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Friday, July 03, 2009

July 4th TEA Party: Roll Call

Saturday July 4th 9am-12pm on the steps of the G.O.B.

Who's going? Let's see how many people we can get on here first. 100? 200? More?


Anonymous said...

Are you once again making fun of it? I know WICO is going to have a segment on it tomorrow as is WGMD in the afternoon.

Anonymous said...

I'm there!
Tommy Jones

Chris Lewis said...

I will be there, standing up and promoting Freedom over this Statist belief marching around our country and sweeping the Constitution under the rug.

Anonymous said...

I'll be there as a citizen reporter from Pajamas Media. And no, I won't be in my pajamas!

Anonymous said...

2centz and Chuck will be the only ones at any teabag party, I'll be at the TEA Party on the GOB!!!

Don't Blame Me I Voted For McCain! said...

Will DEFINITELY be there!

Anonymous said...

I would rather chew broken glass.

Don't Blame Me I Voted For McCain! said...

Anon 5:41

Then please do :-(

Anonymous said...

I'll be there!

Anonymous said...

I'm a Dem. and I'll be there. What congress and this Pres. are doing to our country is just wrong in so many ways. There will be far more than right wings there 2cents, shame on you, I thought you supported our constitution.

Julie said...

AFP will be there!

Anonymous said...

I can't make it on the 4th. Wish I could

Anonymous said...

Call me when its time to lock and load, anything short of that is a waste of time.

Anonymous said...

July 4th is a big deal for us. We're a military family. Support and agree with the Tea Party foundations, but we are spending the day together, with our children. Wish the Tea Party was on another day so we could make it.

Anonymous said...

I thought Jim Ireton was having a hot dog cookout at the GOB on July 4th. This could get interesting. LOL

Anonymous said...

Again the republicans will make fools of themselves.

Orsonwells said...

Let's cook out our own hot dogs there! It's not like it takes up the whole day, and if there's one point I would like to make on July 4 is that I want and need my freedom!

Anonymous said...

Jim Ireton's thing is the 3rd.

joealbero said...

I'll be there.

Anonymous said...

Depends. Is this an ACTUAL limited government type thing or more of an anti-Obama big government GOP partisan deal?

Orsonwells said...

I'm in.

Anonymous said...

forget darfur.
save America, first.

Anonymous said...

In Boston, they had ONE tea party - and it was fairly violent. After the "party" the real violence began.
Why don't we call our little "get together" something different?
I mean, we aren't really going to DO ANYTHING now are we?

Anonymous said...

This tea party is about our constitution, our personal freedoms and liberties. It is about America, Americans and our Constitution, all blessed by God.

Anonymous said...

The tea party is about being too cheap to pay taxes.

Two Sentz said...

Maybe I wasn't clear enough for some. I fully support freedom of assembly, peaceful protest and the like. I also support the Constitution (duh) even though some here like to think I do not.

I have to work late on the 3rd and won't be getting in until after 3 so I will probably sleep in, or at least get there at the tail end.

April 15th was a great day to have this, it made sense. But, on July 4th shouldn't we celebrate America rather than bitch about it? Seems like you could get more people there if it wasn't on a day where everyone has plans, traditions, or travels.

Oh, and as long as it doesn't turn into a partisan, liberal-bashing fest, I'm cool with it. It is supposed to be non-partisan isn't it?

Anonymous said...

Gallactic waste of time. Have a BBQ with friends and family, go to the beach, enjoy the day.

ArcLight said...

"Oh, and as long as it doesn't turn into a partisan, liberal-bashing fest, I'm cool with it."

As opposed to your blog which is a partisan, conservative bashing-fest. With no dissenting views allowed.

Two Sentz said...

Oh good old Archy, where you been?

Why don't you ask the conservatives who regularly comment my site if they feel their views are stiffled? Dissent and debate are always encouraged. Whit you it was always just insults, rethoric and propaganda. You never tried to actually engage with people.

Anonymous said...

