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Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Mayoral Candidate Mike Della Penna Writes A Letter To The Editor, ME!

"Joe, lets see if you have the balls to publish this. It seems to me that you have the gall to write about someone with out even knowing anything about them. What have you done for Salisbury, or Wicomico Co. for that matter? How can you call yourself unbiased this is a joke in itself. As fr as me not being a viable candidate to run for the mayor of Salisbury, tell me how qualified are you? I do not need to go to the meetings to know what this city needs it needs a new government core from the mayor on down except for Debbi Campbell. At least I want to see and make changes for the betterment of Salisbury not just6 government as usual. I do work for a living and no it is not as a pizza dilevery man and so what if it was at least it is an honest and good clean job. But if you wish to speak with me directly you can contact me at Sherwood of Salisbury 410-749-1301 ex 1214. or 410-845-1934. I am available to anyone to answer any questions anytime. My web site is
I have tried to publish this with my user name and password but it wont let me so I have to do it anonymous."

Dear Mike:

Well, your campaign should be short lived at this point. ONE of the things a Mayor needs to have is a back bone. We already have a Mayor in Office who can't handle the heat from outsiders, thanks for proving how you'll respond under even minimal pressure.

You DO have to attend meetings to learn just who you'd be working with and get to know how the system works. You know, kinda like having to read maps to know exactly where to deliver your next slice of Pizza.

There's this thing called spell check. I know it might be difficult for you to obtain but every computer I've ever seen has it. You should try it some time, it works well. I shouldn't speak too much because I make my fair share of mistakes but then again, I'm not running for Mayor of a City I know nothing about, like you.

Using "feel good" statements is an easy thing Mikey. You know, like, "make changes for the betterment of Salisbury not just6 government as usual." Well, you got my vote. NOT!

As for what I've done for Salisbury or Wicomico County. Well Mikey, first of all, I own 15 properties in Wicomico County & Salisbury. You see Mikey, I pay taxes in both the County and City. Not rent, like you. I also run a FREE Blog 16 hours a day, 7 days a week. You see Mikey, I attend meetings both in the City and in the County and like it or not I am respected by many thousands of people within. Oh sure, I've made my fair share of enemies but let me assure you, there's a thousand to one friends verses enemies.

You should be far more careful in the future as to who you choose to screw with because I can say this very boldly, you just lost any shot of getting even close to having a shot at being Mayor.

As for my having balls. Well Mikey, you haven't followed my Blog for very long because I am told I have a set bigger than the size of Texas. Just ask Mayor Tilghman, Chiefy Webster, Deputy Chiefy Gordy and Chiefy See and their lawyers.

You have a nice day there Mikey. Game Over!


Anonymous said...

Gee joe, you sure talk a big talk, but I never see you walk the walk!

You are just a lot of mouth, and never back it up!

joe albero said...

OK, let's see here. I use my name, I walk the walk. I have an Office at 300 W. Main Street and my doors are open every day, I walk the walk. You have my e-mail, cell phone number and based on the fact I use my own name, you know where I live or can look in the book to find me.

You, you pussy, are anonymous but more than likely Mikey.

Anonymous said...

Outstanding reply Joe. This guy is an Idiot.

Anonymous said...

Like Joe Albero or not, he's a force in this community I know I wouldn't screw with.

Anonymous said...

Mike got a little penna and Joe got balls the size of Texas.

Anonymous said...

From pizza man to used car salesman. Well, that's better then what we got right now as Mayor.

Anonymous said...

This guy is a joke. Please tell me he's really not running for mayor Joe.

joe albero said...

Oh yes he is. He has filed and he has yard signs on very uneducated peoples property.

Anonymous said...

This guy reminds me of Steve Martin in the Jerk.

Anonymous said...

I watch a lot of "Spin City" re-runs and the proper response here (if I was this guys public relations aid) would be to make an awkward joke, thank you for caring at all and buy you a couple of those Sam's Club hot dogs (mustard only....only savages put ketchup on dogs). Maybe Reese Bobby isn't out of the political race yet!!

joe albero said...

Nah, Mike seems to be the kind of guy that would get off eating a Hot Dog. Especially those Monster Sized Dogs at Sam's Club.

Anonymous said...

Joe, do you know anything more about this guy. Is he married, a significant other? He's coming out of the wood work and I've never heard of him before.

joe albero said...

I have no idea and I really don't care. I remember meeting him almost 4 years ago. He was very nervous and definately didn't carry himself like a strong Italian. More like a Dee, Dee, Deeee.

Anonymous said...

Hate the hater; not the dog (that has got to be the best brunch/lunch option in town a couple times a week if your cholesterol is within reasonable limits)!! BTW I am still hungry from the BBQ judge training article yesterday.

Anonymous said...

Joe, your a skank who dosen't have the balls to call me before you run your stupid opinions on the blog. I'm ashamed to know your italian because you sure don't have any class. I do know what this city needs and its not idiots like you. leave my name off your blog unless you come and meet me so we can discus the issues. You aint worth screwing with. you got my #
Mike Del Penna

Mardela said...

