I have been hearing more and more that the Comegys signs are coming down and I'd like to see for myself if this is true. Nevertheless, I will make several posts in the near future showing these properties as I personally feel that IF someone still stands behind Gary Comegys and proudly sports their campaign sign in their front yards, YOU should know who these people are.
With the many thousands of people that visit this Site each and every day, this should get quite interesting. Neighbors should be challenging neighbors about the fact that Gary refuses to do an interview over this very serious matter. You know and I know this Administration was trying to COVER IT UP until AFTER the election.
Well, I'm not letting go of this one. I want everyone to see these properties. You want to sport his sign, well, we'll give you more attention than you ever dreamed of.
That's the old Joe we've been missing. Go get them!
more attention and less business!
Joe, I think you should stop at those houses that display a Comegys sign, rap on the door and go on one of your rants. I'd love to read about someone punching you right between your running lights.
The railroad tracks have a sign at Division street for "Choo Choo" Comedies!
There was in this neighborhood two signs (two houses) with gary/shaney BUT then Jim came thru and spoke with the neighborhood and now there are six on one block for Jim and the others have been removed. The red, white and blue sign looks better than the angry red one...menonsu
Anonymous 12:32
Is that you Barrie or is it Bubba?
"IF someone still stands behind Gary Comegys and proudly sports their campaign sign in their front yards, YOU should know who these people are."
I agree with you on most of what you do but this just sounds like a witch hunt.
Uh Oh, have we touched a nerve anonymous 12:32 and 1:03?
Each and every property wants to make a statement, right? Well, I want to make one too.
Gary Comegys can run but he and his followers cannot hide.
I encourage all of you to forward me pictures of properties that have the Comegys signs in front of them and perhaps even that property owners name.
If they stand behind scandlous cons like the WWTP, let them be known for who they are.
I have seen and heard enough and I'm Not Going To Take It Any More!
I want EVERY Business Owner to be known by this community. Every resident as well. You just keep your eyes out for the Salisbury News Vehicle tomorrow and IF you're sporting a sign, you will be Blogged.
Oh, by the way. If I was looking for a Witch I would only have to stop at the GOB or a local watering hole.
Be sure to snap away at Pizza City...there is a ton of signage infront of there!
You are such a coward. I bet you won't get out of your car to take these pictures!
Pizza City lets everyone post their signs there, as do many businesses if they are just asked.
Instead of going on a witch hunt, how about exposing the businesses that have Jim signs. I could use the exposure.
There are still a few signs on Truitt Street in Salisbury.
Joe, let me know who the business owners are so I know which ones to avoid.
Go get em Joe, Dont you just love anon. threats?
Go back to the articles on the WWTP and click on the titles. Then print them out and hand them out to your neighbors. Perhaps they don't have Internet access and are unaware of what Comegys did to hide this information from the public.
Why would they care if you take their picture? That's who they want to vote for and have the freedom to do so! This is still America!
I think this is a witch hunt, and I think its kinda classless. in fact I own a rental in city limits property and I am going to make sure that I put a sign up for Gary, Now I'm being completly honest when I say that I know just about as much about local politics as I do about brain surgery, so I'm not informed, being that I don't live in the city, I can;t vote. I read this sight everyday, as do alot of people, but it has become more and more hatefull in my oppinion,
Jarred, is your business called Subway? You go right ahead and put that sign up for all to see. Can't wait to take a snap shot and give you some FREE exposure.
Do you really think most people will boycott a business because of a political sign? It's an awful thing to say, but I don't think most people in Salisbury are even paying much attention to what is happening in this city nowadays. Our society as a whole has become very apathetic.
no actualy its a house, and I'll even give you the address if you ask nicely,
anonymous 2:23,
Clearly YOU'RE not in business for yourself because NO smart business person would take the risk, quite frankly.
Any business owner knows what statement they'll be making when Salisbury News comes driving by tomorrow or maybe the day after. Who knows when I'll decide to do it or if I'll do it again and again. In the mean time we will simply make the citizens know who supports Mr. Comegys after refusing to talk to the Press about the WWTP. His excuse now is, the information is confidential. Well Gary, NO IT'S NOT. I don't know just how stupid you think people are but the merer fact that they Mayor held a Press Conference over it and exposed every ounce of what's going on, it's no longer, (nor was it ever) confidential. Man, sometimes you're a complete, well, you know what I want to say.
Smile for the camera Jarred. I don't need your address. I'll be everywhere tomorrow along with several other people making rounds.
I'm not in business, your right, oh well, if you give me a time that you'll be in the camden/college area, it would be greatly helpful, I want to make sure that my lawn looks good,
People can vote for whomever they want. Who are you to tell anyone who they should vote for. This is ridiculous.
Most of what I have seen garys signs are postsed on public property NOT in peoples yards. In past years these signs have been removed by public works BUT not this year?
I dont live in Salisbury but I can tell you that we haven't been to the sub shop we used to go to since he put up an Obama sign. So yes I think people will boycott some business. If you dont like what they stand for why should be shop there.