Waht is that at the bottom? Looks sort of like a little Ku Klux Klan hood waving a flag.

Anonymous said...

Actually Two Sentz; I have posted dissent on this blog many times politely and respectfully and it does not get published. The powers that be here are very careful to only allow what makes them look good.

Anonymous said...

Why would anyone buy this shirt or support the message? Right Wing Extremist? Have we forgotten these people are killers of the innocent? There is nothing here to be proud of. This is disgusting.

Two Sentz said...

I believe you 3:45. I thought ArchLight was talking about the twosentz blog.

Anonymous said...

There will be millions of people attending tea parties all over this nation on the 4th. They can't all be wrong. We only want what is fair to all, less government and lower taxes. Why would anyone argue about that? If you really enjoy paying taxes, volunteer to pay more if it makes you feel good.

chuck said...

You guys are picking an interesting day to foment so much hate.

ArcLight said...

"Whit you it was always just insults, rethoric and propaganda."

Pot, meet Kettle.

Plus I know how to spell.

Anonymous said...

The fact that Archie is comparing a blog to a peaceful public protest to make 2c look like a tyrant does not surprise me at all. I go to the 2c site alot and I saw the crap that Archie did over there and they were right to kick him out. (Even after they gave him like a hundred chances to play nice.....)

Anonymous said...

If you mean hate of an overblown government, right on! I do wish these gatherings would become a platform to get real info out to folks, ie, the fair tax, voting in state and local elections and going back to a fedralist type of government. This pig has been bloating way too long!

Anonymous said...

Right wing extremist do not believe in abortion. it is the left wing loonies to kill millions of babies every year.

Anonymous said...

it is non partisan, but most democrats believe in entitlement programs, the government doing everything for them and basically socialism.

Anonymous said...

Chuck, your kind of ignorance is killing America!

Anonymous said...

if you do not believe in America or Freedom, fine, keep blasting your illlogical hate on here and on a daily basis. if you do not understand what is going on, stay home and keep quiet. but to bash those trying to uphold the American principles, the Constitution and Freedom, is just plain idiotic on your part.

Anonymous said...

People who wish to argue against tax day protesters are the ones who don't pay taxes and rely on 50%(The amount of people who actually pay taxes) of Americans to support their entitlement programs...

And for the haters who say the tea party isn't bipartisan watch this: This is Congressman Gresham Barrett (R) getting booed because he voted for the massive government stimulus package.

Count Me In!!!

Margo said...

we're there

Anonymous said...

4:03pm, some Tea Party haters made this tee shirt.....

Anonymous said...

We will be there to ensure our freedom of speech is never taken away from us. We have been speaking to Washington for years and neither party hears us. Left, right or in between they only do what will keep them in their high paying jobs. Don't know what they will do when the other 50% of us don't make enough money to pay the taxes that pay their salaries.

Anonymous said...

Just look at California. Today they started handing out IOU's for their debt. They are broke and are running a 21 billion deficiet. Is that what you want for Maryland and the entire country? This is exactly what the tea parties are all about. Stop wastefull spending before it is to late. California didn't take this advice and that is why they are in the shape they are in today. Ironically, they have a republican govornor. Waste is something that both parties are guilty of and it needs to stop now. Yes, I'll be attending the tea party in Salisbury.

Anonymous said...

2:27, are you saying tea party haters are capitalists entrepenurs?

Anonymous said...

hey 5:41

Broken glass may be all you have left to eat if the country keeps goin down hill.
I will be there!

Anonymous said...

Stand for something, or fall for anything!

chuck said...

C'mon guys, just admit it. You didn't hold your little "teabag" parties last year... or the year before that... or any of the 7 years before that.

You waited until President Obama came to office to do it. It's not that hard to just come out and say it:

You hate Barack Obama, and that's what this is ALL about.

that's okay if you hate him. This is America, and you have every right to hate anyone that you want to hate. Just be honest about it. To keep pretending that this is bipartisan is insulting to every freedom loving American.

