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Tuesday, December 02, 2008

Inhumane Conditions At WCDC?

"I thought you might be interested in this information, I can not confirm all of this but I figured you had the resources to investigate more in depth. Mr Tomaszewski after being sentenced to 9 months was ordered to report to the detention center friday the 28th at 6 pm which he did. Mr Tomaszewski has several health conditions which were discussed before he even made his plea bargain, some of which included specific sleeping arrangements needed due to injuries to his back for which he has been on narcotic pain relievers for many years, pain relievers that with out them Mr Tomaszewski would first go through withdraw then would be in so much pain that he would be unable to walk, stand, or even sleep. As of monday night Mr Tomaszewski had not even seen the doctor, he had been denied his pain medication, medication for a skin condition, as well as medication for a thyroid condition. All of these conditions were discussed before his trial and Mr Tomaszewski was promised that he would be through medical at the detention center and receiving his medications in no more than 24 hours. Mr Tomaszewski has also received death threats from inmates for cooperating with the county and helping them make their case against Mr Townsend and Mr Lewis.

I can not imagine what Mr Tomaszewski and his family is going through right now after his complete cooperation with the county from the first time he was taken to the sherrif station at 3 am for "questioning". The best way I can think to describe how he is being treated is inhumane. If I were to treat a dog the way he has been treated I would be the one in jail, and probably receiving better treatment than Mr Tomaszewski.

Thank you for your time

Darrin Payne"

UPDATE: Pretty much everything you have just read above is true. I have confirmed that these issues are being taken very seriously and will be resolved TODAY. While no one appreciates what Mr. Tomaszewski has done, he has certainly saved the County a ton of time by cooperating and a deal is a deal! Just because he's behind bars at this moment doesn't mean the Warden should not fulfill the County's end of the bargain. So Mr. Payne, not that this information will comfort you any but I have it on the highest authority this WILL be taken care of today.


Anonymous said...

JOE, It should have been handled Friday when he reported.They were aware of his condition before he reported. THERE IS NO EXCUSE FOR FOR THIS [IT WILL BE HANDLED IMMEDIATELY]. If he committed suicide on Friday can you imagine the outcry then.

Anonymous said...

Do the crime Do the time.

Anonymous said...

Joe having been in wcdc recently I can relate to what he is going through that place is just nasty
I have never the conditions in there need to be adressed and delt
with they have been putting forth a good effort since the recent outbreak of staff infections in there but that sorry ass director or what ever he calls himself should do more to fix these problems the inmates have not went out side there since july because of some 50cent wire ties what the f I would just hope that the sheriff or some other agency would take over that place because they need to be regulated.

Anonymous said...

He's not the only person treated like so at WCDC. It's a weekly problem there, people don't receive medicine. A relative who was serving time watched a woman go through seizures for quite some time due to neglect from the staff there. There's people shitting in the showers and no one cleans it up, there's no order there....and these people want a raise...pfft!


Anonymous said...

Don't worry guys, rescue Joe will take care of it. He is a proffessional at everything. Instead of blogging 16 hours a day maybe he should spend some more time volunteering at some of these places to see if this crap is really true. Instead he smears shit he knows nothing about.

joe albero said...

Funny you should mention that anonymous 10:02.

I will be putting up a Post in the next few days letting everyone know that Posts on Salisbury News will be few and far between over the next 4 weeks as I will be volunteering every day, 6 days a week for the Salvation Army. Some shifts I'll be covering will be from 8:00 AM to 7:00 PM. So if ANY of you balless wonders want to show you care about your community you're welcome to volunteer yourself. It's actually a great thing to do and very rewarding.

Oh, for those who want to know where I'll be, I'll mainly be at Sam's Club every day. Put your differences aside and do what's right.

Anonymous said...

Sams Club will protect him because of all the good publicity he gives them. LOL.

Anonymous said...

Those denied medical treatment or those mistreated in any way should be calling lawyers and filing law suits. Seems like Devenyns can do anything he wants and get away with it. He must really have the goods on Pollitt. What happened to the church group that used to demonstright at WCDC for better treatment. Only law suits will solve this problem I'm afraid.

Anonymous said...

