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Saturday, January 03, 2009

Wicomico Board Of Education Bans Salisbury News


What's up? I am a WCBOE employee and have noticed that they have blocked Salisbury News.

I guess they wanted to censor us from you. What's up with that. I didn't think you would be one to take something like that laying down. Yet so far I haven't heard a peep.


A. Reader"

I will pass your concern on to our County Executive Rick Pollitt and the County Council and see what they can do about getting us back on line.

Two weeks ago Salisbury News was the first outlet to expose the armed robbery that put many local schools in lock down. The Teachers were highly concerned and wanted to know what was going on so they tried to access Salisbury News to find out. That is when many learned Salisbury News was being blocked. The Teachers then started ringing my phone off the hook and I was able to inform them of everything that was going on at the time and they were very comfortted to know what was up. NO OTHER News Organization had the information!

I'm confident the WCBOE doesn't want to be challenged by my attorneys but if that's what it will take to allow us to get back on line with them they can expect to hear from them by the end of next week if they don't comply beforehand. Censorship like this in an in educational facility is Un American and if they want to give me free publicity Nation Wide for pulling such a stunt, then so be it.

My guess is that the County Executive's Office is NOT aware of this and will do everything in their powers to reverse it immediately. If you can access the Daily Times, WMDT or WBOC, they're in very deep trouble.


Anonymous said...

This goes back to the same old thing as before.. You cant sue them for anything, your threats are baseless.. If they are at work, on WCBOE's computer, on WCBOE's network. using WCBOE's internet, then WCBOE can block whatever they want. It doenst matter if they block one site over another, that is their choice. You, nor your lawyers, nor some employee has any say in the matter.

More to the point you should be worried about, why is a county employee, that my taxes are paying, wasting time at work on a computer that my taxes paid for, using internet that my taxes paid for, looking at your website.

Maybe this employee needs to be looking for a new job, where they can stay a little more focused on thier job and not wasting my tax dollars browsing the internet.

Anonymous said...

With all due respect Joe, you are full of it. I don't think teachers have your name written in their little black books to call you any time they need to know something. Besides, the site was not banned until on or about the 16th of December. On the 11th, the day of the armed robbery, it was working just fine.
Don't the county tax payers pay the school employees to work? They can't be working if they are accessing your site all day long.
Besides, if your dedicated reader had really been dedicated, he would have contacted you way before now.

Anonymous said...

Rick Pollitt has no control over the BOE. You might be better off filing a complaint with the WCBOE.

However you may be able to influnce the county into cutting back on the BOE's budget.

Anonymous said...

Some of the information on this blog contains foal words (ie: pussy) blocking your website is legal. It doesn't need the change to corrupt the children.

Anonymous said...

They have the right plus it is against every the elecommunication policy that employees sign.
Good luck with the lawyers because you will loose

Anonymous said...

Maybe if Joe let Tracey Sahler print her recipe's, the BOE would unblock.

Anonymous said...

Could it be the fact that they dont want anyone to know the schools are poisoning the children.

Anonymous said...

You ban one, you ban them all.

Anonymous said...

Remember when the Wicomico county judge ruled,(on the record) that Salisbury News was indeed a viable news source? Y our going to have to get past that first, good luck with that. Because this blogg has been determined to be a viable news source you would have to ban them all or its censorship. Good luck with that to. What the heck are you people so scared of, the truth? As far as the bad words(yes maybe we should all check ourselves a bit on that, but thats nothing that one simple disclaimer wouldnt fix.

Anonymous said...

OMG here we go again.."I am going to sue you all so you better lawyer up" Pleeeeze! You are not important and NOBODY in their right mind would pay people to look at your worthless blog full of bullshit and lies all day. If I caght one of my employees that I pay looking at this blog I would fire them. I read your Salisbury News Enquirer on my time to see who your next target is. This blog is nothing but a cancer spreading through the internet. Your lawyer does not scare us and neither do you.

Anonymous said...

