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Sunday, April 12, 2009

Breaking News

The Navy has rescued The Captain of the Maersk Alabama. He has been freed. 3 Pirates dead, one in custody. More to come.

MOMBASA, Kenya (April 12) - An American ship captain was freed unharmed Sunday in a swift firefight that killed three of the four Somali pirates who had been holding him for days in a lifeboat off the coast of Africa, U.S. officials said.

Capt. Richard Phillips' crew, who said they escaped after he offered himself to the pirates as a hostage, erupted in cheers abroad their ship docked in Mombasa, Kenya, waving an American flag and firing a flare in celebration.

GO HERE to read more.


Topper said...

This is great news!

Anonymous said...

The only way this could have ended any better is if ALL pirates were killed. Way to go USA!!!! We cannot let these a$$holes demand millions for ransom of ships/ captives which they dont deserve. What a hero Captain Phillips is!

Anonymous said...

The navy kept constant pressure on them by fly overs by day and spot light fly overs all night this in combination with the extreme heat no food / water and lack of sleep soften them up. Then a submarine released a seal team for the assault as the helicopters blinded and distracted them. Great job Navy !

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

4:31 "The only way this could have ended any better is if ALL pirates were killed."

Nah... It's good to keep one to parade about. The trial will keep this in the news for a while...

Orsonwells said...

Good ending. i was afraid that the United States would keep with the wuus attitude on capture only and would end with the death of our captain. Nice job, Navy.
I wonder why the ships are unarmed in the first place. This ship is U.S. Territory, and should be armed for defense of the vessel. an unarmed person/ ship/ country is just bait waiting for disaster.

steve said...

It's a bout freakin time-TAKE NO PRISONERS!!! KILL EM ALL!!! The worlds most powerful navy held at bay by these thugs? Stop being so PC and blast the bastards out of the water. Joh Paul Jones and Stepehn Decatur must be wondering what is going on!

Anonymous said...

How could this happen with this Muslin commander in chief in charge??! To think that he gave the order to Seals... doesn't he realize how this will hurt his standing with Bin Laden and the Prince of Saudia Arabia. This has to be some sort of trick. Please someone explain.

Anonymous said...

Whats the pirates agenda, where does the money go?

ken smith said...

The best possible news on this Easter Day.

Anonymous said...

This is what makes us proud to be AMERICAN

freddie w. said...

I just hope my tax dollars purchased those 3 sniper rounds.

Anonymous said...

Awesome JOB SEALS, if we could only get one to be President instead of the dumb a$$ we have now!

Anonymous said...

Muslims without oil or poppy plants.

Anonymous said...

Obama got this one right. I was worried that he might pull another Jimmy Carter rescue.

Anonymous said...

Fourth thug should be hung on the deck for all the world to see. Only then will I call Mr. Obama my President!

Anonymous said...

Congress is no different than these pirates,they have taken hostage and hold ransom our freedoms, prosperity, liberties and our constitution, robbing us, our children and even our grandchildren for several trillion dollars....

Anonymous said...

This is good news. However, the BEST news on Easter Sunday is the Resurrection!

I've heard that trading vessels are typically unarmed as it allows them faster passage through certain waters and ports. After all, time is money.

Moon Willow said...

The thing is, now the pirates are saying this is going to result in the deaths of more hostages; that the US is subject to retaliation. For WHAT??!! It's as though these pirates think they have some moral ground to stand upon.

We can't help it if international law forbids arming cargo ships, but why not water cannons? Heck, why not do the medieval thing and pour boiling oil down on their sorry arses when they try to board? Aggression like these pirates' needs to be met with aggression, not "Hey, look at the little boats speeding toward our huge cargo ship! I wonder what they want? Better put some water on for tea."

Anonymous said...

I knew snipers would play a big part in this action. What a captain for sacrificing himself for his crew, he's the real hero here! It was a great Easter outcome! Obama let the military do what they are supposed to do.

Now we need to keep battleships there and blow these pirates out of the water and launch cruise missles into their land bases. This has been going on for a long time, just the first time it's involved Americans.

The one pirate they have in custody is under 18 and may be a good source of information to hit their land bases. Be more proactive so we don't have to react. If they want War, let's give them War!

Anonymous said...

Three shots, three dead! Perfect 100% Good Job Navy SEALS

Anonymous said...

I am with you, it takes at least one public hanging for any President to gain my respect as well.

Reconciled1 said...

A true Hero set free by true heroes. If you didnt see the interview by the first mate today, its worth watching. 3 shots, 3 kills and our american is home. about time someone showed these "pirates" some fire power.

dogg said...

New Obama policy. At least one public hanging a week. The surviving pirate the first week. For the next 100 weeks, I can submit a complete schedule.


big mike said...

hey granny, pour boiling oil an a guy holding an automatice weapon or an rpg and see what happens....a dead pirate never did any harm to anyone

Anonymous said...

hey the idiot who made the comment about Obama being a Muslim dosent know what their talking about. Obama is not a Muslim stop being so racist i bet you didnt have much to say when the airhead Bush was dragging our economy in the ground.SHUT UP AND GIVE THE MAN A CHANCE !

Anonymous said...

Please look up the definition of sarcasm, and then re-read the comment.

Anonymous said...

Thank you 8:14pm for speaking up, regarding the ignorant comments.