You know I'm real sorry for his misfortunate health dilema's but let's face it...had he of not been involved in all this illegal activity (theft) going on with the rest of his crew HE WOULDN'T BE THERE COMPLAINING ABOUT THE TREATMENT...I don't feel sorry for him I really don't....He did it to himself getting there and I don't agree with the treatment of the inmates there but really I dont' want him feeling like he's home away from home...maybe that treatment will help him be an honest and trustworthy individual when he gets out...he's sure not going to forget how they treated him in there....god speed to all the inmates there!!!

Anonymous said...

Jail should be worse, you want the freedom to do things when you want to do them then earn your freedom. Jail should not be a vacation.

Anonymous said...

Is this place a Holliday inn or a detention center? Oh I forgot, treat the criminals with respect and dignity. After all it is wico county and the guilty are above the victims arnt they.There is only one thing worse than a crook,and thats a snitch crook.Let the rat get what he deserves.I would of liked it better if he just would of took the charge his self.Honor amoung theives is a thing of the past. Where crooks were crooks and rats were hated.

Anonymous said...

His back wasnt a problem when he was stealing tractor trailer tires....Now he wants to be treated like a king screw that he got off easy so did his boss and you better bet your last dime they did not tell all seeing as though Lewis is the one who paid the bond on all involved.... Like everyone believes that the thefts all occured for exactly 1 year..yeah right...

Chimera said...

He IS a criminal and a thief BUT.....
if he is denied medication that he needs while in custody,then our justice system is no better than that of a communistic country.I do have a lingering question though and I hope someone can answer it and that is...who is paying for his medical care in jail?Do inmates have to pay for it if they are not indigent or do taxpayers foot the bill?

Anonymous said...

Just remember people, he never stole from Taxpayers because the County Dump is funded by it own revenue it generates. This is according to the gospel of Tomaszewski. Just one question on that: Why .when I get a permit to dump trash at the landfill, do I write the check to the county?

Anonymous said...

Pain Meds for a back injury my ass. Another oxy head. That is why he was involved to begin with. I hate a thief and a snitch to boot. I guess untill it is your family hurt directly by thses pieces of dung you want cable t.v. and maybe a footrub at night. To all you sorry ass leberals. Dont by your kids a thing for Christmas go down to the local Jail and give them all you can. It will save the world. Dumb ass if you dont take it to them maybe when they get out they can jsut steal it. I am sick and tired of people feeling sorry for those in society that choose to prey upon us. Wake up !! Give the rud some asprin and tell him to shut up other poor inmates are trying to rest and workout so when they get out to steal and rape they are well rested and in better shape than the rest of us. Oh yea I forget lets give themm all cars too so they get out so they can drive to your house for the holidays WTF I am sorry but you people amaze me. This guys medical problems are not life threatening.

Anonymous said...

If an inmate shits in the shower, then he can clean his own shit up. Instead, they take their shit and threw it on the staff. There has been inmates housed in this facility who eat their own shit. So don't think these people are are suffering. Believe, they are not. Mr. Kimble IS inmate friendly. Since his arrival, they have gotten everything they need.

So that you know, those salad tossing, rump shaking, booty bandit on the down low inmates would rather be inside WCDC then outside in the community. Review the recidivism rates among your family members.

If it is that bad, then the inmates need to ship their azzez out of WCDC and stay the fluck out. And, the family really need to take care of their own "allege"
violators when they get release.

Anonymous said...

What I can't stand is a thief, a liar and a snitch. WCDC is full of them. Including the thugs, prostitutes, murders, raper and child predators. And, you're worried about a man who snitched on his friends. He probably or "allegedly" was part of the thief. And probably or allegedly lie to the courts for a better deal. I just hate a thief, a liar and a snitch.

R. Budd Dwyer's .357 said...

So now we're paying his medical bills for a preexisting medical condition. If he was a private citizen trying to get medical insurance they wouldn't cover it. I'm sure he'll now say that due to a break in his pain meds, his pain is now unmanageable and he'll have to go on disability for the rest of his life, or he'll sue the county taxpayer, you know the same taxpayers he didn't steal from.

Anonymous said...