2:10, I pay taxes and take no entitlements. So, no, you're wrong, buddy. Also, that Congressman isn't getting booed because he's a Republican... he's getting booed because he's not an ultra-conservative Republican. Your party has moved so far to the right that the moderates are all jumping ship.

1:54, I've displayed no ignorance, but you sure aren't short on hate, are you?

2:28, I thought this was about taxes, not freedom of speech. You have freedom of speech. As for them "not listening": Get enough people who agree with you to vote them out, and they'll listen. Ain't Democracy grand?

joealbero said...

That's pretty harsh Chuick, I'm surprised.

chuck said...

I call 'em as I see 'em Joe. I didn't call anyone names, and I'm not going after individual people. I know of several people who are going that actually ARE pissed off about taxes and spending, and don't just hate Obama...

But they didn't set this up. The right wing noise machine did, and whipped everyone into a frenzy. The root of this is hatred of Barack Obama, pure and simple.

If it wasn't, we would have seen these last year when Bush was bailing out Wall St., right?

joealbero said...

I'll be sure to bring some Depends for your friends. LOL

chuck said...

Aren't YOU my friend? Does that mean you're a "wet pants liberal" now, Joe? :)

Two Sentz said...

"I'll be sure to bring some Depends for your friends."

Is he busting on Grandad?

joealbero said...

You guys crack me up. Thanks for the laugh.

Anonymous said...

Chuck: It would be funny, your pathetic thoughts, if it was not serious. people stood up before Obama won, youjust had your ears shut, as you do now. You make me feel so much better about myself, I will always know there are so many other so much more ignorant, self-absorbed and pathetic than myself.

Anonymous said...

to 9:20am
Go to the beach and enjoy the Freedom. It may not be with us much longer. By the way go to the beach on the next election day too, you likely don`t vote either. kn

chuck said...

7:52, More hate and insults. You're really not doing well debunking my points, friend.

chuck said...

8:26, Where is the freedom going?

Anonymous said...

Chuck, Just exactly what is your Point anyway? We have established that you are a non-voter and you don`t seem to be a person that is current with the News. What exactly is your thing?
Bashing Patriots? You seem to have a problem with the American way.
How is that Hope and Change thing working for you Chuck?

chuck said...

How have you established that I'm a non-voter or that I'm not current with the news? Also, I've never bashed any Patriots, nor do I have any problems with the American way. Why do you feel the need to insult me, instead of sticking to the issues? Is that some sort of Conservative defense mechanism?

Bob said...

Sentz, I don't need "Depends". I just whip it out and go. It's cleaner.

I've talked to Chuck and he's closer to the center than some of this debate would lead some to believe. I do, however, disagree with him on the statement that the tea party things are motivated by the right wingers. This is how I see it from the inside. I support the tea party movement. At this point in the game BOTH major political parties are predators of opportunity. Yes, the Republican party has pounced on an opportunity to fire up the patriots who support the tea parties against the party in power - the Dems. But I believe that if the Repubs had won and the tea parties were happening, the Dems would be doing the same thing and the Repubs would be claiming that the tea parties were Democrat motivated. It's another shining example of political parties trying to divide "we the people."

Chuck is NOT anti constitutional. Chuck sees things in a way different than some and the same as others. It's his right. I've been to the range with him and he enjoys his weapons the same way I enjoy mine. If someone broke into his house late at night there is no doubt in my mind he would give them lead poison. He served his nation honorably. I think he's a little harsh on others who express an opinion different than his - but don't we all from time to time?

We actually agree on many things such as self defense, working for a living rather than taking handouts, and that politicians shouldn't have fring benefits such as health care and full retirements paid for by us that are better than we can get for ourselves. I do think, however, that his expression of his views are often heated by the fire of partisan politics that is the wedge designed by the parties that divide us as a people. As far as I'm concerned we won't get anything accomplished until we put this type of bickering aside and get down to taking the proverbial bull by the horns and doing the business of the people.

