There was a riot last night at the WCDC involving Federal Inmates.
4 to 6 Officers were assaulted. All sorts of items damaged. Tried to take an Officer hostage but failed. Wicomico County gets paid extra to house Federal Inmates. Immigration and Federal people come in and take them eventually but the Feds pay about $50.00 to $60.00 a day, when it normally costs around $25.00 a day to house a regular inmate.
Everyone is on lock down. Some Officers got punched in the mouth. One Officer got hit with a broom stick. Inmates looking at 18 years plus. I'm sure insiders will be chiming in with comments once this is up with more details. Remember, you heard it here first on Salisbury News.
I was in their once and all the pods of foriegn prisoners started singing some song from their native country I quess, it was a surreal moment.The singing wasnt half bad. Long,Long time ago.
they'll go in front of R.Scott Davis and be set free anyways
Deport all of them and quit holding them there. Rick Pollitt are you listening - help these guys/gals out at the WCDC - don't hold these animals any more - deport them.
WCDC does not house any detainees for US Immigration & Customs Enforcement. They only house for the US Marshal's Service who pays around $83.00 a day.
Its a jail...riots happen!
I still think if you are an immigrant and you break the law you GO HOME. Of course it doesn't work that way. They have rights you know. As far as I am concerned your rights went out the window when you committed the crime regardless if you are an American Citizen or Immigrant.
In my career, of over 34 years as a criminal defense lawyer, I have visited more than 15 correctional institutions.
The WCDC is the filthiest and most ineptly managed correctional facility I have ever seen.
I continue to be mystified about why current, and past, Wicomico County Government refuses to acknowledge the WCDC problems; let alone correct them.
BTW, Scott Davis is an excellent judge, who gives both sides, in every case, a fair trial.
Judge Scott Davis conducts trials exactly in the manner which the law requires in a free country.
Lee Clarke
Thank You Lee!
Lawyer Lee:
The man to see is Ricky P.
A planned riot from federal inmates who have nothing to lose. The two main ring leaders are looking at life plus in prison. The WCDC ERT took control quickly and the federal inmates are feeling it today. The main point is that WCDC wins the battle every time. The housing unit involved should stay on lockdown a long, long time.
I'm more than shocked that no one has mentioned the fact that Devenyns is still on the job. I've said before "as long as he is in control of this institution there will be problems of this nature". Pollitt has had many opportunities to remove this incompetant man from his position of director. So who is to blame at this point? I would say Rick Pollitt should be held responsible for any and all occurances at the WCDC!
I agree that no one except Pollitt is to blame at this point. He could have removed Doug Devenyns and hired a real warden to operate the facility. Devenyns is no more than a joke at this point in time. He has no control of the facility and problems will continue to exist until Rick Pollitt musters up the nerve to replace DDD.
Those animals have to many rights they should be fed scraps worked hard and be beaten when they attack the guards they should lose all rights when they are convicted.
I know Rick looks at this blog. Get a set Rick and get rid of Devenyns. This could be your demise in the next election. As well as some other interesting points.
I told my people not to talk about this!!!! We are not having any problems at WCDC right now. All is well. There are no gangs or roudy inmates in WCDC. Now, where's my hot dog from the mess hall?? Is it four o'clock yet?
Listen to the people Rick Pollitt, get rid of Douglas Devenyns and your life will be so much better. He is the sole reason for all of the problems at WCDC. Even Somerset County used reasonable judgement in removing James L. Henderson Jr. from the position of warden when accusations were made against him. If Devenyns sues, so what? He is going to cost the tax payers more in the long run if he stays on the county payroll!
To start with Mr. Lee get over it, you just have a personal grudge against WCDC, I don't think it's necessary to put the reason out there and dis you like that but you just need to get over it.
Secondly the Director did nothing to cause the riot, it was people with very little to loose that think that we are just incompetent hick town C.O.s and can't handle big city criminals, oops wrong.
lastly this jail gets cleaned daily, if the cells are dirty its because the prisoners are refusing to clean and wish to live like that. They would rather attack our staff with these cleaning supplies instead of keeping their cell clean.
Our job is not to punish prisoners it is to hold people that the judge deems could do society harm. Our job is not to fight them either but to provide services to help them return to society and be productive, if they want. Unfortunately many do not want to learn a new and productive path. I realize we all make mistakes but If you don't like the accommodations and won't take the opportunities we officer to get your life right than don't come to jail. You can change, I did, It's your choice no one else.
Thank you for telling the truth
Mr. Lee Clark.
No one wants the truth here.
lets see....lee clark, a criminal defense attorney, defending judge davis. says alot right there.
