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Monday, October 27, 2008

Skateboards To Be Outlawed In Pittsville

That's right, skateboarding will be a thing of the past as of this evenings Town Council Meeting. While I disagree with the Towns proposal, even I have been subjected to the skateboarders trespassing on my property and even spray painting graffiti on my building there. That still doesn't mean kids can't be kids.

I'm told there will be a skateboard park built near Pittsville but apparently one man was almost struck on a sidewalk and some how when the two tried to avoid the collision the skateboard flew into the air and struck the woman in the mouth, damaging her false teeth. Hence the ban of skateboards over such an accident. Oh, I was also told someone in a pickup truck almost hit a kid on a skateboard. Well, that's certainly grounds to ban all skateboards.

Here's my prediction. Crime WILL go up in Pittville and Lord knows, I'll probably end up being one of the victims. Not every kid sits inside the home on a computer now a days. Some do get outside for exercise. Will they ban bicycles next. I hear they can tend to cause accidents too.


Anonymous said...

Joe, Joe, Joe,

The solution here is so clear! Ban trucks, pedestrians, and spray paint and everything will be all right. If anything else happens, ban it, too, and pretty soon having a town east of Salisbury will be illegal, and all our problems will be solved!

BossHogg said...


When are people going to realize that it simply needs to be regulated like driving a car or operating a bicycle.

I used a skateboard for transporation as a teenager into my early 20's.

My son works in Ocean City and when he commuted by bus from Pocomoke to OC he would ride *MY* skate board to work at Seacrets from the bus stop.

Last year a young punk cop stopped him, threatened him with a ticket annd taking *MY* skateboard.

Alex explained he was a local going to work from the bus stop and the cop said if he saw him on it again, ticket and confiscation.

Now *MY* skateboard is an old school Stacy Peralta 70's board worth $300 to $1,000 and the cop was first year at the beach...

Its just stupid to outlaw skateboards, because you givce the kids one place to ride...

How are the kids supposed to get to the skatepark? Walk with a board in your hand?

Anonymous said...

When something bad happens, we must do what ever it takes to make sure it never happens again. If that means giving up our freedom, our constitution, or our privacy then so be it. We must make sure nothing bad ever happens. Then we will all be very happy.

Anonymous said...

Absolutely just pissed myself. "Damaged her false teeth." At least she had the common decency to have them in to start with I guess. This sounds like an accident that has nothing to do with the public menace of too many skateboards, but too many people with no proactive dental care-next we will have to ban (or band) corn on the cob!! I think we actually beat West Virginia these days in fewest teef' per capita; that is where you should focus the outrage, not on the kids.

Anonymous said...

Pittsville needs to stop screwing around and just ban kids completely. Then they'll only have the drunken rednecks and drunken, obnoxious US Marshalls to deal with.

Anonymous said...

My question is..what sidewalks. There are no sidewalks except by a couple of businesses. There is no place for these kids or any of the other kids to go in pittsville.

Anonymous said...

Maybe I'm a little slow here - but if they built the skate park, wouldn't that help keep the kids out of the streets with their boards ??

Anonymous said...

A peralta goes back.

Anonymous said...

If someone throws a baseball or football and it messes up someones teeth or whatever are they going to ban these as well. What are they a freaking communist town or what. What do you think the kids skating are going to do now? Town council needs to grow up and instead of banning skateboarding, do a small outreach program and inform citizens to
a. skate responsibily: do not skate to close to pedistrians. Use your head.
b. practice defensive walking or standing. Use your head, if you see a kid on a skateboard that looks to be having some difficulty, get the f&&& out of the way.

Anonymous said...

Lookie Here this roving BANDS of skate punks are teerorizing the hwole lowewr shore. These kids should taught to run a trot line or how to skina couple of pssums and muskrats. Teach a kid a skill like that he wont want one of them ther boards wif wheels. I think there are at least 6o times bore bikcyls accidents per a yer. Well lets get real first off teach your fire dept how to spell HMMMM bet he rode a skateboard. If this is the biggest problem in Pittsville god bless ya. Smile if ya got em. If ya dont just cover yer mouth when ya laugh. I think one them skate boader gangs is led by C. Bratten himself.

Anonymous said...