When I support the tea parties, I support the right of the people to protest against the wasteful govt. spending that is taking place. I supported the last tea party in Salisbury as an effort by Americans to get their point across. I, in fact, detested the idea that Andy Harris seized an opportunity to politically grandstand. That was a time for people to speak and politicians to listen - we've listened to them long enough. I now view him as a partisan hack. The American people are growing tired or partisan politics.

In past debates, Chuck has stated his position of cynicism(sp?) because no one complained on this level when Bush was in office. Well, my position is that war costs money and that it would soon be over. When Bush passed the Prescription plan for those on SS, I knew that this was something that would cause us trouble. Now here we are and the current President and Congress are planning on spending money on a level we will never be able to deal with. We the people have an obligation to speak out. From a finacial position, Obama is doing the same thing that Bush did but the snowball is getting bigger. From my position - this is an American thing - not a Dem v. Repub thing.

Anonymous said...

I will be there! Sometimes we just need to walk the walk. There are many things I rather be doing, but the symbology alone should send a message.

Having been in war, I had rather start with a political revolution first, and throw all of the "bums" out, before we turn to an armed revolution, which I pray does not become necessary. However, I stand with Patrick Henry, "give me liberty or give me death!"

Anonymous said...

Chuck, I know you won't understand this but it takes time to set up a tea party that will have an impact, you can't just call up a group and have it work for everyone. This tea party has been in the works since the last one and the date wasn't set until mid-May. As far as not protesting during Bush's tenure, you're right but he had 8 years to get us to this point-it took Obama only 90 days to triple Bush's deficits-that's not made up and that's not hate-that's the truth and it hurts your argument when these facts get in the way. We have to do something now, at this rate our great grandchildren will be enslaved to the debt we will owe China. Obama ran on lower taxes, no earmarks, and less wasteful spending-a center position, but to date he has not lowered or proposed to lower any taxes or stop spending-you can paint us as racist Obama haters, but that doesn't hide the truth.

chuck said...


Wrong on nearly every point. You talk of 'facts' and then proceed to get almost all of them wrong? Do you understand the word "irony"?

1.) I never said anything about racism. Not once. Yet you brought it up. Why is that? Guilty conscience?

2.) Obama never ran on getting rid of earmarks. That was McCain. It was a pretty big difference between them, and I'm surprised that you would attribute one person's promises to another person.

3.) Obama gave you the biggest middle class tax cut in American history. That's a fact. You don't get to say he hasn't cut taxes, when he gave you the biggest one in history.

Finally, Bush spent more money than any other President in U.S. history, and you didn't tea bag anyone. So, no, your argument doesn't hold up. If you were actually concerned about spending, you would have protested George Bush, plain and simple.

This is Obama hating. That's all this is. It's partisan.

So, go back and get YOUR facts straight before you attempt to claim that I'm wrong.

Anonymous said...

Chuck, they get all their information from fox news so of course they do not have the facts.

Anonymous said...

Chuck and 12:06

I know Bob backed Chuck , I admire and back Bob, but Chuck on here, is talking like an idiot, as is 12:06. Does anyone know Fox is still more liberal than conservative. And whay do you attack one station, you have tons of liberal shows that stink because no one listens to them. Bottom line, believe in America, our freedom and the Constitution, or stay at home and see generations after us suffer because of your lazy ignorance!!!

chuck said...


Fox is more Liberal than Conservative? Wow. You must be to the right of Mussolini if you think that. Show me the "Liberal" side of Fox News, please.

By the way, I believe in America, freedom, and the Constitution. Do you really think you're going to change people's minds when you question their patriotism just because they disagree with you? I never understood that about Conservatives. You guys don't have a monopoly on patriotism or God. Maybe it's time for some self-reflection.

Anonymous said...

