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Sunday, April 26, 2009

A Comment Worthy Of A Post

Joe, after looking at the Daily Rag online I saw this story about Somerset County and it got me to thinking.

"After delay, Westover sewer system working"

How can the poorest county in the state have it's own sanitary district and provide water and sewer to the county residents and Wicomico County can't? I think this is an excellent idea for a post. If Wicomico County would provide water and sewer it would eliminate many of the problems with Salisbury and them trying to keep up with the infrastructure. It would also help reduce the congestion around the so called "metro core."


Anonymous said...

One word, Greed! Wicomico County is in for major financial problems.

Anonymous said...

Joe, I think this goes hand in hand with your following post.

Sunday, April 26, 2009
Monday Night A Big Night At Civic Center

Anonymous said...

As long as the elected members of the Wicomico County Council continue to allow the city of Salisbury to annex there will be no need for water and sewer in the county. The annexations will continue and there will be nothing left in the county. The county will be the County of Salisbury. Wake up idiots or you will be annexing yourselves out of a job as a councilman.

Anonymous said...

I bet that you were the same person complaining about Rick Pollitt wanting to revise the revenue cap weren't you? ARE YOU IDIOTS SERIOUS?!?! This is another classic example of the citizens of Wicomico County wanting, wanting, and wanting, but not will to PAY for a damn thing! We're on our way to being the poorest county in the state if you folks keep burying the county's budget with your ridiculous wants! Get prepared to have your county provided services and needs cut!

Daddio said...

7:13 that type of thinking is full of sewage. The tax rates in Wicomico are already higher than Somerset, so that argument doesn't fly too well with me.

It's how things are managed that determine the overall cost, not how much money you can throw at something.

Anonymous said...

7;13 PM you are an idiot. Water and Sewar is a fee based service which pays for itself. The County has already dished out millions to Salisbury and Fruitland for water and their plants and now the county has nothing to show for it.

You must be one of those Tree Huggers from WET of the CBF that don't want any neighors so you try to force them in Salisbury. You are a special interest Moron that needs to go back across the big ditch where you came from.

Anonymous said...

Sound foundation infrastructure should be in place and up to date before developement is allowed.

Anonymous said...

10:49 PM,

Sorry, but you are wrong...It may be fee based after the initial $100 million or so is spent so where are you going to come up with the money needed to actually build the facilities and infrastructure? TAXES! If you want lower tax rates and county W&S then I suggest you move to Somerset County-we really don't want you here...Somerset County and 3 other counties out of the 23 in MD are the only counties with lower tax rates than Wicomico and it sure does show. So infact, you are "full of sewage" and quite frankly you are an IDOIT as well to think that these things come for free...

And no, I am not with WET or CBF or from across the Bay-I was born and raised here on the Eastern Shore in Wicomico County.