I live on a side street in Pittsville and if my child wants to ride his skateboard on the road in front of my house, he is damn well going to do it. I think the town council sucks. The townspeople need to vote every one of them out!!! We need people in there that are worried about the future of the town and the kids in it and not the (not so real) dangers of bystanders from skateboarders. I do feel that riding a skateboard down Gumboro Rd. is really dangerous and not be allowed due to the amount of traffic, but they should go about it a different way.

12:39 PM, Where did you learn to spell???

Anonymous said...

So I lived in Pittsville for 15 years.

One numerous occasions there has been fatal accidents at 60 Foot Road and Ocean Gateway, or Gumboro Road and Old Ocean City Road, Main St. or Railroad Ave and Gumboro Road.

How a pedestrian being killed on Friendship Road, or a bike rider being killed on 60 Foot Road.

So, I want automobiles, walking, and bikes to be banned.

There are fights and drugs in Pittsville, I don't think JT's Market or Shore Stop should sell any sort of over the counter medications, the could be used to make crystal meth.

This is ridiculous! I have a little brother in Pittsville and he loves to ride his skateboard on Pitts Ave and I will be DAMNED if someone will tell him that he can't. What's the punishment?

Anonymous said...

Joe and readers, I just posted but I called Joyce at Pittsville Town Hall in regards to the skateboard ban and she stated that there is NO punishment for riding a skateboard in the Town of Pittsville and as of right there is no means of enforcement.
She stated all those details will be established next town hall meeting. The 3rd monday of every month. I encourage everyone to attend the meeting

Anonymous said...

which one of the town council is the is offender?

Anonymous said...

The whole community/local gov't/schools are like that too. Joe- you should visit Willards School or Pittsville. You can here a pin drop throughout those schools and I don't mean during classtime. Recess,Lunch and bus time. Not a peep! Kids just can't be kids anymore. No laughter, no fun, no release! I pity the kids at those schools. They are headed for a social nightmare when they grow up and enter the real world. Plan a surprise visit one day and check it out for yourself. It's eerie!!

Anonymous said...

12:07 What exactly is the problem? I grew up in these schools and PRAY I have the means to move back to the area by the time my child is in school. I would much rather have my child in that environment than to be with the holagans at wi middle and bennett.
You don't know what you are talking about. Those two schools are excellent!!!!

Anonymous said...

I see Pittsville has not notice for nothing....ran a small ad on 12/10 and 12/14 for the skateboarding....thought they would at least give a couple weeks notice....same with the budget and everything else they do...TOP SECRET!!!!
I saw the note on the other blog about paying bills, I would certainly like to see a printout or letter from their auditor about commissioners paying their bills...never happen, you only get to see what Denver or the clerk wants you to see....everything else they can not find.
maybe Barrie since she is not running and come to pittsville, we can't get any worse.

Anonymous said...

Pittsville Commissioners pass skateboarding ordinance

By Earl Holland • Staff Writer • December 17, 2008

PITTSVILLE -- Town residents who skateboard will now be limited to private property and away from streets and sidewalks.

The Pittsville Commissioners passed a new town skateboarding ordinance by a majority vote of 3-1, with one person abstaining.

The law, which prohibits the use of skateboards on town streets and sidewalks, went into effect at the start of the business day Tuesday morning. Anyone caught in violation of the ordinance could be subject to confiscation of the board and the possible issuance of a municipal citation and a fine.

At last month's meeting, the town voted to move the proposed ordinance from first reading to a second reading, consisting of a public hearing and final vote.

Commission President Denver Moore said the intent of the ordinance was to curb concerns over harassment by skaters of residents as well as safety of skateboarders.

"Some children would not show the proper respect to people when they were asked not to skate on their property or to move out of the way on the streets," he said. "No one wants to see a child on a skateboard getting struck by a car and killed."

Moore, along with Commissioners Ted Farlow and George Whited, voted in favor of the ordinance, with Commissioner Lucille Jones voting against. Commissioner Wayne Knapp abstained from the vote.

Jones said she voted against the ordinance on the grounds that the mandate would be tough to implement.

"Who's going to enforce it and who's going to determine fines?" she said.

In addition to the worries about enforcement, Jones said the ordinance unfairly penalizes those who have been courteous and have adhered to the rules.

"I don't see any reason to punish all of the children because of the actions of a few," she said. "Not all of the children who skateboard are bad ones."


I've lived here all my life, and I would like to know how these assholes get into office, they're not elected by any election procedure that I know of! Why is there always at least one ranking Fireman always on the team?

Native Son