Obamas Car in the News
Obamas Car on Ebay
On Comcast's homepage, there is a link to a FOX news interview.
Apparently Obama's Chrysler 300 is for sale on Ebay for a Buy It Now Price of 1 million dollars!
They said the bids are already over 100,000.00.
There aren't any bids on it yet. That is the starting bid.
The starting bid is One hundred thousand dollars (100,000.00), not one million as stated in your article.
I'm going to have to follow that auction. lol
Even I am curious.
Did you listen to the news clip? It clearly states he wants $1,000,000 for it. I tried the ebay link but my phishing program kept shutting me out.
For that kind of money, that car better be able to wash dishes and run a vacumn cleaner!
not to mention, bear my grandchildren.
Only a whacko would want to pay anything for a car owned by Osama Bin Biden!!
10:12 Maybe it comes with the mother-in-law! LOL cj
Obama once owed the car and the new ower has put the car on Ebay. Obama had leased the car in 2004but when running for office he was critized for driving a gas guzzler so traded it in.
I'd give you a nickle for it.
10:06 that's what I suspected, capitalism is great isn't it?
Will this eBay ad be featured in our local schools teaching about the historic event?
Anyone paying the current bid for this car would be historic...
we were hopeful the man would actually do something great before claiming greatness.
this is really some huge ego here.
this guy is a joke he has used this election and the american people to his own financial benefit. i have never seen a president sell presidential coins shotglasses you name it this money hungry goober put his picture on it and is selling it to stupid americans. now if colin powell was in this position i think it would be great for this country and after all he would be the real first african american president not bi-racial.lol
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