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Thursday, September 04, 2008

Straight Talk By Sarah Palin

These statements in her acceptance speech last night bear repeating:

" small towns, we don't quite know what to make of a candidate who lavishes praise on working people when they are listening, and then talks about how bitterly they cling to their religion and guns when those people aren't listening."

"We tend to prefer candidates who don't talk about us one way in Scranton and another way in San Francisco."


Anonymous said...

O & Joe:


PS -- When you're back in the Senate full time, guess who will be its President (hint: her imitials are S. P.).

Anonymous said...

Drill for more oil, continue to trample the rights of every American citizen, and continue the thread of discontent among nations of the world with our current policies. That's McCain-Palin in a nutshell.

This is the woman who inquired as to how to have certain library books banned while she was Mayor in Wasilla. In that vein, let us not forget a McCain-Palin administration would certainly continue the filthy policy of warrantless wiretaps.

They would continue coddling big oil. Need I not mention these companies are making thousands of dollars a second, and yet the Republican establishment is against closing loop-holes in tax law that these businesses use so effectively to get out of paying the government what is owed.

Want to be gay and have the same rights and privileges of a heterosexual married couple do? Sorry, that's against our religion.
Want to choose to have an abortion?
Sorry, that's against our religion.
Let me add that my wife and I would are against it in our personal lives, but I do not feel that I have the right to tell someone else that they can't have one if they so choose.

It is imperative that we realize fossil fuels are a 'bridge to nowhere' and we absolutely must proceed full bore with research into alternatives. That's how America will become energy independent and create more jobs in the process.

As far as the convention, did anyone else notice the demographics of the RNC? Where is the diversity? You go out on the street and see people of many colors in the 'real' world. It's disheartening to see how the GOP is so out-of-touch.

She says that an Obama White House would lead to lost rights and more government control. Ha! I daresay she just described what has been going on for the past eight years. Deceit or ignorance? You decide.

If you desire to continue to make enemies and lose friends abroad, if you must blow the taxpayer's money on wars and special interests instead of helping the American citizens, vote McCain-Palin.

Anonymous said...

I don't know what to make of a political candidate who lavishes praise on working people when they are listening, then proceeds to pick their pockets by perpetually siding with big business, crushing labor unions, and rewarding businesses that ship their jobs overseas.

Maybe you guys can help me figure that one out;-)

Anonymous said...

Hmmm guess I should spend a little more time proofreading my posts. A few words are out of place due to revisions. My apologies for the grammatical errors. That said, I'm sure my humble diatribe is at least comprehensible.

Anonymous said...

She was a breath of fresh air.
Palin for President!

She's got my vote.

Anonymous said...

While Palin's speech contained very little of substance, she did a fantastic job of appealing to the Republican base by making fun of Obama's status as an "elite" former community organizer (yes, God forbid we should elect someone with a Harvard Law degree who's spent a career trying to help the less fortunate) and parading her redneck family across the stage.

Anonymous said...

How can Republicans bash Obama for being a celebrity, then say Sarah Palin is a "Star" in the party? How can parents be blamed for teen pregnancy by Republicans, then ask for forgiveness and understanding for the Palins? How can your husband work for BP oil and you be for the "little people?" How can you agree to be the VP and then ask what's in it for Alaska? Republicans have talked both sides of the game so long, they don't know what's real. Makes my head spin....

Anonymous said...

Like pigs at the trough. Eat it up right wing nuts. It's gonna be a long 65 days.

Anonymous said...

Sounds like a lot of disgruntled Democrats out there since McCains announcment. Has everyone forgotten she is running for VP not President?

Nice touch there calling her family rednecks especially since you don't know her family or anything more than has been released or stated by Sarah Palin herself.

joe albero said...

Are you kidding me? She's got thicker skin than that anyway. Besides, we've had a Redneck in the Oval Office for the past 7+ years anyway.

Anonymous said...


Make that a redneck pres. for the past 15 years -- Clinton was the worst ever!


Anonymous said...

Redneck in office? He is Skull and Bones, with a Law degree from Yale, managed to avoid conflict in Vietnam, his Father speaks with a perfect NorthEastern European Accent, he is Skull and Bones, his grandfather was Skull and Bones, they have been Nazis for 3 generations. One of the most powerful puppet families in the Illuminati. WTF?
Do you even know who you are talking about? Are you aware of the child molestation by 41? Are you aware of the Satanic Occult connections of 911? Are you even aware of the 911 truth movement? Wake up please, educate yourself.

Bob said...

Say what you want. We need a few more rednecks in positions of authority. You see, a redneck is a hard working everyday ordinary person. Their necks are red because they are out there everyday working - giving it all they have for what they believe in. When push comes to shove I would rather have another redneck like me covering my back than some sorry ass Ivy league blow hard.

Rednecks go to a different school. The school of hard knocks. They learn from their own mistakes which fosters common sense - something you can't learn in a book. I'll vote every time for the redneck who will tell it like it is rather than vote for some two faced prick regardless of their party affiliation.

They were the redneck average everyday people who fought the battle of independence and to whom we owe a debt of gratitude for the freedoms we take for granted everyday.

It is to others who haven't the backbone to stand up for the very values that make us Americans that we can point the finger of blame that these very same freedoms are eroding exponentially.

It will be the rednecks some of you ridicule that will make that stand and take those freedoms back.

Anonymous said...

Do your homework on Sarah Palin instead of voting for a "package," or you are no better than the people you say follow the cult of Obama. Big box stores, big debt for Wasilla, vindictive actions...she sounds like all that stuff you say about Barrie Tilghman.

As an Independent, I can't stand either party. I'm looking at both tickets hard because I don't want to do a protest vote...too much at stake.

I've been doing my homework on Obama. He's actually got some good ideas, even if I'm not totally convinced yet. McCain leaves me flat. Palin I actually started with a blank slate, but the more I learn about her beyond the "image of the hockey mom," the more I turn off.

Anonymous said...

Don't any of you find it ironic that we are fighting a war against people whose goal it is to establish a theocracy, and yet half of America seems willing to elect a woman whose goal it is to establish a theocracy? Go back and check out what she did as mayor--she actually was a lot like our own BPT, except her targets were not Joe Albero and free speech, but the LIBRARY and books she didn't like. That is pretty scary stuff for a democracy.

Anonymous said...

Grand Dad said....It will be the rednecks some of you ridicule that will make that stand and take those freedoms back.

You are correct and when the honest, hardworking, gun owning rednecks take this country back the hipocritical bleeding heart liberals will be out in force with their nooses to hang them from the nearest oak tree. Of course, these hangings won't occur until they get their feel good handouts.

Anonymous said...

you want some "straight talk"?

How about the fact that she's an anti-American? She and her husband are Alaskan Secessionists. They belonged to the Alaska Independence Party.

I will never vote for somebody who wants to secede from the U.S.

Country First? Nope. Alaska First.

Palin? HELL NO.