Hi everybody this is just a quick informative update. I posted a few new pictures; I will try doing a couple every few days. Amy gave me some discs of pictures and there is a lot on them over the past few weeks so you can see what Brooke was up to when there were no updates. Brooke’s Spa Day was done on June 11th and she had her friend Ashley go with her. They had a mani/pedi done. Thank you so much to About Faces and to Brooke for making Brooke fell so special. Of course along the way in life we have road bumps and Brooke is no exception. On Friday the 12th we had to put Brooke’s kitty LuLu to sleep. She had been sick for a little while and we were trying to keep her going until Brooke left for Transplant, but it was not to be. Brooke is very smart and has quite a grasp on medical things. Amy felt it was best to tell her the whole truth and not try to hide or lie about anything. In the end that was a smart decision because Brooke knew LuLu was sick and was not feeling well. She handled it very well and will never have to wonder what became of LuLu. As a matter of fact she told LuLu to find Rocky in Heaven. (Rocky was Brooke’s doggie that past away this past fall, the first time we really ever heard Brooke laugh really hard was because of Rocky)
Hey, Brookie here! What happens when a cat eats yarn? It has mittens What dog is always on time? A watch dog Knock Knock Who’s there? Muffin Muffin Who? Baking a cake (Amy and I have no idea, but boy does she love it) I have to go my favorite show is on right now, ABC’s WIPE OUT. Opps, second favorite show. I have to be up every morning at 8AM to watch Disney’s Special Agent Oso! Daddy always misses it, silly Daddy.
Today was day 2 of Chemo treatments as we head to next Friday the 26th for the Transplant. Brooke was still feeling pretty good today. She was full of energy and very playful. Her appetite is still good, she ate a good dinner but at breakfast when her omelet arrived the smell made her feel a little sick. Her ANC count has already started dropping so everyone going into the room must wear a mask except Mommy. So far she is handling getting a shower every 4 hours fairly well. For the first 3 days one of the Chemo drugs secrets thru the skin and she has to get a shower every 4 hours, they do allow once a day to get it on the sixth hour at night time so Brooke and Amy can get a little sleep. The hardest part is that everything has to be washed and her favorite blankie has to be away from her for 4 hours. Grammy came by today and she got to open one of her special presents we had to get ahead of time for this trip. It was a playmobile ambulance to match her hospital she got. On this stay Brooke can have no stuffed animals or things with hair on it. Everything has to be sterilized once a day and she has to eat from a very limited menu. Miss Sara came by today as well and that always brings a big smile to Brooke’s face. Miss Sara has her work cut out for her on this stay with all the restrictions. That is about it for today, everyone getting settled in for the next 30 days. Many Many Thank you’s to everyone out there who have prayed so much to get me this far, please keep me in your prayers.
This time because of the extended stay and not changing rooms if anyone would like to send a card with words of encouragement and hi, Brookie and Mommy would love it. You can always include stickers, they are allowed and I can make cards with stickers on them all day long. I can not have a lot of things so it’s just not a good idea to send them to me at CHOP unless they are cleared thru Mommy. Daddy messes up a lot and would not like to get in trouble. Here is my room number: 3C12
The Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia
34th Street and Civic Center Boulevard
Philadelphia, PA 19104-4399
ATTN: Brooke Mulford
FLOOR & ROOM: 3rd Floor Central, Room 12
Hang in there Brooke. We are ALL praying for you. Mommy and Daddy...God bless you also. Hopefully Brooke will pick up momentum immediately after this speed bump.
Thanks for the info!My daughter wants to make a make card for Brooke and send it to her.
Does anyone know who I contact locally in reference to "Locks of Love"? My little girl has decided she wants to wear her hair shorter and as her hair is quite long(Not cut in 3 years) she is all for donating it to help other kids.
All I know is my friends daughter donoted to locks of love and you neeed to have 11 inches or more. I can find out.
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