I'm sure Mikey has been urged to run for mayor by his beer drinking buddies. I'm sure that he does want to change things. I'm sure he doesn't like the way the city is being run now. But lets just face facts.

Mikey, why don't you start by being a community leader. Why don't you volunteer in some capacity where you help others without conditions. Create trust and friendships with the people you need to help you with this type of endeavor. Pay the dues for ten years helping others get ahead and wait your turn. If you are the cream of the crop, you will rise. Yes, you have to attend everything that happens, both governmental and social. You have to build a base of supporters who have money. I'm sure the pay raise you would get by being mayor is very enticing, but there is a lot of hard work that your not use to. Go to the gym and work out a couple of times a day so your ready for the work. Then, and only then will you be ready to be a compaign helper in someone elses campaign. Good Luck Mickey. May God bless you and your family. At least you have your own sign!

Mardela said...

I'm sure Mikey has been urged to run for mayor by his beer drinking buddies. I'm sure that he does want to change things. I'm sure he doesn't like the way the city is being run now. But lets just face facts.

Mikey, why don't you start by being a community leader. Why don't you volunteer in some capacity where you help others without conditions. Create trust and friendships with the people you need to help you with this type of endeavor. Pay the dues for ten years helping others get ahead and wait your turn. If you are the cream of the crop, you will rise. Yes, you have to attend everything that happens, both governmental and social. You have to build a base of supporters who have money. I'm sure the pay raise you would get by being mayor is very enticing, but there is a lot of hard work that your not use to. Go to the gym and work out a couple of times a day so your ready for the work. Then, and only then will you be ready to be a compaign helper in someone elses campaign. Good Luck Mickey. May God bless you and your family. At least you have your own sign!

joe albero said...

Mikey, Mikey, Mikey. If there's one thing you're going to learn is that you screwed with the wrong guy. You will now be a regular Dee, Dee, Deeee topic on this Blog. The joke will be on you.

Anonymous said...

It already is.

Anonymous said...

Joe, Who are you to think you have power in this city. How dare you threat me. As we say "you aint Sh!t. Just some jerk with a computer

Anonymous said...

Your whats wrong with America today! You just can't act civil. That is why no one wants anything to do with you.

MrBrightside said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

Is this the same guy on worker's comp????

Just what we need. He won't work now, looks like. Why should he work for the city?

Anonymous said...

Honest car salesman? Now that is an oxymoron ..or maybe not oxy..just moron

Anonymous said...

You know Joe,
I have to agree with Anonymous 3:15 PM. He can't be worse than what we have now. Send someone to interview him. Ask Questions, get his response. And write it up. Lets see what he's about.
Tom Sawyer

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Mike got a little penna and Joe got balls the size of Texas.

3:13 PM


OMG, another Mikey with a penile fetish. This city can't take another one like Mike Dumb.

Anonymous said...

Whats wrong cant you publish anything but lies on your site maybe most all of you need to get out and smell the roses this country is in trouble because of people like you and your followers

joe albero said...

OK Idiot, where have I lied. Della Penna wrote the original message and I simply said my peace. Fair is fair. I can't help it if the guy is an Idiot too.

The only people who would see what I do as trouble for this Country is Mayor Tilghman. Welcome to the Blog Mayor.

Anonymous said...

In the world of politics, there are two types of people. There are the ones who believe strongly in thier convictions who have the guts to take a standin what they believe. Try to improve thier city one step at a time. Than you have the spineless like some on here that come down on people that have the guts to stand up and try to change things. The spineless who choose to sit back and criticize those who are willing to stick thier name and reputation on the line. So ask yourself am I spineless or am I man enough to look at things objectivly and in an eduicated fashion. Someone who wants to lern all subjects and look at all points of view. No matter who it is everyone deserves a chance to prove his or her self not to be brought down by some of the things I have read on here.A concerned citizen of Salisbury

Anonymous said...

I havent been a follower a day in my life.

Unknown said...

I can't blame ole' Mikey for runnin' it's a pretty big pay increase from selling used cars in a one horse town like Salisbury!

Mardela said...

DW, you are too a follower. You followed Anon 7:16 with your comment.Ha Ha!

Anonymous said...

"Like Joe Albero or not, he's a force in this community I know I wouldn't screw with.

3:11 PM"

How scary...that sounds just like what we say about Barrie. If Joe Albero has become someone to fear, then something here has gone awry.

Anonymous said...

Why must we trash car salespeople here? Just because this happens to be a moron who works at Sherwood doesn't make him the moron. He was always a moron. Where he works is irrelevant to this discussion.

Anonymous said...

Four years ago Michael Della-Penna ran for Mayor of Salisbury and we did not know this until after the election. If we would have know we would have sent this e-mail to his opponents.

Mr. Della-Penna is a dead beat dad. He owes back child support to two families that I know of. One of which is my sister in law. Mr. Della-Penna left his wife and daughter and never looked back. He has yet to pay what he owes.

Someone needs to address this. I would not like to see Salisbury have a mayor that has such low morals.

Anonymous said...

Look up Mr. DellaPenna on the Maryland Judiciary Case Search. He has quite the checkered past!