I've seen the inside of a few jails, too, and WCDC is cleaner than most. More important, it's not being run by the inmates, like in most jails. I have no doubt the ERT brought the situation under control pronto. They're pros.
5:12...my thoughts exactly...one crook defending another...hmmmm
Here is more Truth. The Officers
here are getting >>>> Screwed.
WCDC gets 3 mill a year to house these federal inmates.
Officers get NONE of that money,
and work for Nothing pay, when, they should be getting at least 30
bucks an hour,straight time, not OT
Officers are treated like,MAID AND
BUTLER SERVICE, Not as officers.
Where does all that "icing on the cake" Federal money GO ???
It is sure Not, to the Officers, who, risk Life and Limb to work
The officers Don't even Get OT after 40 hours, like everywhere
else in this country,>>>> they have to be in the "Premium Period"
of the month to get it.
Officers don't get their 30 min to eat either, WCDC OWES officers alot
of those Lost 30 min times periods.
The Place is FILTHY, with Dirty AIR
to breath, and dirty ALL OVER, and would Not pass an OSHA inspection.
FIRE, that incompetent KIMBLE, and DDD, and plenty of others who need it, if you want to clean up this Rotten Jail.
Otherwise, look for Nothing to change, and even, get worse.
Let the Sheriff take over, and Be
Lee, with all due respect, that's a joke. R. Scott Davis goes out of his way to humiliate people in court. I've seen him treat plaintiffs in civil cases like sh*t when he's had a bad day. I know for a fact that he renders judgements and the forgets to write it down on the paperwork. Judge R. Scott Davis is the most liberal judge I've ever seen. Most police officers can't wait until he retires.
Bull Frog eyed, Kimble showed off
at the so, called, Riot, giving
the order to get the inmates.
Officers, Don't be fooled by him.
He will hang you out to dry.
He AAin't No role model, to say the least.
Major Moore is the BEEEF , when
force is needed. Give him the
Credit, for quelling the riot, Not
Kimble, (Lit'l Kim)
Word is, officer Byrd did a good job, and Impressed some old time
officers last night. Good Job !!!!
THe real story is BUBBA'S pissed off He keeps saying--- Where's my JR!!!!!!!!!!
Was Devenyns called to the scene or was he with one of his part time lovers? That man is a worthless piece of you know what.
Dear Anonymous 1:42 PM, 5:12 PM and 5:40 PM,
My statements about the WCDC are based on my personal observations and conversations with WCDC Correctional Officers; not inmates.
It is the most ineptly managed correctional facility I have ever seen and it is filthy, even in areas where inmates are prohibited, such as employee restrooms where raw sewage has backed-up onto the floors several days before.
As for Judge Scott Davis, I stand by my professional opinion that he is fair to both sides in criminal cases.
I realize that praise, of a judge or prosecutor, by a criminal defense lawyer is suspect. However, I personally don't always have to agree with someone in order to have the highest respect for them. Rather, I respect those who honestly, and fairly, perform their respective roles in our American Justice System; be they law enforcement officers, judges, prosecutors or defense lawyers.
I know that many things are imperfect, in the American Justice System; but, IMO, no other country has a better one.
Lee Clarke
I know WCDC is a nasty filthy place that charges way too much for commisary items and its a bunch of BS yes it is jail but it doesnt mean that arent human beings in there they get the nastiest meals that a dog wouldnt even eat on a good day there are rat turds in the showers and backed up toilets this is just a detention center and they cant even run it right no wonder stuff like this happens Wicomico County should take a look at Worester County its pretty sad that the people locked up yes some criminals some maybe on a suspended license or something minor have to be treated like a dog. Prisoners get treated more like humans in a maximum security prison. WCDC has areas for inmates to go outside and they get nothing no wonder they are treated like lab rats. Everyone needs fresh air and sunlight it does wonders for a persons mind Also keep in mind that some of these inmates need to functions back in society if treated like caged animals they will act that way. Its a sorry jail and whoever runs it should be ashamed of the job theyve done and the warden should get fired along with a few of his side kicks maybe someone needs to look into this rat roach infested building and put some of our hard earned tax dollars to use.
If its the federal inmates who caused all the trouble why do all our county residence who are inmates have to pay the price they dont normally have trouble like this. So because of no fault of their own the people whos only highlight is to make a phone call or get a visitor are all suspended. While i realize yes they are in Jail but seriously that place is like a lab for rats Maximum security prisoners get better treatment than the WCDC inmates its unfortunate that all the judgemental americans dont ever see the other side of life good people make bad choices and they pay the price but must they pay it by being treated like a dog or worse a lab rat lets be for real i pay taxes and wicomico county gets plenty of tax dollars what happens to all of them obviously my tax dollars arent going to improve the conditions of our county jail. They big wigs should be ashamed of what our county portrays.
dear lee clarke
i respect your opinion, and your praise of a judge is not suspect, just your choice of a judge. if you want to praise a judge in district court, praise judge wade. he is, imo, one of the best damn judges ever in the last dozen or so years to sit in any of those rooms. he does what he is supposed to do on the bench...give a fair trial, but also PUNISH those that are found guilty. that is something you rarely see from public defender davis. of course our system benefits from all types of legal views, but doing the job of a judge sometimes requires sending people to jail. im not denying that davis is fair, just way too lenient for these times and these crimes in wicomico county.
