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Friday, September 05, 2008

Please Help Sally

Meet Sally Shipley. She is a mother of 3 children and 1 stepson. She lives in Berlin and works 3 different jobs to help make ends meet with her husband, Mark. She is my best friend.
Her life was turned upside-down late June when she had a major seizure. After many tests in local hospitals, she was told she had 2 "lesions" on her brain that needed to be tested. She was then rushed to Johns Hopkins where she was told that the lesions needed to removed ASAP and tested. Sally had successful her surgery on July 3rd. The test results from her surgery confirmed she has stage IV Glioblastomas multiforme cancer. The type of cancer she has in NOT curable. She is in the middle of daily radiation and chemo, along with many other drugs and anti-seizure medications.
The benefit will be held at Oasis Bar & Grill in Whaleyville on Rt. 346 (Old Ocean City Rd). I will post more information soon.

If you would like to contribute to the benefit, please contact Teri Darby at 443-880-6868 or email Or Billy Reynolds at 443-614-7073. Or, you can reach me at
443-880-3594 or email me at


Anonymous said...

I found it very unfortunate (actually appalling is a better word)to discover today that people will offer more comments/attention regarding an 8 year-old stolen truck (possibly under negligent conditions) instead of offering you guys support during such a genuinely challenging time. I read your story with great interest, and offer my thoughts and prayers (Unfortunately, I am very poor myself and can't offer much else..). However, may many, many future mornings greet each of you with sunshine and a smile and kind word from loved ones. I know this is what keeps ME going. Good luck!!

Anonymous said...

And i may have to change my opinion as I read even more closely...Reasonable cover charge? Jagermeister Girls? Bloody Mary bar/lunch buffet?(These are a few of my favorite things!!). Seriously, though...good luck-and if you know how bad my wife's cooking is (one of my reasons for staying anonymous), you would understand how hard I will try to be there if I can.