It just amazes me how ignorant some of you worthless pieces of crap truly are. how many of you actually know this man or exactly what happened at the landfill? Refusing medical treatment to anyone is cruel and inhumane reguardless of who or where they are. whats next, deny homless treatment at the hospital after one of you morons hit them while driving your hummer talking on you cell phone?

And 4:57 if you cant get you facts straight dont bother to post. Tomaszewski and Townsend posted their own bail. Lewis posted for himself and his driver and thats it.

And 9:33 are you a doctor? how do you know if he does or does not have a back injury? how do you know what medication he is on? or do you just think oxycontin is the only narcotic pain reliever there is? If he had a heart condition should he be denied medication for that? here have some asprin and have a heart attack in quiet? and do people not deserve a second chance in life? once they have served thier debt to society they deserve a chance to live their life. no matter what you think of the length of their sentence that an appointed judge handed down to them. if you have a problem with criminals or their sentences then get off you lazy butt and get a law degree or a badge and do something about it, if not shut up and let the professionals do what they have been trained and payed to do.

and for the rest of you so ready to condem a man to death with out knowing him or the specifics of his crime you are all hypocrites. every one out there has committed a crime, however small a crime and weither you were caught or not you have all done it me included. stole from your mommys purse, shop lifted from your local corner store, smoked or drank alchol under age, tried drugs. No one is with out sin but we do not sit in judgement of you. at least know who you speak of and all the facts and circumstances surrounding it before you get on your high horse and begin to preach.

Anonymous said...

Hey Anon 2:22 or Tomaszewski relative,

This story has legs for 2 days. After 2 days no one is gonna give a crap about your friend. And you know what's the best part of the story ? When I'm spending time with my family on Christmas, this dumb son of a bitch will be behind bars, while his wife and kids are crying at home wondering were daddy is. Then when they release his "crippled" ass from jail, remember he got an 8 year sentence they don't give those out for "minor" crimes, he'll be entering a depression economy as a FELON. Good luck getting your job at nights in Seaford at Happy Harry's back. Walgreens, Happy Harry's owner, don't hire cons, and believe me they've been forward these post. So Mr.Tomaszewski, enjoy your 9 month vacation, which I'm sure you're lawyer will get you sprung in 3 months because of your "medical" condition, because I'm sure when your released the IRS and Comptroller of Maryland are gonna wanna speak to you. Hell you might wanna tell the warden to keep your cell empty because you might just be returning as a tax cheat.

P.S. Hey Joe, I hope whom ever sent you the story has Mr.Tomaszewski's consent or they just violated his HIPAA rights by talking about his medical condition.

Anonymous said...

at WCDC are......
The ones that the poor OFFICERS
(the Good ones) Have to SUFFER

This is what IS or Should Be ,

Jail and Prison officers are treated
Like SHIT.... and Noone on Earth
cares a damm about it.......
Not Many, ONLY the desperate, would
dare be one....not many will stay

Anonymous said...

The M a i n Condition that is
InHumane is called ......


He CAN and W I L L GO

Just Wait and S E E

Just a matter of WHen , not, IF

Anonymous said...


are INHUMANE ....Done Weekly....

So are .. Males having to do ALL
the Work, while Females Play ....

Drafting officers at last minute
when it is time to go

Anonymous said...


Like trying to make them STAY at work, When THEY ARE NOT DRAFTED,AND NOT UP FOR DRAFT.....

is INHUMANE.... and needs to STOP
At WCDC they think they can Make You do just ANYTHING....
Not so, WCDC... We only have to Follow LAWFUL ORDERS....Not just
anything, esp when it is wrong !!!!

Anonymous said...

K I M B L E is InHumane !!!!!

We Good Officers WILL WEAR HIM
DOWN ...... just wait and see.....

He is getting OLDER every day
and although he Thinks HE IS ALL
THAT.....HE IS N O T.......

He (the Evil) will NOT beat the
(GOOD)... and he will be sent out
the door S O O N >>>>>>>

Anonymous said...


Not the Inmates. Don't worry, they are Well Pampered.....

The Poor Officers ARE the Inmates, for REAL ........

They did NO Crime, But will do the
TIME.....while the inmates just have a GOOd Time ........