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Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Gov. Palin ‘Effigy’ in a Noose: Halloween Fun or Going Too far?

GO HERE for the full story.


Anonymous said...

Could you imagine if it were Obama hanging there what the uproar would be?

joe albero said...



Anonymous said...

If it was Obama hanging there ..the owners would be arrested and charged with a hate crime
Glen in OC

Anonymous said...

11:55. Beat me to the punch. However, this person will still inevitably complain on a blog somewhere that one night this week Karl Rove and a posse of young men in red polo shirts and cotton Dockers defaced his constitutionaly protected form expression. He will scratch his head in disbelief and state that he has "no idea why he was singled out by those hooligans." Larry Flynt made the Supreme Court put in writing that we are able to express ourselves in offensive ways (not obscene). But, man, just because you CAN pick your nose doesn't mean you HAVE to eat a booger. This election needs to happen, like, TOMORROW before everyone needs a stay in a looney bin.

Anonymous said...

Tasteless !! If the mannequin depicted someone else , OH! how the Sh** would have hit the fan. The residents would have had threats on their life,been accused of racism, who knows what!!

tedh said...

Only in California could you get away with this. Happy Halloween.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I really like the outfit she has on!

Makes her look very Presidential!

Anyone willing to hand an Obama look alike, in effigy? If someone were to hang such and effigy the FBI would be there before the rope got tight.

Anonymous said...

Watch its only a matter of time before someone does the opposite to get their 15 minutes of shame, itll start a riot.

Anonymous said...

Their is nothing Holloween about this, it is pure unadulterated Democratic hatred.

Mardela said...

She is a sitting Governor. This should be taken down right away, and this household should be investigated. I don't care who is running for office. This type of behavior is what leads the children and others in this world to think it's right to shoot, hang and kill people.

What has our country turned into? Where is the United States I was born in? BIG GOVERNEMNT will never be good for our democracy.

BossHogg said...

Chad Michael Morrisette
Phone: (323) 822-9383


Anonymous said...

WAY TO FAR!!! And I don't even support her or McCain for that matter!!

Anonymous said...

Shouldn't this be against the law? To hang in effigy a Governor who has higher national security than any other candidate. This woman oversee's our lone Missle Response Bn. and its in Alaska! The dems have gone way too far here!

tedh said...

The local Dems. that have allowed this to remain have gone waaaay to far. The sheep constructed it the sheep herders allowed it.

Anonymous said...

Why should this be against the law?
B.Hussein Obama's muslim pals hang our President in effigy quite frequently.
Have you EVER heard B.Hussein Obama speak out about that, No!

Anonymous said...

Were a civilized nation,huh.

Tim Chaney said...

What do you think is going to happen if Obama gets more votes than McCain and still loses in the same manner Al Gore lost in 2000? I see riots in the streets, cars turned over, a city/cities in flames, sounds like a victory party after a city's winning a world championship, Go Phillies. stock up on bullets! Aim for center body mass.

I don't like the effigy myself, I think both parties suck right now, however that expression really is or should be considered freedom of speech. It's a statement for sure however not a direct threat. Maybe before it's over we will see Obama shown in the same manner, let's see how it is treated then.

This election has been so sickening that the board of elections should hand out barf bags before entering the voting booth. Only positive thing I see is Andy Harris, if it wasn't for him I could just go without voting.

Anonymous said...

why does everything on this board have to always go back to Obama? Okay, the picture was not Obama, and who says it was a black person that did it?? Maybe they're white. Not that it makes any difference, it's just plain wrong regardless of WHO idi it. Why must everything be about color or race?

Chimera said...

It IS about race because if it were an Obama effigy the proverbial sh*t would hit the fan.I find it to be distasteful-furthermore I say the hell with both major parties!Bob Barr in 98!

Anonymous said...

it's not about race, it's just plain ignorance

Anonymous said...

Just put a black bag over the dummy's head and see if it's a hate crime.

Anonymous said...

If the loser of this election can show just half the grace we've seen from Sarah Palin in response to the media assaults upon her & her family, he really should have won!
The same goes for our new First Lady.

Now close your eyes....
picture mischelle.....

Anonymous said...

where is bush, chaney and john mccain they should be there to.

tedh said...

If you actually read the article instead of just looking at the pretty pictures it says John McCain is shown popping out of the chimney surrounded by fake flames. What is trying to be said, there is a double standard here because of the race issue. It couldn't be Michelle Obama as she wouldn't be seen hanging around that side of town.