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Thursday, March 05, 2009



Call Kratovil (202) 225-5311

Call Kratovil demanding why he favors illegal aliens over out of work American citizens.
E-Verify will protect U.S. jobs for Americans.

Kratovil was asked to sign a letter from Rep. Bilray and Schler to Pelosi and Reid urging long term authorization of this employment verification system to Omnibus Act of 2009. He has not signed the letter.

Ask him WHY???


Anonymous said...

I don't have to ask him why because I already know why and that is because he is just a big liberal. He will side with the dems on just about everything. Remember this next election.

Anonymous said...

Obama's stimulus will provide jobs to illegals rather than citizens!And where do those $$$ go?
Ole "K" may also be a one termer...

Anonymous said...

Way to go Kravotil. I'm a conservative and disagree on most topics with Kravotil. However, anything that requires a database gets a "no" in my book. Read your Bibles people, mark of the beast, ever heard of it?

One of the reasons I voted for the Libertarian Party was because John McCain supported the REAL ID Act.

Anonymous said...

He has to vote with Pelosi, she dished a ton of money into his campaign. He ain't gonna cross that woman.

Anonymous said...

anon 2:26
Got a driver license?

Anonymous said...

I am a co-sponsor of HB 470 and if the bill passes in Committee, I will vote for the bill.

Page Elmore

Anonymous said...

Now wait a second.

As a Christian, I'm am VERY aware about end times phrophecy and the debate regarding e-verify/real-id/slippery slope issues.
However, we have a drivers license number we have a social security number, these verification "tools" already exist at the state level.

Illegal immigration is a threat to our wage levels and our jobs. How is an employer calling an insta check number if someone appears to be of foreign descent (sp?) an affront to my faith?

Scripture tells us that no man may buy or sell. Try getting a job without a SS.

I am open to debate on this one folks. Tell me where I'm wrong that preventing Jose' from taking my Brother in Law's carpentry job or lawn service job away from him because he will work for XYZ contracting for five bucks an hour cheaper because an employer is required to e-verify is an affront to my faith?

Was that a run on sentence?

I'll say it again, please convince me otherwise.

PS- I just called Frank K's number, I DID NOT vote for the guy btw, they said that what this email implies is not true. It's a letter to Shill-osi only. Frank K did sponsor the orig. bill, and he is still supporting it. Again, I'm not a Frank fan....yet.

Anonymous said...

Also remember that Mikulski and Cardin voted for the Porkulus bill and the omnibus bill--add to it our sate and local taxes--bend over Maryland taxpayers the Democrats are in control!!

Anonymous said...

I believe that E-Verify is simply a data base of existing valid social security numbers and is 99.5% accurate. It is just employer access to this info.

Anonymous said...

Kratovil's staffer told the same story...he was a co-sponsor of E-Verify. However that bill was thrown out in committee and not included in the final bill.

If so, he should support the attachment of E-Verify to Omnibus Bill. No Kratovil signature...

So why is Kratovil so reluctant to pledge his signature on a letter to Reid-Pelosi advocating attachment of E-Verify?

Sign the letter.
Let Americans get the jobs.

Anonymous said...

Good for Elmore, but he is on the wrong comment.

Anonymous said...

Maybe its because he doesn't think ALL AMERICANS should be forced to carry an identity card to prove we are Americans.

Anonymous said...

The fact is that he DOES support e-verify, the whole point of the letter was asking the Speaker to include it in the omnibus bill, which it already was, so it was a pretty lame PR tactic to even send the letter in the first place.

He had already signed on weeks ago as an original co-sponsor of a bill to extend the program. The bill is HR 662, a bill to evaluate and extend the basic pilot program for employment eligibility confirmation and to ensure the protection of Social Security beneficiaries. His cosponsorship – he was one of only 9 Members who signed onto the bill at the time of its introduction – makes him a leader on this issue. And clearly it’s better to sign onto the actual bill than a PR stunt of a letter.