Right in Obama's back yard!! I'm more proud of the folks in the windy city than I thought was ever possible! By the way, I didn't see the news stations ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN, or MSNBC covering this - did you? Wonder Why...
Those who have visited Chicago will recognize the downtown area.
The same folks that have been ranting and raving against obama since he was inaugurated in January are the same ones who preached patience and unity throughout the last administration. How bout we give the administration's plans some time to gel, then judge them on their intermediate- and long-term affects (or effects, always get those confused)
You should organize one here in Salisbarrie -- it would be much more significant than those "T" parties.
His poll numbers are dropping like crazy.One can hardly imagine how low his actual poll numbers would be if 90% of the media wasn't covering for him on a daily basis.
His poll numbers will drop like the stock market if ABC,NBC,CBS,CNN,and
MSNBC decide to report the truthful facts about Obama and his Chicago
gangster administration,this guy needs to be stopped before it is late, or is it already too late.
"May God have mercy on our souls"
Who thought that Obama or any president could make significant changes to the economy in 6 months? While I voted for Obama, I believe most politicians don't represent most Americans since most Americans can not contribute thousands or millions of dollars to campaigns. I am mostly ignorant, by choice, to the way tax payers dollars are spent. However, I do know that food stamps and section 8 housing for those considered "lazy" does not equate to the BILLIONS of taxpayer's dollars given to banks. If someone can explain, help me understand how giving banks billions of dollars helps me pay a mortgage. Or how giving automakers billions of dollars helps me pay my car note. My ignorance has me thinking that if money was given to tax payers or we were taxed less, we would be putting money back into our economy. Bank of America hasn't given me one cent, but they surely hit me with exorbitant banking fees.
I voted for Ireton and the improvement in Salisbury, in such a short time, is amasing.
Obama said he could fix it now Biden said they were wrong this is the worst government we ever had.
UHHH I saw this on CNN. I am sure it was reported elsewhere also.
If you want to give Obama time for his giveaways / stimulous to have an effect then tell him to quit taking my money and lowering my quality of life. I say this because I don't have his wealth to " Spread the Wealth" with but he is trying to still take more and more of it.
Let him spread his own wealth
Chuck...YOOOO HOOOO....Chuck. What are your thoughts on this? His own back yard dude.
I wonder how many of these people voted for him?
Geeeeeee, now why doesn't the Obama media cover that?
Ohhh, I forgot his press conferences are staged and that wasn't in the script!
The silence is deafening lol
Daily Plaza
The MSM has become a tool of Washington insiders
"has become"? When did you finally pick up on that one?
ihealem100 2:58Pm
"My ignorance has me thinking that if money was given to tax payers or we were taxed less, we would be putting money back into our economy."
As a card carrying Republican I couln't have said it better myself
"If someone can explain, help me understand how giving banks billions of dollars helps me pay a mortgage."
Banks give loans to business for investment - businesses invest in capital and labor – labor is supplied by workers who earn wages – wages are spent on goods and services such as a mortgage.
The government can give the workers the money directly, but that sounds more like socialism to me then giving money to businesses in a free market.
Then what is the incentive for these "businesses" that would get money from the "banks" who has gotten it from the "government" who will get it from "us" to hire more employees to make more products that people can't afford to buy? If demand is down, production is down which in turn means jobs are down which means people don't buy....which sounds awefuly familiar to me. Also, why would a bank even loan money to a company that can't show that there is enough demand for their product so they can sell enough to pay back the bank?
If people have money, they WILL spend. It's what we've become accustomed too.
If companies have money, they will take thier sweet time and research until they KNOW there is demand for what they're producing which, will be a while because no one has the extra money to spend on thier product..... unless you're an American auto maker. Then you just keep pushing crap off the assembly line expecting people to buy it just because YOU made it. But we will go ahead and reward them for making too many over priced, under proforming cars by giving them a bailout. (Which they rightly deserve because not just any company is going to be kind enough and pay some poor sap $50 an hour to push a broom just because he's been their 25 years ya know. It takes a high quality company and union to make that kind of "sacrafice".)
Maybe I don't understand...
They tried putting money directly into the people’s hands but because of uncertainty they didn't spend it or they used it to pay utility bills. If businesses have additional capital they can hire employees who will feel more certain of future income. There are several flaws in giving the people cash, look for a public economics book at your local book store. Also check out Karl Marx’s Economic Thought book as well. You think Americans are lazy now...
Unless you are very wealthy, any vote against policies which would better the lives of the people of this country, is a vote against yourself. During the Big Depression you had Hoover who did nothing - if you want to see what it was like when the banks went under during that time, why don't you read up and see what we could have faced. For the past 8 years huge tax breaks were given to the wealthy taking money out of the coffers that should have been spent on this country - how quickly people forget why we are having problems - I would say if you aren't part of the solution then you are part of the problem-the Conservatives have nothing to offer this country and the people that live here- their policies are smoke and mirrors and make believe - their policies cause huge problems for the average citizen of this country - that is why they are the minority and the only way they can get in is through lies and manipulations.
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