Gabriella Blades is 14 years old. She was last heard from at 9 pm last night when she called her Mom and asked to stay at the dock in Crisfield for 15 more minutes.
If you have seen Gabriella Blades or know where she may be please leave a comment here on Salisbury News and we'll make sure it gets the proper attention.
When I receive the proper contact numbers I will update this Post. For her Mother's sake, please send in any information you may have in reference to her disappearance.
Please contact the Crisfield PD @ 410 968 1323.
Yes I am the one who gave Joe the pic and the info. This is my niece and she was born in 1995. She IS only 14 and that is what scares me the most. Anyone can look at her and THINK she is older, but she isn't. Thanks for the concern for my missing niece.
During the day its OK but I would not want to be down there alone at 9pm.
Whats bad is that I live in the area,spent the whole day in town and yet the first I heard about it is here on the blog at 8pm.Go figure-I just hope they find her quickly and she is safe.
Has an Amber Alert been issued?
hey joe.
I have kids and u know how many kids these kids know so i passed this along thru cell to help find her ok? I left the PD # as well.. may god be with this family..
my heart goes out to the girl and the family. i have heard from some of the friends that gabriella had ran away before in the past just as early as last week. can anyone find out if this is true or not? If so, this is probrobly why the police have not issued an amber alert.
Flatland Search And Rescue Is on the standby if needed with two members right here in Crisfield
Praying that God has this child just like he has us all. Parents, find your faith...search deep. There is nothing more terrifying than this...
As for the "running away" Gabby was unaccounted for and found within the hour. Not sure that is really running away. BUT now she has DISSAPPEARED, last seen at 8:45pm Monday on the depot. She was supposed to be home at 9:15pm. When she was not home by 9:30pm her mother went to the depot to look for her and she was gone. Police supposedly went all over town today and found witnesses that saw he at said location at said time. Where could she have walked to or run to in 15 minutes with NO ONE seeing her?????? Mom contacted Coast Guard for a possible search and they will not return a phone call. I know Gabby is not perfect, but she is my niece and a wonderful person, can we not be degrading right now and try to find her regardless of if she ran away or not she is MISSING. I love her VERY much and want her home!!!!
TO S.A.R 74 How can I contact you? Here is my email, Joe I do not mind it being shared, anyway we can find Gabby at this point!!
Go look inn the local section 8 are she is there,Not saying how i know .
SAR how do we get you involved?
TO ANONYMOUS @ 11:46 WHAT SECTION 8?????? Crisfield, Pocomoke, Salisbury, OC, WHERE?????
U know what is sad??? u have this 14 yr old child missing and no one is doing anything. I just looked on Daily Times and WBOC....NOTHING???It's great to know that when parents are going thru something so tragic that no one steps up to help. mainly the media...now if she did run away...by putting her pic on every news station would surely help. instead everyone sits. and nothing is done. so what if she may have ran away. kids do. when she is found get her help.. but no one knows this for sure so it should be taken seriously...If it were one of their kids it would be...wake up people. we cant depend on anyone to help..we have to pull together and help this family..So I have been passing along her pic thru cell phone. This surely can help. anything else i can do???
Praying for her safe return... It doesn't and shouldn't matter whether shes 14 or 94 a missing person is a missing person.
Joe please keep posting this untill she is found...hopefully this site will help. The media needs to get involved.....God Bless this family...i couldnt imagine the agony this family is going through...i pray i never have to go through a missing child....
9:37, An Amber Alert has very strict criteria that must be met and is not intended for every person that is missing.
1. Law enforcement officials have a reasonable belief that an ABDUCTION has occurred. (This is usually achieved by having video of someone being taken or a witness to the event.)
2. Law enforcement officials believe that the child is in imminent danger of serious bodily injury or death. (You can't just assume that everyone missing is in imminent danger.)
3. Enough descriptive information exists about the victim AND THE ABDUCTOR for law enforcement to issue an AMBER Alert.
4. The victim of the abduction is a child age 17 years or younger.
5. The child’s name and other critical data elements—including the child abduction (CA) and AMBER Alert (AA) flags—have been entered into the National Crime Information Center (NCIC) system.
These criteria have been put in place as to not flood the public with Amber Alerts when they aren't necessary. When you do that the public loses the sense of urgency when one is issued. Now, just because there isn't an "Amber Alert" issued doesn't mean that there aren't other bulletins issued. Even though an Amber Alert doesn't go out, local police, to include County and State, will get broadcasts to be on the lookout for the missing person and a description of them.
I would suspect that 11:46 is reffering to the section 8 units in the new condos by the city dock. I've heard that some units have been set aside for that purpose because they could not be sold at this time.
just email me motoguzzy30@msn.com and will get in touch with the right people
Crisfield Police found her 1/2 hour ago. Way to go you guys! Don't let the haters get you down!!!!!
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