When you enter Downtown Salisbury from east to west, this is what you get to see entering Main Street. I don't care who you are, this looks like sh!t and the owner David Moore needs to get his freakin act together, JUST LIKE THE REST OF US ARE FORCED TO DO!
I'm told the Owner is experiencing an economic hardship during the slow movement of real estate but that's why he bought this building so cheap, isn't it? While the rest of us, (especially ME) would be receiving letter after letter, fine after fine, this building is a PRIME location of the IMAGE Salisbury leaves tattooed in every one's mind.
So once again Barrie Tilghman, I believe some call these people FOB's. Obviously you're willing to go to any and all extremes to let these alleged friends do whatever they want.
Ladies & Gentlemen, especially Downtown Property Owners, don't answer another violation letter, don't pay any of their BS fines. Use these pictures as a prime example of why you shouldn't have to and let a Judge decide for you with such said examples.
I could not agree more. My job involves convincing people to make Salisbury their home, and it's become impossible to deflect attention from scenes such as this.
What used to be a delightful city has turned into a slum-in-the-making. Sad for all of us.
So poor David is having a tough time. When the City cited my dad for a few blades of grass in the sidewalk, he tried that excuse but it did'nt work!
Maybe Barrie should fine him and then waive the fine just like at the old Salisbury Mall.
The opposite side of the sign looks much better -- all of the plastic fascia has been ripped off.
This building is a major fire waiting to happen.
Didn't Mr. Moore get a big tax break from the City a few months ago?
David Moore owns Manhattan Square which is right next door. I was told they were all sold, which was probably a lie. The colors are horrible and the units where overpriced. The movie theatre was supposed to be torn down and have retail on street with condos above it. The good thing is that you are walking distance to two porn shops... the fun never stops.
The real problem is that no one wants to buy downtown due to its decrepit state. Your leaders have made Salisbury an overpriced bad investment.
Has the City's much vaunted "code enforcement" director issued any citations for this abomination or did the mayor tell him not to?
Has the City's code enforcement director (Mr. Stevenson) issued even one citation for this monstrosity or has Barrie told him not to do that?
10:39 --
Moore wanted an "enterprise" tax credit for those condo units he's trying to sell at the "Manhattan Square" building, which is not appropriate or legal, and Councilwomen Campbell and Cohen objected. The City Council awarded him something but I'm not sure about what it is. It really pays to be a FOB as long as her puppets (Comegys, Smith and Shields) control the Council.
damn you fall threw that rusted metal plate and thats a lawsuit right there.
Maybe it will be opened this winter for the homeless to live. Better in one place than all over the City of Salisbury.
Good! That crook has it coming.
I agree 100%!! If the city of Salisbury has no problem putting stickers on a Lincoln LS that I owned and was in the process of selling, they should sticker the hell out of this ugly building!! Further more, If I park on that street and the meter goes one minute over, they damn sure don't cut you no brake and you end up getting a ticket. I say we should sticker and ticket the hell out of this building...maybe that will get thier attention!!! LOL :)
How can they issue citations to homeowners for minor things like peeling paint on window trim or a cracked glass pane but let an outrageous eyesore exist like this for months and years? Will Barrie give him a "TIF" deal too?
city made us put new shingles on my roof stating it was an eye sore. I had to shell over $7500 to fix it. they need to fix this threater!
David Moore only sold a few of those Manhattan Square units. He is now leasing the rest of them. Why would anyone buy/rent something where there is no parking except the #10 lot and have an entrance to them in an alley where the homeless sleep?!
Here is some of the info from the city's website. Complaint forms are availiable at the address below.
City of Salisbury MD Neighborhood Services and Code Compliance
Neighborhood Services & Code Compliance
501 E. Church St.
Salisbury, MD 21804
Phone (410) 341-9550
Fax (410) 341-3682
M. Thomas (Tom) Stevenson Jr., tstevenson@ci.salisbury.md.us
Housing Supervisor,
Susan Phillips, sphillips@ci.salisbury.md.us
Code Enforcement Officers,
Russell Taylor, rtaylor@ci.salisbury.md.us
Dan Hogg, dhogg@ci.salisbury.md.us
David Bowling, dbowling@ci.salisbury.md.us
Amy Green, agreen@ci.salisbury.md.us
Support Staff
Trish Warrington (Office Manager), twarrington@ci.salisbury.md.us
Carla Busch (Codes Processor), cbusch@ci.salisbury.md.us
Neighborhood Services and Code Compliance uses a team of Code Enforcement Officers to enforce city property maintenance codes and ordinances. The NSCC department is located at 501 E. Church St. in Salisbury, MD.
Contrary to popular belief, the property maintenance code pertains to all buildings located within the corporate limits not just residential structures.
Topics covered in the property maintenance code include, but are not limited to;
Interior violations: life safety, sanitation, equipment, etc.
Exterior violations: peeling paint, broken windows, rotting wood, etc.
Brush, Weeds and Obnoxious Growth: grass 8 inches or higher, over growth, weeds
Untagged or inoperable vehicles: improperly registered, abandoned, inoperable
The NSCC department also enforces the landlord licensing ordinance. Any property owner who owns rental property within the city limits of Salisbury must first obtain a Rental Unit Owners License and then register each property that they own. This must be done through the NSCC department. The applications can be downloaded via this web site, completed by the owner or property manager and mailed to NSCC with the appropriate monies.
Let's get those dialing fingers moving!
It seems like when some needed repair related to Downtown is mentioned in this blog, whatever it is gets fixed. Let's see.
To whoever had to fix their roof costing them $7500...
And I'll bet that wasn't chump change to you and times are hard for YOU, but YOU had to fix it!
I get SO sick of hearing business people get away with everything because times are hard, but the poor average guy or gal has to git r dun or it's the maximum for them.
This mayor makes me sick with what she has done to good hardworking people and this one lovely town.
In so many sections, it IS a slum! And this is NOT that big a city!
Let's look at the FOB's and non FOB's.
Take Feldman's for example. They rode that guys tail for years and forced him to close his doors for a period of time.
Yet if you're a FOB like Moore, nothing happens to you at all. I'm not saying Feldman's didn't have issues but that old theater is a disaster and something needs to be done for the pride of our city.
That theater was a dump when Henry Hanna owned it and when it belonged to that art group. All Barrie Buddies.
If David Moore would get out of the nose candy maybe he'd see his building more clearly.
Hey Salisbury,
Has any of you looked inside the front windows? The Concession stand has falling thru the floor and I bet the roof is shot, Back when S.W.A.C. had it, the main theater floor was warping do to water leaks. Now, who knows what it looks like now. But I bet there is a lot of Mold and Mildew in that building. As for David Moore, Well, He is a Lawyer. So I bet he will find a way not to pay any fines. As for a fire tap, What an Idea, Then The Historical people won’t have anything to pick on. Maybe someone should check with “Historic Theatres league of American”, It is a shame that The Boulevard is falling apart. I will miss it. O well.
People who "are sick of business people" should thank them for their pay check. If these business people were not out there making investments on old buildings as well as new developments you all would be doing some bitchin'! Salisbury has its share of problems but its the only place on the shore that you can still create jobs and a living via real estate old or new. Have you taken a ride through Cambridge or Federalsburg etc.lately? Talk about tumbleweed. At least we still have people here willing to take a risk. When you get done crying don't forget to be burped!
It's in an historic zone. It MUST stand as it is, don't you know?
I guess the coke market is down also!
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