I have no personal knowledge of the conditions at WCDC but if they are as bad as some suggest, why doesn't someone file a federal lawsuit? Maybe Mr. Clark would be able to represent some of the inmates in this action. From reading this site I am convinced that WCDC is a big problem for Wicomico County and corrective action must be taken by it's leaders are more problems are certain to occur.
Those fools should be punished. They know what the conditions are at WCDC, yet they CHOOSE to keep coming back. The food is bad,the commisary prices are high, and not all the staff are polite to the "guests". Get over yourselves, stop committing crimes, move on with your lives, and you will never have to see the inside of WCDC. Just to be fair, I will say that the Officers do not need big raises, as everyone in this ecomomy is hurting, and they are just glorified babysitters. Be glad that the county still employes you and provides benefits.
Anonymous 11:15 PM,
I agree that Bruce Wade is an excellent judge, as is Scott Davis.
You may find it interesting to know that early in his legal career, when he worked with me, Bruce Wade was, among other attributes, an excellent criminal defense lawyer.
I often disagree with both Judges Davis and Wade, as that is my role in our adversarial justice system. However, I truly believe that they both do their absolute best to fulfill their roles as impartial, and unbiased, arbiters. That is why I could not let unfair criticism of Judge Davis pass unchallenged.
Lee Clarke
heres reality hopefully the people who sit there and critize inmates better realize it can happen to anyone at anytime even if you think you live in a perfect world. I can attest to that I personally had a great life and thru doctors and pharmacy and pain management there are more drug addicted crimes dont be vein and think it cant happen to you drug addiction is a disease a legal prescription given to pain victims and it never ends so just because you are sick doesnt mean you should be locked up inside a hell hole Ive seen the inside of maximum security prisons and our county should be ashamed we cant even run a little detention center just remember this people in glass houses shouldnt throw stones
That's one hell of a LONG sentence. Go to English class much?
heres a thought if your picking on punctuation and spelling get a life obviously your one of those people who live in a glass house.....
But picture this,
What if you or one of your loved ones say your sister/brother got convicted of a crime, not serious like a little candy store left and got caught and they got put into this predicament, where the detention center was just disgusting and unclean. What would you do??
Yeah, I know they commited a crime, and yeah i know that they dont deserve a dang country club but they sure as hell do deserve a clean shower, a clean cell and a decent lunch then mystery meat, it aint mystery meat. its cockroach surprise!!.
Your family member could be sitting there getting sick. who knows what goes on in there.
I know its stupid when you think about me standing up for Convicts but when you think about your family member being in that predicament, ugh it just sickens me.
The inmates aren't complaining because 3/4 of them are repeat offenders. If the families care so much about their families that are locked up, then you feed them 3 meals a day. You housed them. You can send them to the doctor when they get sick. You can send them to the dentist when they get a tooth ache. You can send them to a pych for their drug, alcohol and mental health treatments. You can make sure they get their high school dipolma instead of a jail GED. You can make sure they attend church services. You can make sure they get daily basketball games and other recreation. You can make sure they have cable TV. You can make sure they play cards in your home. You make sure they get a job and hold on to that job. You can make sure they pay their own bills. You can make sure they take care of their kids so their children won't end up in jail. There's alot you all can do for your love one to keep them out of jail. Be the support system that these men and women need. But, you won't. Because your love one's will continue to break the law. So, a county jail and taxpayers will take care of them.
So since I am a taxpayer and my family member is locked up and this family member has alot of other family members who pay taxes and they have done all the things you speak of in your comment and this person is not a repeat offender you dont have all the answers you think you know it all my family member is a great person who made one bad choice so does that mean he should be treated poorly. My tax dollars pay for them too. Hopefully your loved one doesn't wind up in a bad situation maybe then you would understand the pain and heartache the family on the outside goes through knowing your loved one is being miss treated. My hard earned tax dollars for 30 years have gone to other things that I don't want them to go for. Do you feel the tax dollars should go for what. So far whoever controls the tax dollars uses them poorly. Again people in glass houses should throw stones, keep that in mind the next time something in your perfect life goes south......
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