Hold on a sec. Attack me if you want, but I think this might be crossing a line. I'll tell you and I'll tell anyone that Jim Ireton has my vote. That said, I am sharing that with you anonymously through this forum, and so it doesn't carry much weight when measuring how much support a candidate has. A yard sign, however, is designed not so much to show WHO supports a particular candidate (though it does, in effect). Rather, a yard sign is designed (and is effective) in indicating neighbor support (ie., 'I see the house around the corner supports Candidate X. I guess people like me (neighbors) can support that guy/gal. Maybe he/she isn't so bad.). It also serves to show individual support, should the observer know the resident or business owner sporting a sign. My point is only that in these times where it is relatively easy to find out who lives where, what their phone number and email address are, and who they've supported politically, to use this forum to make those connections broadly, and for the supporters of one candidate (selectively, as you likely won't be able to traverse every street in Salisbury and attach their information without quitting the blogging business and going out full-time), seems slightly unethical. An alternative (though simply focusing on the candidate himself seems to be the best alternative) might be to treat everyone to the same publicity. In other words, put Jim Ireton sign-bearers and their home addresses on here as well. Presumably they/you/I would be proud of it. More likely, I think, most people would prefer their privacy and their 'right' to place a political sign in their yard, and keep their political statement within the forum of 'their yard'. If they so choose to bring their political opinions here to the internet (and affix personal information to that), by all means, use it. The reverse is also true. I don't think political statements on the internet should necessarily shift to the forum of people's homes/yards without invitation. This is just my two cents, and you're entitled to yours, but maybe this is an idea that should remain in the incubator for a while before it sees the light of day.
I was near the Camden-woodlawn rd area and saw a lot of Comedgys-Boda signs.
Jay, do you want your comment posted? If so please let me know. I'd be happy to do so but didn't know if you wanted what you said made public.
I agree with the idea of instead of posting places with Comegys signs, why not take a positive approach and post pictures of places with Ireton signs? Let's look at the positive here instead of the negative! Of course, you'd have to take a lot more pictures, but lets end the last 2 weeks by being positive about Mr Ireton! What do you say, Joe? I think it is a good idea.
Good points Jay. I will take pictures of BOTH Candidates and kill two birds with one stone, so to speak. I will let others know to do the same.
I want to know who supports comegys, I want to know who is trying to continue to destroy our city. A vote for comegys, whether ignorant of the facts or purposely destroying our city over self interest....just shouldnt be tolerated any more. If you or your bussiness supports comegys, I WILL boycott you.
I'm MAD as #$@@! and I'M not going to take it ANYMORE!!!
The signs are still up on Riverside Drive, just past the Shad Point Bridge where he met with people a couple weeks ago. Mr. Maloney I think. He lives in the county.
Mr./Ms. 5:56:
I hear that John Groutt -- an envirocrazie who supports Bubba because he wants all new development in Wicomico County to occur inside the City, and Bubba has voted on Planning & Zoning to stop any new subdivisions in the County -- has asked his fellow Wicomico Environment Trust comrades, most of whom live outside the City, such as Pretl and Stribling, to put Comegys signs on their property. Those at Shad Point are probably his doing.
And why are the masses, yes the masses, within the voting confines of Salisbury still SO UNINFORMED?
You wonder why such a low voter turnout? Most don't know, don't care, couldn't tell you anything about the new WWTP, some don't even know what it IS!
They don't know about the spend/waste or atrocious mismanagement of funds or the backdoor elitism deals or... well the list goes on and on.
Tilghman and Comegies are counting on just that, those little signs actually DO mean a lot. Those who will go vote just as a perfunctory type of thing, will click the button on the name they recognize.
That's simply it, it's human nature.
Joe, while you may find it difficult to conceive that there are many THOUSANDS of voters who don't know squat about anything in politics or any of the information you put forth, they simply don't have internet access or if they do, they don't read blogs, many can barely send an email.
It's to our shame the "Lower and Slower" Eastern Shore is as illiterate and disassociated from its own community as it is. The mindset is that 'somebody will take care of it.' That's how it always has been and they feel it will continue either with or without their input or thought.
I deal with the public on a daily basis and have for the last 13 years. I am appalled at the lack of simple comprehension over adding 2 + 2, much less addressing political concerns.
For those who have a mind of their own and CAN think, don't take offense, but know it's widespread, not just locally. I talk to people who cover DC/MD/VA/WV and the thing that amazes me most is the absolute stupidity of the masses.
Actually if you are here, reading this, you have at least a leg up. But yeah, some who do are still idiots.
Just a thought Joe.
Anonymous said...
Do you really think most people will boycott a business because of a political sign?
2:21 PM
You better believe it. I used to buy my tires for years at Bubba-White Tire Co. on Main Street, but not any more. Thank you Sam's Club you saved me a lot of money.
I am one of those who use to NOT pay much attention to local politics. This is until I discovered SYBNEWS. I read it at least every other day and am now particularly interested in the local dirt that Joe digs up. Joe sheds light on what is really going on around here and I for one am grateful.
Hey.. Why not expose pro-Ireton businesses? They'll get a nice boost in this economy.
My observation has been that there are many Comegys signs at vacant houses, and rental properties. I do not care, but some people are sign counters, I am an issue counter, and Mr. Ireton is right on the issues,has been and still is. So you all go on out and count comegys signs at vacant or rental housing, and I will tell you before you waste your time, that more than 60% of his signs are so placed. So, read Iretons website, think of something you can do for the city, instead of focusing on this nonsense.
Looks like some of the slumlords are running scared. How is this a witchhunt? That is the stupidest comment I have ever heard.
Joe when you are traveling through the slums such as Church Street get a picture of the houses that have a Bubba sign and an No Trespassing sign on the house. That is very impressive as a supporter of Bubba. LMAO
When I see businesses with a Comegy's sign I have an automatic tendancy to pass it by. Dad might even change insurance companys because State Farm has a sign and contributed to the Comegys campaigne (on top of recent bad service too)
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