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Saturday, November 01, 2008

Obama News

"Barack Obama's campaign has approached Illinois Rep. Rahm Emanuel about possibly serving as White House chief of staff,"

Isn't this the muslim rep. elected & sworn in on the koran???


Anonymous said...

No this is a rep from Illinois who in the spirit of bi-patisan ship to get fu$$$$. The clown muslim terrorist you speak of is Keith Ellison of Minnesota.

Anonymous said...

every muslim is a terrorist? is this because they hold different beliefs than you?

All religions are poisonous in one way or another.


Anonymous said...

I am disapointed in your lack of basic knowledge of politics. and your laziness that prevented you from doing a little research. Rahm Emmanuel was a staffer in the clinton white house and he was the engineer of the democratic wins in the house of representatives in 2006. his counterpart on the republican side was john boehner who became housed minority leader. you present i can excuse some of your off the wall statements as political rhetoric designed to stir up reactions and controversy. but when you show a lack of interest in getting the basic fact behind the post correct it becomes irritating. you could have posted the same thing and asked if obama was not becoming presumptive by publicly picking his white house staff.

Delmar said...

Would it matter to you if he was, Joe?

Anonymous said...

Since when does being Muslim automatically make you a terrorist?

And also isn't it his right to be what ever religion he want?

The first amendment that you cherish so much Joe and won't let anybody infringe upon, also grants him the freedom of religion, but i guess you conveniently forgot about that part.

Yes there are RADICAL Muslims in the middle East that hate us and want everything we stand for destroyed. But guess what there are 1 1/2 billion people in the world that practice Islam / are Muslim. And if everyone of them wanted to kill us I think we would be in serious trouble.

Anonymous said...

I could not agree with you more noname. More people have died in the name of religion than anything else in history. Prime case in point, the crusades, where Christians slaughtered hundreds of thousands of people for no other reason than that they didn't believe the same way they did. I don't want to ever hear a Christian say that they are better than a Muslim because they would never do anything like what they have.

Anonymous said...

A question was asked...and answered.
Research complete. Now, get OFF Joe's back. Asking around is, after all a form of research... Lazy, but at least in this case, effective. Not all of have the time to sift myriad internet sites for every thing that comes along.
Thanks, for this post. It answered the same question in my mind.