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Friday, September 05, 2008

Frank Kratovil - Who Will Pay?

Last night, a few hours before Sen. John McCain told us why we should STAND UP and FIGHT for AMERICA, Frank Kratovil - the man who wants to be our Congressman - told a group in Salisbury that he wants the government to have ultimate control over health care in the United States. The timing was ironic, to say the least.

Health care spending in this country amounts to almost 20% of our economy. The federal government can't get you through an airport efficiently, yet Kratovil wants it to manage your health care.

Kratovil, trying to be all things to all people, preached an incremental socialism. He wants to start off with a requirement to make you buy health insurance. He admits this isn't because it's the best solution. No, Kratovil wants socialized medicine. This is how we get their. Read More ...


Anonymous said...

But will you hold Queen of the Earmarks Palin to your same standards?

"The truth is out. Sarah Palin may have posed as an opponent of congressionally mandated earmarks, but when the slop was in the bucket, she was one of the first at Senator Ted Stevens’ (R-AK) trough.

The Seattle Times reported yesterday that she submitted 31 earmark requests totaling $197 million in the current (FY2009) budget cycle. According to that paper, it was “more, per person, than any other state.”

The Washington Post reports that in 2000, Palin took an extraordinary step as the mayor of Wasilla, Alaska, a town that had fewer than 5,500 residents—she hired a Washington lobbyist to seek congressional earmarks. According to the Post, she won a total of $6.1 million in earmarks for the city of Wasilla in 2002.

A review of the Taxpayers for Common Sense database from which the Post derived that number indicates that 2002 was actually a subpar year for Palin. Over the course of her four years she sought earmarks as city mayor and won an average of $6.7 million a year."

Call the source commie-pinko all you want, but Palin's numbers do not lie. If this were Barrie Tilghman, you'd be screaming bloody murder. So, damn Kratovil all you want, but you won't condemn your own (except maybe Dubya, for which I congratulate you) for their spend, spend, spend ways combined with symbolic tax cuts that run our deficit through the roof.

Here's the link since it puts all this in perspective with a chart:

Anonymous said...

I'd rather cover everybody than give more control to the drug companies and insurance agencies! What have those people done for you, make you love them so? Oh...I forgot...its the blessed, almighty...MARKET FORCES!!! Did they make YOU rich, GA? No...I didn't think so. Did they cover more people and drive the cost DOWN? No...I didn't think so. ANDY HARRIS FOR CONGRESS...higher premiums so HARRIS gets even more wealthy!

Anonymous said...

Kratovil himself makes me sick. What I really can not understand is why some conservatives are supporting Kratovil just because Harris was able to beat out Gilcrest. They are voting for the wrong man for the wrong reason. If Kratovil is elected they should not complaine about the higher taxes and bigger government that Kratovil will surely support. He is a democrat, don't forget.

Anonymous said...

I say get your own damn health care. My Gov't shouldn't pay for your sickness. If you can't stay healthy, you don't belong in America. Go get 'em G.A.

Anonymous said...

"If you can't stay healthy, you don't belong in America"

That is, quite possibly, the most asinine, simple-minded thing I've ever read.

Anonymous said...

if average everyday middle class workers could earn a LIVING WAGE they could probably find a way to better afford health care. socialized health care is coming and you cant stop it, like it or not.

Anonymous said...

Healthier Americans, Healthier economy. It's very simple. Any form of "socialized" or subsidized medicine would pay for itself in the productivity it would spur.

I don't claim to have the answers. Health care reform isn't something to take on without much thought and research. Still, that doesn't mean it's a bad idea and should be disregarded.

Simply put, healthier, happier citizens work harder and contribute more.

Anonymous said...

"If you can't stay healthy, you don't belong in America."

Spoken like a true Rethuglican.

Leave America to the elite who got rich off your sickness, and those who got rich MAKING you sick.

(Thank you, Erin of those DAMN community organizers. I'll take her over just-so-high-school Palin any day.)

Anonymous said...

9:28 AM

Liberal spin. There is a difference between an earmark and a federal grant request. There are far more grant request made at the state, county and municipal level to the federal governments then there are legislated earmark.

Anonymous said...

John McCain has enjoyed federal, socialized medicine every second of his life. If it is good for him, why not us? (Or do you need to graduate next to next to last in your graduating class to qualify?)

Anonymous said...

