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Thursday, May 21, 2009

Prisoner At ECI Hangs Himself, Prison Calls Wrong Family About Death

On Monday night two cell mates were on recreation break. One prisoner chose to go take a shower while the other chose to go back to his cell.

Johnnie Hughes was the inmate that went to take a shower and William Beatty went back to his cell.

William proceeded to hang himself in his cell while his cell mate showered and when he returned they found William unresponsive.

In the mean time, a Lieutenant sent over a photo of the alleged deceased person and the word went out that Johnnie Hughes had killed himself. They even went so far as calling Johnnie's Grandmother to inform her that he had just killed himself, yet they had the wrong person!

When they came in to interview the cell mate they said, did you know Johnnie was going to do such a thing? He replied, I'm Johnnie. UH OH!

They had to call back the Grandmother and allow Johnnie to speak to her and let her know he was alive and that it was his cell mate who had hung himself.

ECI has some serious issues. Nothing has made it out to the Press about this issue, as usual. This should be all over the news tonight, since we've now broken the story.


Anonymous said...

Wow. Thats horrible.. That poor old little lady. I hope they learned there lesson and will make sure who the person really is before calling family and getting them all upset.

Two Sentz said...


Anonymous said...

This place is a disgrace. How is it that they can continue to operate under tha same incompetent leadership? Seems like every week it's another story from there that makes you shake your head.

Chimera said...

Thank God that lady did not have a heart attack when they told her!
Rumor has it the place is understaffed.

Anonymous said...

ECI, WCDC, nobody is every happy with the leadership anywhere. It makes no difference where. Accidents happen.

Anonymous said...

When they gave Bobby Webster Sgt rank it was down hill from there.

kStar said...

"Rumor has it the place is understaffed."

DUH! Let's do the math here... Employees at ECI are able to retire after 20 years of service to the State. ECI just celebrated the 20 year mark not too long ago. With the number of retirees and the fact that this is just a tough job (most can't hack it or wouldn't want to) I can't imagine why they wouldn't be understaffed.

The proof... in the last two years ECi/Dept of Corrections has gone from offering the applicant only/selective testing methods (in Baltimore) to open door/walk-in testing (on the Shore).

My guess - they will never be fully staffed. Its a shame though. They offer signing bonuses, stable salaries, State benefits and advancement. Yet there are still people complaining of no hope in the job search here on the Shore.

jose said...

ECi is not only understaffed but there is a lack of leadership throughout the entire prison system. The prison system has always held information from the public. With all due respect the public does not want to know what happens on a daily basis in the prison setting. It is a disgusting place to live as well as to work. Trust me there is no such thing as rehabilitation in that enviroment. For the officers it is trying to get home in one peice and for the inmates it is a matter of survival.

Anonymous said...

This place is run by ex-criminals,
background checks have gone by the wayside. The prisoners are supplied with anything they want , if they have the money. Not the first so called hanging, by the way. I don't believe for one
minute this person hanged his self.

Concerned Retiree said...

ECI has driven a lot of good personnel ou either by retirement or just ones who cannot put up with the incompetence of the leadership and their promotions. The leadership has never promoted the best qualified personnel. They promoted by the BUDDY / GOOD OLE BOY system. The Officer on the tier, the Officers that work the Unit and the Housing Unit Lieutenant should know their inmates. This just shows the incompetence of the Staff. Congratulations to ECI on another screw up. Bet the Administration wishes for some of the ones they forced out by screwing them over back to handle these for them so it would not appear as bad. As for as news coverage, the Media is scared of ECI and the State so they only report to the Public what they say they can.

Anonymous said...

Have you seen some of the morons they have working there?! WTF?!!!

citygoer said...

AHHH the good ol boy network. Its at my workplace as well. Ppl leave early, dont show up, are incredibly incompetent and they get the free ride with perks. You gotta love the shore. I've never experienced a workplace like that till I moved here. Trust me, its not like that elsewhere. It will drive the hard worker away and lower the standard thats already pretty low here. Hence the reason most services here are horribly executed. You'd better get used to it.

Anonymous said...

Turn ECI over to a contractor.

Anonymous said...

12:04 seems to be the only one speaking with any sense here. Until you have walked a mile in an officers shoes, don't criticize. And remember, only half of what you read here-or anywhere else for that matter-is factual.

joealbero said...

OK anonymous 9:35, then tell everyone why this story was covered up!

Anonymous said...

not everyone shouts things from the rooftops before all the facts are in.

joealbero said...

anonymous 10:01, it happened Monday. Fact, an inmate hung himself, period, fact. What other facts do you need?

