One of our readers called to tell me that they had seen several police cars from different agencies at the property on Byrd Road last Thursday, and again on Saturday.
They said that they saw State Police, Sheriff’s Department and DNR.
They also saw one of the agencies with dogs.
This is the property where missing mother of three Christine Sheddy was last seen on November 13th of 2007.
Christine disappeared from the residence leaving her two small children, her purse and all of her belongings behind and has not been heard from since.
The last people to see her alive were the tenants of the farmhouse , a couple known as Tia and Jr. (Clarence Jackson). They supposedly left the home to pick up their own children from school, leaving Christine and her children alone at the farm house. Allegedly, upon returning they found the children alone in the house with all of her belongings still there as well.
Levi Hall, Christine’s boyfriend an father of the children was supposed to pick Christine and the children up later in the evening. But that never happened.
A statement was given by the couple TWO WEEKS after Christine’s disappearance from the home and the boyfriend has refused to do so unless accompanied by an attorney!
The house was searched at the two week point, and the property was searched four weeks after her disappearance.
Witness’s have stated that there was a bonfire at the home on the night of her disappearance and that the carpet was removed from the house within a few days of the indecent.
A few weeks ago I was informed that the case had a new lead investigator, and that things were going to start happening.
Apparently the new investigator doesn’t buy the story of Christine abandoning her children, and running off on a drug binge, but believes what the family has been saying the whole time…
Christine would never abandoned her children no matter what, and that someone has blood on their hands.
If you have any information on this case whatsoever please call the Worcester County Bureau of Investigations
I posted this article on the Pocomoke Tattler over the weekend, and I wanted to share it with the readers here on SBYNews, since soooo many of you have volunteered to help in searching for Christine.
Below is a comment sent in from one of our readers regarding the post, and I hope that these animals know that the New Officers are getting very very close to solving this crime...
Tick, tick , tick…. Time is running out for those of you involved in Christine’s murder!
Having seen first hand, the search that took place on Byrd Road, I have to say that it’s amazing what little tiny things can be found after 15 months.
I have to agree with Billy and if you’re a betting person - Don’t take him up on his bet.
The law enforcement agencies involved in the search, left no stone unturned, even going back over some stones that had been turned previously. Ah, those tiney little things that get left behind!
Who knows what other tiny things can be found when we do the next search. More eyes looking find more tiny things.
It was wonderful to see so many different law enforcement agencies working on Christine’s case and all having one purpose in mind. I can’t say enough about their kindness and understanding of what Lynn and her family are going through and their combined interest in closing Christine’s case.
For those of you involved - We know that you read all of the blogs that talk about Christine. Know that a “Hound Dog” has been turned loose. If you know anyting about hound dogs, you know that they don’t stop until they find everything and everyone they are looking for. Tick, tick, tick…..
if Trotter is on the case look for it to be solved…
it would be a great crew if we could add Mitchell, and Morgan…
I was told Deputy Dale Trotter is on the case and that was the reason for my redneck hound dog statements and willingness to bet there will be arrests or warrants issued within 30-days.
The warrants issued is to hedge my bet in case these scumbags ‘jackrabbit’ cause they have that redneck hound dog on their tail ablout to bite into their a** putting the long arm of the law with a little smackdown.
I hope that nobody thinks the redneck remarks are a put down or calling the man a racist or anything like that.
My first dealings with Deputy Trotter on a business level was after my house was broken into and I spooked the perp, chased him down market street and they pulled a gun on me at Sixth & Market 3:05 PM on a school day, with a bus full of kids watching in horror.
Dale Trotter was working for the PCPD at the time, he is a P-City resident, father and hard working man who got really pissed off at the thought of an amateur waving a gun with the barrell passing in front of that school bus.
He used his own personal equipment to take fingerprints and gather confidential evidence, then worked around the clock for 5-days straight until the suspects were arrested.
The suspect was brought to court and we were told by others that we did not need to testify since they would be making a plea bargain, you see there were 10-counts of breaking and entering & we were just 1.
Stephanie & I went to court anyways to see what was going on and Deputy Trotter told us that we would not be testifying because they were making a plea to another count, but he suggested we talk to the States Attorney to see if they could switch the charge to ours since the ‘victims’ were in court.
Worcester County has a pretty good team at the States Attorney and they made the change to our charge and I was allowed to testify.
Now I really don’t like to be the one to piss off the judge but the more of the story I told, the more pissed off he got at the perp who had already pled guilty.
He especially did not like the part about pointing the gun at me or that gun being waved around in front of a bus load of school children on Market Street at 3:05 in the afternoon on a school day.
The judge threw the book at him!
Deputy Trotter is going to hound dog the perps on Christine’s case and not only bust them, he is going to get enough evidence to fry their chicken sh*t a**es or put them away for life.
If you are the victim of a crime you WANT that redneck blood hound who is really pissed off for all the right reasons.
We will make sure that we can provide whatever support we can to the Deputies on this case, even if its only a little cheerleading.
Go Bloodhounds!!!
Its about time her disappearance was given serious attention.If she had simply "run off",she would have NEVER went this long without checking on her kids.
Christine never ran away, everybody knows it. Just this past Thursday State Police, Sheriffs cars and Department of Natural resources were seen at the Byrd Road property and other locations. A forensic investigator has been brought in. Now common sense will tell you that a forensic investigator isnt called in unless a crime has been commited. This is a murder case, not a missing person case.
Glad to see this case getting some attention and activity. I was fearful that it was going to fall by the wayside since the previous postings before Christmas. Too many people getting away with murder these days.
Hopefully her family can soon get some answers.
I have made a spread sheet of all of the people that contacted me the last time I posted an article about this.
To all who contacted me...you have not been forgotten.
I have merely been waiting for permission and coordination with the police.
I have been encouraged that a grid search will happen and will happen soon.
I am trusting that the police are not just playing with our emotions and that they either find her or work in coordination with the public that wants to search for her.
We are working on a grid search. As you said it shouldnt be too much longer. I also would like to point out it might take a couple of community searches as the area we have to cover is vast, but not impossible. Together we will recover Christine. That is all we want as I am sure you do as well.
Detective Kagan reminded me of how it used to be in your town.....A sheriff, a deputy and a Comunity. It worked back then, it will work today.
I also fervently hope there is enough evidence to convict the people or person responsible for her disappearance.
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