If you think the "private sector" is doing a good job managing or health car you are a damn fool! Every industrialized counter in the world has government financed health care but us and it works! The insurance companies soak up 1 of every 3 dollars spent on health care. Let the government manage it for us not the greedy insurance companies who's goal is the minimum coverage for the highest premiums! Private sector crap is nothing but corporate propaganda and GREED!

Anonymous said...

"That is, quite possibly, the most asinine, simple-minded thing I've ever read."

10:31 AM

Hey, this is America jack so I can say what I want. Straight Talk Express babay! And this is a Republican blog so if you don't like it, too bad. Take your poor a*s elsewhere. Have a nice day.

Anonymous said...

"This is how we get their." - WHO?

Anonymous said...


"I say get your own damn health care. My Gov't shouldn't pay for your sickness. If you can't stay healthy, you don't belong in America. Go get 'em G.A."

I agree. Also, I say get your own damn fire department. My gov't shouldn't pay for your fire. If you can't stay fire free, you don't belong in America. Go get 'em G.A.

Also, get your own damn police, too. If you get mugged, or your car is stolen, that's your own damn fault. Damn if I'M gonna have to pay for that.

You people are small minded idiots.

Anonymous said...

10:52 AM,

CONSERVATIVE spin. You don't want to call it what it is: GOVERNMENT HANDOUT.

And do you know why? Because modern Conservatism and the Republican Party is built on false promises and demonising your opponent for what YOU do.

Tell me: Who was the last President to balance the budget and give us a surplus? So, don't talk to us about "fiscal conservatism". You don't know the meaning of the phrase.

Democrats are the only ones that actually care about tax payers money.

Anonymous said...

We already pay for the uninsured every time they walk through the emergency room doors because they are sick. They go for the most expensive care (hospital) because they cant afford a regular physician. WE, The Taxpayer, pay for every single visit thru medicare/medicaid or the hospital raises rates to compensate for what the govt wont reimburse them on. Dont fool yourself that we are not paying for them already. The key is to pay LESS for them by encouraging regular physician visits thru insurance so it is not as costly. The free markets have not solved this problem and WILL NEVER solve this problem. Case in point, the State of Md. just had to go after the CEO of BCBS Md when he wanted his 17 million dollar bonus for serving as CEO for less than one year. That is free market health care for you. CEO's get richer, families go uninsured. I'll take elected officials anyday over inflated CEO bonuses of the free market. Go Frank Go!

Anonymous said...

11:12 said: "Every industrialized counter in the world has government financed health care but us and it works!"

Then take your sorry ass to Canada and get your government health care, but leave mine alone!
I'm sick of you entitlement-minded brats trying to get the government to take what you did not earn and give it to you.
Don't you realize that socialized medical care is going to mean government rationed medical care? Then you'll be whining because you have to wait 6 months for a simple test.

Anonymous said...

10:52 a.m. anonymous said:

"Liberal spin. There is a difference between an earmark and a federal grant request."

Typical conservative Republican spin.

You hire a grantwriter for getting grants, not a lobbyist. And unlike the Daily Times, the Washington Post knows the difference between the two.

Anonymous said...

Uhuh... when a liberal promises you something, watch your wallet.

Anonymous said...

"Hey, this is America jack so I can say what I want. Straight Talk Express babay! And this is a Republican blog so if you don't like it, too bad. Take your poor a*s elsewhere. Have a nice day."

I didn't say you can't say whatever you want. Of course you can. The fact that you're an ignorant jackass was sort of more what I was alluding to. "If you can't stay healthy, you don't belong in America." REALLY? It's nice that mommy and daddy let you use the internet, Timmy, but I think this might be a bit too "grown up" of a site for a 12 year-old.

Anonymous said...

To 12:22 -- the idea that the uninsured cost us a lot of money in uncompensated care is BS. Here's a good explanation of why:

As far as a "free market" in health care, anyone who thinks we have that today in the U.S. doesn't know jack about health care. The government pays for 50% of all health care in this country. It heavily regulates the entire sector. Most of the problems we have in the health care industry today are a direct result of government interference.

Anonymous said...

A note to 9:55--Conservatives will NOT be voting for Kratovil. You make the assumption, as do most people, that Conservative is synonymous with Republican. That is not the case, any more than a Democrat is necessarily Liberal. Many of us Republicans are moderate, just as many Democrats are. I was a Gilcrest supporter who will now be voting for Harris, though not really enthusiastically.