Believe me Joe; I have no fear of you. I am a US Army veteran and proudly served my country in the early 1970’s. I can hold my own in most any situation. I am also a proud member of the American Legion and the National Rifle Association. I use anonymous because quite frankly, I am afraid of some of your jack booted, crack smokin’, eastern shore redneck, stooge readers. They are the ones crazy enough to get addresses from the phone book and do your dirty work for you because somebody has the gall to disagree with your twisted logic. You are the one that puts your name out there “on the line” every day (your words, not mine), and that’s your problem. You are the one with the grandiose plans to become the next famous Blogger, selling thousands a month in advertising and landing at #1 on Technorati list of top 100 bloggers. You’re stoned if you think you’ll ever even break into the top 1,000. You are nothing more than a cheap imitation of a political spin doctor. I must say, you’re pretty good at it too. You sir, are no Perez Hilton. There is, however an uncanny resemblance.

joe albero said...

Folks, do you find it interesting how the haters come out of the wood work whenever a topic like this comers into play? I certainly do. This is America, not Russia. The rules here work for EVERYONE! If they want to censor, they must close down all Blogs and all forms of news outlets. It's that simple.

The BOE is scared because the TRUTH gets out there about fights and Gangs and they are the ones putting the SPIN on everything.

Time will tell on this one, you'll see. It's not as if their Students want access. The Teachers want access and they deserve to know what's going on, especially if itg concerns them. That's what the BOE wants to cover up.

The funny part is, now the Teachers will access us even more and participate with information more because they're being told they can't. Happens all the time and the joke will be on the BOE. They want me as an enemy, so be it. Watch how the game is played then. No big deal, I don't sell papers, remember?

Anonymous said...

It is not your site that is blocked. MANY sites will not go through the filters that the schools use to keep kids off MySpace, etc.

I am a teacher and can't even access the School Scrabble Association's site while I am at work, or the site for Junior Achievement. Kind of silly, but that's how it is . . .

Anonymous said...

The Teacher's Union probably supported pulling the plug on your anit-Obama posts.

Sad but true. Brainwashing at its best.

As for the silly people saying how they couldn't pay people to look at this site....
Why are you here?

Anonymous said...

I enjoy the salisbury news , the
fact is , there is no competition.
I haven't seen a news article that
was not true. There have been a few mistakes , but corrections were made soon after. Homewoek
as well as some school day work
will consist of reading the news
and reporting on the same.
As far as employees go , I feel if you are on break or lunch , go at it. We would certainly save a lot of trees if the papers were shut-down.

Anonymous said...

My understanding was that too many people were using work time/taxpayer time to comment and read (over and over and over) again. Your site is more interactive than most other internet "news" sites.

Anonymous said...

They can block whatever they want. Some wk places wont even let you access your own Yahoo or Gmail accounts. Simmer down now.

Anonymous said...

Bank of Delmarva blocks access to certain websites too....I don't know if yours is one of them but it might be.

The employer I believe has the right to block internet access to whatever they seem fit to do.

I don't necessarily agree with your blog being one of them, but I do believe it's their choice.

You cannot be all things to all people Joe even though I know you would like to be.

Why do you even care so much if you're not allowed to be accessed by some? If they don't want you, wouldn't it be better for you to just accept that and move on.
Just continue to provide your service to those who want it.

Let go of the stress of'll feel better.

joe albero said...

anonymous 3:32,

I agree with what you're saying. Indipendent business owners should have that right. I've learned to accept and agree with that.

What I'd ask is that you look at the Post again and recognize that a Teacher sent me the original letter in the beginning of the article. I have also received numerous phone calls about it. I have been too busy to follow up on it directly and this letter I received last night reminded me of the problem.

I do not believe our Government has the right to censor anyone. The easy arguement some make is that the kids can access it. Hell, I've seen video games doing things far worse, especially language wise. It's a convenience they should not be allowed and I disagree with it, that's all. I don't think I'm all that and should always get my way. I have watched America fall to piece because our screwed up Government created laws thinking they were protecting us. How's the Bailouts working for you? How's the Dot Com regulations from back when working for you after the market crashed?