Anonymous said...

Unfortunate as it is, sometimes accidents like this happen. It's happened in the military, car accidents, and missing person identification. Nothing was covered up because there was nothing to cover up.

BTW, if all y'all know so much about jailin', how 'bout you come work down at ECI and straighten the joint out?

What's that-can't hear you? Oh, you're SCARED, are ya? The big bad inmates might be mean or something, hurt your feelings, right?

Just what I thought. Once you losers have any police or jail experience, maybe you'll have something informative to add.

Topper said...

10:14 I agree with you. They hide behind keyboards but who do they call when someone attacks them?? The police. Who do they expect to keep these dirt bags behind bars?? People like you and I. Yes I walk the ECI beat and I do my job with pride and I do it well. To those worrying about the little old lady..yeah that was bad for her but blame her grandson. If that moron hadn't got locked up she wouldn't have gotten ANY call right or wrong name.

Concerned Retiree said...

10:14 and topper

I walked over 20 years in those shoes and I know what I am talking about. How long have you walked in those shoes. Have you worked in a real prison or just ECI? I have worked in both. ECI is Good Ole Boys.

Anonymous said...

Topper: Exactly!

Concerned Retire: A real prison? You are a moron. I'm sure everyone was glad the day you retired.

Concerned Retiree said...


Anyone who has only worked at ECI has never experienced the real life inside. This prison is run by rookies. There are only a handful who runs that place has worked in another prison and only the a$$ kissers like them because they want to be promoted. The others only want to critize the ones with other prison experience. Everybody has their opinion, but that does not mean they know what they talking about. You show me the caliber of person, possible Officer, you are. Having to call others names, who know what they are talking about and fought for the rights you have now, shows your character as a Professional. Yes the Administration was glad I retired. The Line Officers regretted it because they lost their most out spoken and knowledgable representative. Have A Nice Day.

Concerned Retiree said...

for the ones commenting on this subject with supposedly knowledge of prisons, I would like to ask a few simple questions. What is the flats in a Prison? Have you ever worked them? What is a grill, and I don't mean a solid door / Slider? Have you ever worked day after day with no equipment, just a whistle for your protection? Have you had to wait for 20 plus minutes to see another Officer to let you back out of an area? Have you worked with Maximum security inmates, not mental health or segregation which are maximum classification? Have you ever been sued, job related? Have you ever testified in Fedaral Court? Do you know what a GOON squad is, I don't mean a TAC team wantabee? Do you know what the old jail house code is? Have you had to depend on your instincts for hours / shifts for your survival because you only seen another Officer for chow relief? I know what it is like to be a professional in these situations and I do know the answers and have experienced these conditions. Have you?

Anonymous said...

blah blah blah, Get to the point retiree....

Anonymous said...

Sounds like Concerned Retiree is asking what experience the ones commenting have in all aspects of working in a prison which appears logical. Must not be much for those commenting. But that is my opinion of their comments.

Topper said...

Mistakes happen. These officers were under tremendous stress. For those pointing fingers, how would YOU react if you just found someone hanging? Guess the chance of that happening in your little cubicle is near 0%. It doesn't happen often at ECI either but it does happen

Topper said...

Good point joe, so why did you print all the other BS with the story like simulating a conversation that supposedly took place. Because you are a BS stirrer thats why.

anonymous 10:01, it happened Monday. Fact, an inmate hung himself, period, fact. What other facts do you need?

10:03 PM

Anonymous said...

Officer's/lieutenant's did there job cut the inmate down and sent him out 911 tring to save his life so what more could you have asked for. Sometimes accidents like this happen. Yes the wrong inmate was ID Unfortunate as it was, the task was to try and save a life, so where is the cover up. that is what they did. question what was wrong with that. So what does that have to do with the incompetent leadership or Good Ole Boys system.

Anonymous said...

ECI has always been a cORRUPT Hellhole,that always mistreated, and harassed the GOOD OFFICERS.

That is why they Leave, as soon as they can, and Retire or Quit.

Racisim is the Blacks doing it against the whites,WHO are minority

All of the 11 or so Wardens have been corrupt, and so was their hand
picked ,so called, supervisors(the Stupervisors)who,the workers manage

Green has been there 3 times as warden (acting,and full time)
She is the Worst of the Worst,and should be Fired. Thanks to her and
her Regime, Many Careers were ruined, and the Best qualified to be promoted, were always turned down. Maybe she, and her co-conspirators, WILL R O T IN HELL