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Wednesday, October 22, 2008


Today on my way to lunch I passed a homeless guy with a sign that read "Vote Obama, I need the money." I laughed.

Once in the restaurant my server had on a "Obama 08" tie, again I laughed as he had given away his political preference -- just imagine the coincidence.

When the bill came I decided not to tip the server and explained to him that I was exploring the Obama redistribution of wealth concept. He stood there in disbelief while I told him that I was going to redistribute his tip to someone who I deemed more in need--the homeless guy outside. The server angrily stormed from my sight.

I went outside, gave the homeless guy $10 and told him to thank the server inside as I've decided he could use the money more. The homeless guy was grateful.

At the end of my rather unscientific redistribution experiment I realized the homeless guy was grateful for the money he did not earn, but the waiter was pretty angry that I gave away the money he did earn even though the actual recipient deserved money more.

I guess redistribution of wealth is an easier thing to swallow in concept than in practical application.


Wymzie said...

Great Illustration Joe!

Anonymous said...

Really is a good illustration, puts things into perspective real good.

Anonymous said...

We all do what we can to help those less fortunate than us. We are, by far, the most generous nation. Just count the number of Non-profit organizations that exists in this country because of the generosity of the American public, FREE enterprise and not a socialist government wealth redistribution mandate.

BossHogg said...


Anonymous said...

Nice fairy tale Joe. Now try the truth for a change.

Anonymous said...

oops! I meant copy and PASTE....sorry

Anonymous said...

This pretty much explains it in plain English what we are in for with the guy, Obama in control. I feel sorry for the hard working people out there who will have to give up more to take care of the "non working" crowd!

Anonymous said...

This country has given Millions, maybe Billions to the poor and displaced people in our borders, illegal's included. Yet not many of them become regular productve citizens. Your example is good, but does not go deep enough to get to the crux of the problem, getting them off their a**** and try working for a change so they can support themselves and relieve the pressure on us hard working tax payers.

tedh said...

Give a man a fish he'll eat for a day. Teach a man to fish and he'll eat for a lifetime. I believe in training people that can't find jobs in lieu of handouts. If you're on welfare and capable of working then you should take drug tests and go for job training until you are no longer a burden on society. Don't take my money and give it away to some product of our lazy society.

Anonymous said...

HAHAHA only you joe, only you!!

Anonymous said...

I think you guys believe that everyone going threw hard money times to pay for just the basics of survival are non-working lazy bumbs. Your wrong, there are alot of people working two jobs for shit wages just to keep a roof over their families head and keep the family fed. You cant survive in todays world when half,(thats right half) of the middle class working Americans make less than $500.00 a week. Everything has gotten more expensive, food,health care,gas,insurance,energy. At the end of the month it just runs out. The extermination of the American middle-class is upon us. I will also say that thre is rampid abuse of tax-payer dollars to people who just use the system, that being the case"CHANGE THE SYSTEM".

Anonymous said...

Joe- You, my friend, are an a**! Really nice of you to stiff the server working to earn a living.

Do you realize that he's going to have to pay taxes on a percentage of your bill to cover the "tip" that the IRS will assume that he made serving food to you.

You're a genuine pig!

Anonymous said...

I get a little weary of hearing the mantra that we are becoming a socialist or communist country. When in fact, we are a fascist country, ie: Gov't by big business for big business.

When a mere $10 billion dollars would have provided health benefits for all our nation's children, what do we do? We give $700 billion with the promise that more will be needed to the rich and greedy corksuckers who got us into this mess.

And who do we take it from?

Not from other rich guys, but from guys like you and me who work and scrounge and scratch to survive. And from our children and grandchildren, literally assuring they will never get ahead of the game.

If that doesn't piss you off more than a few kids getting much needed medical care, what does?

Anonymous said...

Anon 4:57,

If the server is DUMB enough to advertise his political views at work, and his bosses dumb enough to let him do it, he got what he deserves.

Every good bartender (and server) knows there are two things you don't bring up at the bar or table, politics and religion!

And it was a great illustration of Obama's redistributionist policies!

BC in NC

Anonymous said...

It only hurts when its your money being given away! Freakin hilarious!

Anonymous said...

OMG, that is too good. You are on the money Joe~ If the government is going to redistribute the money that WE earn at least we can see that it goes where we want it.... too funny~~~

Anonymous said...

There seems to be an underlying message here that many of you think homeless people are just shifty lazy able bodied individuals.

Apparently all the well meaning charitable organizations aren't enough to house, feed, and cloth the homeless.

Did you know...

One in every three homeless men has put on a uniform and served his country. 47% of homeless veterans served in Vietnam.

The VA estimates that 200,000 veterans are homeless on any given night and that 400,000 experience homelessness some time each year.

About one out of every four homeless people have a severe mental illness.

Half of all adult homeless have alcohol addiction and another third have other drug problems. I'd lump them in with the mentally ill as addiction is an illness.

Families constitute about 1/3 of the homeless and represent the fastest growing segment. Often they're displaced due to domestic violence.

You can tell a lot about a nation by the way it treats the poor, the mentally ill, the homeless, and animals. Leaving veterans out in the cold is a sad sad sad thing.

Anonymous said...

You guys are funny.


Funnily enough when the tax breaks favor the most wealthy in this country it equates to the notion that everyone will benefit.

When the tax breaks favor the lower income earners its a big handout. It gets labeled as socialism.

We get a lot of percentages and sum totals thrust at us but no details about what it really will mean for any given individual.

Well try these numbers on for size

Under Obama's redistribution plan
The top 0.1% will pay roughly $701,885 more in taxes than they do currently. If you’re making over $2.9 million a year, your taxes will increase to 39.2%.

The middle-income earners (the middle 20% of the US, earning between $37,595 and $66,354) get to keep $1042 more of their money

And the low-income families (the poorest 20%, earning below $18,981) are $567 better off.

Under McCain's redistribution plan that same0.1% households get a cut of about $269,364.

The middle-income earners get a of about $584.

And the low-income families get a cut of $21.

Under one plan the rich get to keep a nice bit more than anyone else does. In theory they'll put this back into the economy in trickle down fashion. Supposedly jobs will be created rather than sent over seas as is the claimed result of Obama's plan.

Under the other plan more households have a few more dollars. There is a good chance that they'll spend that extra cash at the store or in restaurants etc., pumping it back into the economy and producing jobs.

WalMart ought to stand out on this issue. The company creats lots of jobs. They're anti union and as such have no worries of their employees seeking pay and benefit rises that are compatible with survival.
WalMart not so long ago aided in the manufacture and sale of the last Huffy bicycle produced in the USA.

WalMart eventually became Huffy's largest customer. Once this was achieved Huffy was notified what WalMart would pay them per bicycle. Huffy could no longer afford to pay their US employees a living wage and sent all manufacturing overseas.

Eisenhower taxed the wealthy in a similar fashion that Obama proposes (Eisenhower was actually much harder on them). Under Eisenhower the federal government began building the interstate highway system in the 1950s. Federal investments developed the jet engine, began the exploration of space, and helped develop silicon chips, the computer, and the Internet. Not too damn shabby for taxing the rich. And the nation didn't collapse under his leadership.

He also warned of the evils of a military industrial complex. We seem to have this now.