1st point-You may have never called Tea Partiers "racists" per se but you keep using "teabag"-we know which side you're on.
2nd point-Obama in 2 debates against McCain said we need to get a handle on earmarks and go line by line-maybe you didn't watch him debate and can claim ignorance, but I know what I heard.
3rd-loweing your payroll tax is not a tax break since you haven't filed taxes for the year the apply to, I bet once the bills are tallied up- Congress won't be giving us a tax break after all. Cap and Trade is a tax-ask Conyers, Obama health plan is going to be another tax if it passes.
Finally, Live with your blinders on my friend and keep being spoon fed and blaming FOX News but the facts are still facts in your fantasy world and reality.

chuck said...


1.) Which "side" am I on? And, if I never used the term racist, then I'm correct and you're wrong. I don't think the tea baggers are racists and I've never said so. Therefore, score one for Chuck.

2.) Obama DID say we need to get a handle on earmarks and go line by line through the budget. That's not what you claimed though, is ELIMINATE EARMARKS. And you're wrong, no matter WHAT you THINK you heard. John McCain said that, not Barack Obama. So, score another one for Chuck.

3.) Yeah... lowering my payroll tax IS a tax break. By the very definition of tax break, in fact. You then go on about cap and trade, which is irrelevant to the point that you made, and I debunked. At the end of the day, President Obama signed into law the biggest middle class tax cut in U.S. History. That's just a fact that you can't explain away or switch subjects on. So, score a total of three for Chuck.

Now that I've shown you, AGAIN, how you were wrong, are you willing to admit it, or will you just keep claiming falsehoods, thinking that the actual facts are irrelevant?

Finally, for the rest of you: Considering that President Obama DID sign into law the biggest middle class tax cut in history, why would you be protesting him? His tax cut was bigger than George Bush's, but you didn't protest HIM... I wonder why that is?

joealbero said...

Chuck's on the Obama payroll. :-)

chuck said...

I wish... I heard on sbynews that he's a Chicago crime boss, and they pay pretty well.

Anonymous said...


you just do not get it. Fine. We will still fight for your rights even if you do not care or are not willing to fight for them yourself.

Anonymous said...

Chuck, the only you are right about is that you didn't use the word "racist", I believe you are on the Obama payroll if you think a tax break comes before you even file your taxes. Congress is counting on the fact that most of us overpay our federal taxes and get refunds when we file, so next year you may not get your refund-that's if they don't raise taxes, if they do, then you'll end up owing-Grow up. The cap & trade-Obama is pushing it and it's a tax. The biggest middle class tax hike will be if Congress passes cap & trade, the $8-10 you see extra in your paycheck will be more than negated, i.e. not a tax break and definitely breaking his promises of no tax increase on the middle class. AS far as his spending you don't even refute the fact that he is tripling GWBush's deficits-convenient-that's the estimate from the GAO, not Fox news. Even if I have it all wrong, I still have a right to protest his spending and not GWBush's because if you really want to split hairs it's Congress' spending we're protesting and at least GW vetoed a few ridiculous bills where Obama is actually pushing all this spending thru Congress. Even you can't hide from that fact.

Anonymous said...

The crazy thing is the same people who spout, "Obama is fixing someone else's mess, give him time he can't fix anything if he took office in January" believe that he has single-handedly affected their taxes and passed the "Biggest middle-class tax cut in history-blah blah"- You guys can't have it both ways. If you estimate $10 a paycheck, most people every 2 weeks -that's only $260.00 annually and you could be screwed if you're in a 2 earner household, while Bush's refunds were $500 and he did more than one, so who gave the middle class the biggest break? Don't let the facts get in your way Chuck, you can probably babble something to the effect that no one but you could possibly handle this kind of math.

Anonymous said...

Lowering your payroll tax only means they take out less money. That does NOT mean at the end of your year you pay less taxes. Chances are when next April comes around you will either have to pay in or get less of a refund.

chuck said...

You're not fighting for my rights. You just hate Obama and want everyone see you spouting it publicly. That's cool. Just call it what it is.

And for the rest of you... if you don't want to recognize the facts of the tax cut, that's cool. It doesn't change objective reality.