There was a day when you'd get in line in the 1960's at a Grocery Store and a kid would say, I WANT THAT! Mom would say, get out of here, put it back! I can tell you first hand, IT ONLY HAPPENED ONCE! If you thought you could come back and start wining and say, I WANT IT and NOT get your ass beat right then and there, you lived in a different Country than I did. Today, kids keep asking and parents give in because they don't want to hear it. You smack your kid in a Grocery Store today they'll provide the Police with a video of it and you'll go right off to Jail.

Yeah, our Government has done great things to assure we live a perfect life, haven't they? I know there are thousands of you that come from my era reading this Blog, did your Mom smacking you in the tail ruin you for life, or did you learn to RESPECT your Mother? God Forbid Mom told Dad when you got home too, right!

There's nothing on this Site that is going to damage a child. Someone is holding a grudge because we exposed the Gangs and fights going on in their schools and there may even be a chance one individual has it out for one of our Contributors who happens to be a neighbor with a grudge. He's in a position in which he could pull the plug on us and we're going to make damn sure that isn't the case or they're going to have some serious problems.

Time will tell but the Government needs to stop controlling everyone. That's just my opinion.

Anonymous said...

Joe, normal filters that most major companies use would black list your site. Some of the terms you allow posted in comments cause the filters to blacklist you. Honestly you would not find language you find on here on a normal MSM site. I think until you removed anything vulgar from your site, they can continue to block you. Some weeks your calm, and nothing vulgar occurs. But sometimes you go off on rants, and then you allow comments that are vulgar.

Just food for thought.

Anonymous said...

I can't disagree, our tax dollars are paying them average $75M they can read Salisbury news on their own time. If they have time to be checking this out on the county payroll...maybe someone should be rethinking employees employment duties

Anonymous said...

Dont let em sensor you Joe, it is B.S. if anyone thinks for one minute that a 11 yr old child doesnt use profanity. I get most of my humurist material from my 13 yr old daughter. She has played me numerous ditties' about "dreaming about a white Christmas" from her fellow school chums that would make any one say, " what racist wrote that?" Although I dont feel my daughter is racist . She just relays what is going on in our schools today.

But I still think it is ok to let these schools go . If some one wants to read you they will. It doesnt matter what the schools say or do.

Relax with the "law suit " treats Joe , Our courts are to busy letting criminal go to be slowed up with a civil suit of this nature.

Get what I mean ?

Anonymous said...

A lot of corporations and companies are adding filters so the masses can't spend time on any blog, advertizement and such. That's what the corporation that I work for did and a friend of mine can no even go to my music blog. Sysco has their's set so sales rep's can get e-mail but can't return e-mail, go figure, that's what happens when you abuse company time and resources though

joe albero said...

anonymous 6:14, I agree. I was standing up for the teachers requesting they get to see the Site. However, they can see it at night or call like they did the other day.

joe albero said...

If you people are going to continue to say exactly what someone has already said, I'm rejecting your comment. My guess is that it's one peron trying to drive a message home under anonymous to make it look like everyone agrees with that one statement. I'm not falling for it. Therefore those comments have been rejected. Nice try though.

Anonymous said...

just go thru a proxy wall ie: there are ways around anything

Anonymous said... you should put up this youtube video joe showing you websites to bypass blocked sites on restricted servers

Anonymous said...

6:14, Public schools?

Anonymous said...

Even though I read your site quite regularly, I'd rather have the teachers teaching while my child is sitting in their classroom. If they want to look at it on a planning period, or other break, well, that might be another story.

Anonymous said...

