breached. If there is a problem with any of the Town's internal controls the annual audit will report it and give recommendations for correcting or tightening those controls through the audit letter. At that time the Commissioners as a body would decide what if any procedures to change or implement."
Mr. White refused to comment to the Daily Times directly and quite frankly I cannot say as I blame him. Debbie Gates, (pictured above) flat out asked Mr. White, "Do you plan on resigning as President?" Mr. White simply responded, I have 3 years left and I plan on running again for Office. He then left the room and the Press Conference was over.
Don't know if its you Joe or what but that woman looks like she's got a bad attitude to start with. Better find her a fix quick before she writes more inaccurate crap.
She looks like a crackhead from Post Office road, with man hands.
Frank, one can only hope Joe Carmean is named in your suit. Rip'em a new one.
Good for him! If he's not wrong it will be proven in court, unless those bullies at the DT somehow settle with him.
I'm only wishing it could be the LAST thing they have to answer for.
Every story is written with a slant or spin...that's not what they're supposed to be doing.
It's too late to "keep 'em honest", but maybe Mr. White can level the playing field somewhat.
We need to send Debbie Gates to Washington to ask Obama the same question because we all know that no president has wasted more of the taxpayers money then Obama on his personal mini trips than any president in our history!
Joe, how long have you known Frank White? How long. One year? Two? Just enough to smoke a few cigars together?
Joe, I am not sure of your personal timeline when you moved to this area but you are not what we locals call a "local" - and I mean no disrespect with that. You are known as a "come here".
Those of us who were born and raised here have one advantage in our knowledge that you do not have and that is prior history.
You have blindly defended Frank White from ANY possible, conceivable hint of corruption and as one of his "new" friends, maybe that is to be expected.
You could do us all a favor and spend a few days in Pocomoke talking to the "average man on the street" (or woman) and they will set you straight real quick. We have known Frank since he was bagging groceries as a young man and not just "recently" as you have. You will get a much clearer picture of who he is and what he is.
Then do the same thing around Princess Anne and you will start getting an even better picture of the HISTORICAL nature of his comings and goings - sneaky, corrupt, screw-the-taxpayer, I am above the law, arrogant dealings.
The Daily Times could have brought up his DUI from last year but did not do so - thats another "red flag" that he is willing to drive to Salisbury and drink and then drive back to Princess Anne again.
Do your homework, Joe and then you MIGHT have a little more credibility in some of your comments. Trust me, my comments and thoughts are shared by many, many people - those of us who have been here for a long time.
Stick a fork in'um Frank!
The guy is blowing smoke like you generally do, Albero. Nothing I read in any of The Times' articles said that this guy has done anything wrong. What the articles did state was that in a very short period of time, White has amassed quite a charge bill, including nearly $2,000 on food, on the taxpayers' dime. In this era of economic decline, when those running municipalities are telling their citizens and workers the belt needs to be tightened, I think it's only fair that these expenses be explained. That's what the articles are requesting, an explanation. If the purchases, especially all those meals, were legitimate purchases, it shouldn't be much work for White to show his appointment calendar for the time of the purchases to show he was conducting town business and with whom that business was being conducted.
Unless White thinks the town attorney is going to represent him in any civil litigation, White either has money to burn, or he has a pretty stupid attorney that would file a civil suit at this juncture with his fee coming from a percentage of any award, which would be a big fat zero since White hasn't been defamed.
The last picture looks like Smeagle from Lord of the Rings.
How much did it cost again to have the Salisburys's city's festival, $300,000?
8:32 a.m. It's actually West Post Office Road!
Anonymous 8:40 AM is right on target!
I hope he takes DT's to the cleaners!
I'm really surprised more people haven't sued their a$$es!
Yellow journalism = Daily Times.
Hi, I live in Pocomoke, and I do know him very well. Frank was married into our family years ago. So, yes, I do know him very well and I can say that he cannot be trusted. All that went on in Pocomoke was embarrassing for us, but luckily his wife at the time finally left him. Frank is a smooth talker, and very likeable. But be careful... you need to be wise to him. Don't let him make a fool out of you. I've seen it happen over and over. He wants everyone to think that he is rich and smart. Why do you thihk he preyed on Melissa? Rich, young widow at the time. Thank God, she got smart too.
Deja Vu:
It's Barrie T. v. Joe A. all over again. Mr. White is wasting his time and money.
Did they file a FIA to get this information? I can't recall if that's what it said in the article. If not, I was wondering where they got the info from. Did someone feed it to them?
Anonymous said...
She looks like a crackhead from Post Office road, with man hands.
8:32 AM
Isn't that the truth. She also writes like an illiterate moron. She is definitely GHETTO! Chick looks like a DUDE!
The Times didn't say he did anything. Take the time to read the article again, slowly! An explanation to the taxpayers is definately needed ! Princess Annes Laws need to be drastically "tightened up" , to help protect tax payers from ones who will "slide" by without having to prove their actions.
Joe-----you seem to have a vengance against the Times, for what reason I have not a clue, however, you are NOT a local---therefore you need to listen to what is being told you about Mr. White----It is not that others want to run someone in the ground------it IS BECAUSE THEY KNOW THE TRUTH !!
anonymous 1:42, I am not just a local, I'm an American who pays taxes in Maryland and Delaware. I have also created a business called Salisbury News, or and as a FREE American with a 1st Amendment Right, (just like you) I have the right to my opinion jusat as much as you have the right to yours.
