While I have attended most Council Meetings for the past 4 years, or so, I have yet to see Mike attend any of them.
While I'm sure he wants to be taken seriously, I can't. His signs are now popping up in communities quite early along with Presidential Candidates, confusing people along the way.
That being said, this neighborhood obviously isn't having any sign vandalism anywhere that I could tell. Of course, there aren't any Obama Signs and perhaps that's the problem?
I say, (referencing the Mayoral Race) the more the merrier. By the way, is Mike still delivering Pizza's for a living?
I pass these houses everyday - yes, there is an Obama sign - The last house has one. Look Closer.
Which goes to show you that people voting for Obama don't need to vandalize McCain signs. You were trying to accuse Obama supporters before for vandalisim of the other parties signs weren't you?
I would like extra cheese please.
The large McCain/Palin sign in front of where the Shanty was (for those who are new to the area the Country House) has been freshly defaced and Obama spray painted on it. I guess if he wins this will be the kind of people who vote him in.
So, you are saying that the majority of the this country are vandals? Please. I guess if we vote for Obama we are below you and not as good as the people who vote for McCain. What a prejudice statement. You are what is wrong with our country.
Will he deliver his promises in 30 minutes or less?
There are going to be 2 (or perhaps 3) serious candidates for Mayor. Dela Pena is none of them. What a joke.
Della Pena is a nice guy, but not mayor material. He didn't even beat Don Long for the privilege of running against The Mare.
2:48 PM, No you and your left wing liberal, hand out, affirmative action, ACLU, people are what is wrong with this country. You cant even take a sh!t anymore without the ACLU saying you are discriminating. I dont make much, and I see people who dont do sh!t, eating better than I do because they have a freeby card. And this a$$hole wants to give even more of my money to the lazy? I didnt say that all Obama voters are vandals, (thats just like a liberal) or that obama voters are below me. (paranoid) I just think they are either stupid, or are wanting free handouts.
Joe, why don't you run for Mayor? We do have problems in Salisbury that need to be fixed. Let's give Mike credit for wanting the job and trying to make a change in Salisbury for the better! I for one am willing to give him a chance.
I live in Delaware.
Joe, lets see if you have the balls to publish this. It seems to me that you have the gall to write about someone with out even knowing anything about them. What have you done for Salisbury, or Wicomico Co. for that matter? How can you call yourself unbiased this is a joke in itself. As fr as me not being a viable candidate to run for the mayor of Salisbury, tell me how qualified are you? I do not need to go to the meetings to know what this city needs it needs a new government core from the mayor on down except for Debbi Campbell. At least I want to see and make changes for the betterment of Salisbury not just6 government as usual. I do work for a living and no it is not as a pizza dilevery man and so what if it was at least it is an honest and good clean job. But if you wish to speak with me directly you can contact me at Sherwood of Salisbury 410-749-1301 ex 1214. or 410-845-1934. I am available to anyone to answer any questions anytime. My web site is MikeforMayor.net.
I have tried to publish this with my user name and password but it wont let me so I have to do it anonymous.
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