Based on personal experience dealing with two different schools in rank from teacher to superintendent, I can say without a doubt, many schools would prefer to deny the violence is happening than to address the problems. A great deal of children who cause issues are those of generational families that unfortunately have a lot of pull in certain counties. It is really hard to put the blame on outsiders, or as the locals prefer to say "implants", when they are forced to acknowledge the incident immediately. When a teacher is able to immediately release information to SBY news before someone can hush them, it risks the truth being told! In order to limit the general publics knowledge they want parents to rely on WBOC and the like who don't break stories until well after it is worthy of headline news, and the facts are never even close to on target.
Sadly many teachers and principals are taking the districts side, possibly out of fear of losing their jobs. While the children, our children, are suffering as a result. Sex in the middle school bathrooms, gang colors and signs, drugs, and guns ARE in the schools. Anyone who doesn't believe it should consider a reality check and should go spend a few days observing at their childrens or grand childrens schools.

Anonymous said...

It isn't such a big deal, folks can use their blackberries or iPhones these days and get whatever internet they please. And not woerry about their employers blockign anything.

Anonymous said...

I know the public schools are closed on January 19 for King's Birthday. Now I just heard that schools will be closed on Tuesday, January 20 th for the historic inauguration by presidential directive.Is this true?They want everyone possible to watch Obama take the oath of office and appreciate the fact that the Black Americans can and will succeed as future national leaders.We live in the land of opportunity.

Anonymous said...

Unless that decision was made over the last two weeks, we were specifically told schools would be on their regular schedule.

Anonymous said...

Joe, I see your point but when you continously call people pussies, I can understand why it's being blocked. If you want to be taken seriously, you need to cut out the childish crap that you pull. I enjoy your blog and read it everyday but it is what it is. You'll never be considered a credible source until you cut some of your machoism out. Just my .02

joe albero said...

There will be a Post up tomorrow I believe ALL of you will be pleased to see. I happen to agree with everyone and we'll explain more tomorrow.

Anonymous said...

I guess the question you should ask yourself Joe is this;

Do I want to be a News Organization or do I want to continue to run/sponsor a web log?

As I see it, you can't have it both ways. I agree with 12:05 about the childish, junior high type stuff. Knock it off. People here know how to push your buttons and you subsequently, pop off like a rocket. If it's credibility that you seek and want, cut the crap. Until you do my friend, you'll never be taken seriously. NEVER.

On the other hand, if you want to be "THE" Blog, continue as is. Call people pussies and idiots and so on and continue the status quo.

In closing, I do thank you for what you do. In your own way, I do feel you have accomplished a lot here and either way, I'll continue to be a daily visitor.

Have a great day!

joe albero said...

anonyumous 12:52,

Thousands of people trust what we deliver every day anyway. However, I agree that things need to change and they will. While some people say they won't be back, trust me, they do anyway. However, we need to make it a better place and we're going to make that happen.

By the way Folks. The only people that call Blogs, Web Logs is the Daily Times. Hmmmmmm

joe albero said...


This is A. Reader. "If you can access the Daily Times, WMDT or WBOC, they're in very deep trouble" they are not blocked FYI. As for everyone saying that your taxes shouldn't pay for me to use the internet you are wrong. Every BOE employee is entitled to 1 lunch period of 30 - 60 min of uninterrupted lunch time as well as two 15min breaks. During this time we are allowed to use the internet for educational purposes. Since when has current events been uneducational? The question at hand is whether or not the BOE, aka the government has the right to censor where you pull your current events from. I don't agree with everything on this site. I don't really even like reading it anymore because I am prObama. However I do not like my rights trampled on by people who barely know what the internet is. It would be very easy for them to setup two different levels of for the students and one for the teachers. They choose not to. I have internet at home and can use it to go anywhere i want on the internet. I just don't think its right/legal for the BOE to censor like this. I knew you would have the means and the desire to find out so i brought this to your attention. As to everyone posting in the BOE defense...good job being puppets..i'm sure your masters will add a few strings before you retire.

P.S.- I have felt for some time that people have been posting as multiple people under Anonymous. I'm glad you're finally doing something about it.