Now take your communist attitude and crawl back into your hole because YOU are not the kind of American/Brother/Sister I choose to debate.
Debbie Gates was fed info concerning ECI and she never followed up with it and if she did it was always written in defending the Administration and nnot stating the true facts given to her by staff. She claimed she would be truthful when she wanted to have exclusives. That is why she was dropped like a hot potato. Very poor reporting plus no management and DT wants to know why no one is buying their trash any more, not even for our Eastern Shore out houses.
I truly hope the people like Anonymous 1:42 don't come back to you and say they told you so.
More people than you think know Frank White. Give it time and you will see.
I don't care who you defend. I had thought perhaps you were a better judge of character. Good luck with Frank and his bs.
Joe, you do a good job of exposing corruption in government and deserve a lot of credit for that. However you are horrible at defending the few in government that are real problems but for some reason you choose to defend the undefendable. Frank White and Davis Ruark are two perfect examples of this. If it wasn't a personal thing, you would be the first to post all of their wrongdoing. Just something to think about. It doesn't help your integraty by defending these people.
Joe who do you think did right by the taxpayers - Jim Ireton who drove back and forth to MML meeting, as did most other area towns OR Frank White and the P A Town Commissioners who chose to spend $5000 to stay over night because Frank "did not have anywhere to change clothes" for the important evening "meetings". According to a family member who chose to drive back and forth, the evenings "meetings" were nothing but a lot of BSing over drinks. P A had to borrow money to make it through the fiscal year so I do not see how the Town Commissioners can justify spending for anything that is not essential. This is my opinion which counts for nothing because I do not live in PA (but I am a property owner who pays taxes to the town) so I have no say in what they do.
Anonymous, et al.... grow a pair and state your name. If you have the sand to spout this crap, you should back it up with your name.
Mine is: Craig Theobald
anonymous 5:16, Truthfully, I have no problem with members serving our communities getting some kind of perks every so often.
Take for example the women who serve on Council's. They do not have a place to change or freshen up, so to speak.
Look, if it were once a month I could see your point. However, these people, (in most cases) spend more than they make, (easily) on gas and other expenses while they're representing our communities.
Now do I think it's BS when you fly everyone to Florida for an All American City crap, absolutely. There's a real expense.
Give it a rest, seriously.
Get A Little Bit For Everyone Else The Daily Times Has Screwed!!!
Wait This Is Only IMHO!!
God Knows I Don't Wanna Have To Pay For It. LOL
What'cha gonna say when DT gets a copy of next Credit Card bill that is also over $7000? It's a coming and Frank and Commiss gonna have lots of 'splaining to do. Frank, hold up on law suit until you getcha your story straight. Certainly don't want to look the liar. Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.
3:39-- You have made a great point!
I Know They'll Be Coming Back to say, " Joe, We tried to tell you."
Just don't want to see you get "taken" in by this guys smooth talk & ways. He's corrupted way to many people now! He needs to move on out of here!
Remember----Here on the Shore , News travels faster then the Internet, people know about Mr. White-----you just haven't had the right opportunity. He will try to use you to HIS BENEFIT on this
blog----We locals are just to smart for you Frankie! Now Princess Anne is going to find out.
5:31 Joe, (1) I do have a problem with it. I have cut way back on my expenses and I expect our elected officials to do the same (from DC, the State, County and town) but it is not happening is it? I refuse to spend more than my monthly income and I expect Public Officials to budget for their country, states, counties and towns the same as me. (2) The women can go home to their husbands and kids. They have no business out BSing and drinking (I am a female)and same is true of men. The drinking and motel rooms tear families apart. (3) I don't understand your thinking, all government is spending more than they are taking in. In my opinion, until the economy improves money should not be wasted on wants when there is only enough money for needs. (4) Are you sure Frank is using his OWN money, driving the town car, using the credit card to purchase gas and food etc.? He didn't even have the decency to eat and make his purchases in Princess Anne or at least Somerset County.
(5) Another item - Why should P A taxpapers pay his expenses to go to Penna and stay over night for a funeral? It was a nice gesture on his part to go but it was his choice and I don't appreciate footing the bill.
How high should my town, county, state and federal taxes be raised? Sometimes I would like to buy a "want" instead of only purchasing "needs". Joe do you still want to move to Princess Anne where the taxes have just been raised to almost county level amid the corruption I read about on your blog?
Joe, If you have any desire to maintain your Integrity with Old Timers who personally know of Frank and Melissa Arena Bailey White.....Step far away from them!
Joe, why as the moderator of this blog do you allow attacks like "looks like a crackhead" "ghetto" etc.? How are these remarks relative to the topic? To say a person doesn't think someone is being straightforward is one thing, to say they look like a DUDE is another. Just curious how you view moderating.
First of all, I don't do all the moderating on Salisbury News. Secondly, everyone has their right to their freedom of speech, just as you just did.
Yes, I couldn't agree more, we do have the freedom of speech. I just misunderstood, I thought this was a news blog. Thanks for clarifying.
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