I emailed the City Council about my concerns regarding increased Salisbury crime (the lady who spoke about her home invasion is a friend of mine).
This is Shanie's absurd response.
"Of course there is crime in Salisbury. If it wasn't we would not need law enforcement. I still do not believe our crime is as high as Baltimore's. People can do anything they want with numbers. A few days ago a lady in Baltimore ask a person who lived on her street if he would move his car up a little so she could get out of her car. He got out of his car shoved her. When her husband came out to see what was happening, the man shot him twice and killed him. This incident is like an ever day occurance. We do not have murder every day of the week like Philadelphia. How often does a bank get robbed. How often is a child kidnapped or murdered.
My son in 1992 was murdered a block from where I was born. I believe that our Police Department, Sheriff's Department and State police are doing a great job. As our city and county population increases we may see an increase in crime but the stats are on the Salisbury Police Website. Shoplifting is one of the crimes that has been increasing due to more stores being open.
One thing that is missing is respect for older people and people in general. Young people today do not respect authority or even their parents. When I was coming up I feared the police, my pastor and teachers not today.
WOW.... I don't even know where to BEGIN with this one.
The human thought process is amazing. "Shane's" grasp of statistics would put Einstein to shame, don't you agree?
Shane.... you're probably better just to sit there and keep your mouth shut.
The majority of crime is coming from your area to begin with.
I was raised in Philadelphia. It is not as bad as you claim.
Learn how to speak/write before you do this on behalf of the council again.
"When I was coming up I feared the police, my pastor and teachers not today."
Some example you're setting there Shanie. Even YOU admit you have no respect for any of these people.
Let me also state this. Because you and I have thoughts and express them here, that makes us bad people. The Council will be talking about the nasty Blog, yet they'll forget all about the Idiotic message Shanie sent out in the first place. Have at it you nasty Bloggers!
uh huh, uh huh, dats rite, dats rite. day aint no crime in my city. my son be kilt a block where i be born an da crime rate been goin down. im so prowd of da PO leece day be doin great job.
um hmm, dats rite. where dem dam chocolates? (BURB!) bubba git dem dam chips outta yo pocket.
Actually, I think she was inferring that in today's society, young people do not respect the Police, their Pastors or their Teachers. I'm not taking up for this bumbling idiot, just trying to make some sense (if that's possibile) of her rant.
Do your constituents and everyone else that you subject yourself to Shanie and please, GET OUT OF PUBLIC SERVICE!
Holy Cow...this is what is leading our city???????????? Please God, help us!
Idiot's delight there.sheesh
Shanie, sorry to hear about your son. Do you truly belive crime is under control when you experienced a loss like that? ONE murder is to many. I've seen the outskirts of my neighborhood become infested with drugs, prostution and robberies. Your right when you stated the youth have no respect for adults but don't you see a trend there? I do and it is a downward trend. YOU are part of the problem IF you find what is happening to our city acceptible.
signed - a broken hearted citizen
7:45 ......If she follows your advice and keeps her mouth shut, what would she do with the fistful of candy?
Please help our minority councilwoman get a grade school education. Benefit to be held at the Thrift Travel Inn. Entertainment provided by The Ho's, refreshments available in the Cardboard City under the overhead bridge. Bring your own cup.
Anyone want to buy a house? I would love to get the hell outta dodge....
If elected officials admit there's a problem, citizens will expect them to be working on a solution. So, to avoid all thought and most action, the majority of the councilpersons say there's no roblem. Fine. Either they're too lazy or too corrupt or too nearsighted to be of any use to the rest of us. It's their fault they're worthless leaders, but it's our fault they're in office.
Shanie is a turd.
While I am mindful of Shanie's pain on losing her son to murder, I would suggest that a wonderful way to turn that loss into an honor for him would be for Shanie, his mother, to come out forcefully on the side of increased City action to curb such violence.
Shanie is a disgrace....and it is clear from this email that she lacks intelligence and the ability to take a strong stand ON HER OWN.
If she truly wants to make a difference, she must get a grip on what is going on and forget trying to protect Barrie and Webster. Come on, Shanie, do it for yourself, all those victims of crime and for the City itself.
She is just blind to the crime because she lives right in the middle of it; Delaware Avenue 2 houses down from Sammys Drug Market. The Ho's are up and down there all day long and the younger generation of people who do not work but hang out on the streets all day.
Shanie is better off just to sit there like a bump on a log and keep her mouth shut because every single time she has something to say her ignorance just keeps on shining through. You have to have respect for yourself before you can have respect for anyone else so does this tell you anything Shanie? Probably not, DUH!
Did she ever even address the concern? All she said was its not as bad as a large city because large cities have murders every day. Do we have to have more people get killed to get more police? How does that address the concern that crime is too high and there is not enough law enforcement to combat it? I feel like she just kind of said, who cares, and get over it. Who cares that crime is increasing because people aren't getting killed so lets just make the few law enforcement that we have work harder than they should to keep up with all the shoplifters. Who cares that in the meantime they may not have time to thoroughly respond to calls of assault in an unsuspecting woman's home in the early hours of the morning. Its not like she was murdered.
As sorry as I am for her loss, I don't understand what point she was making when she mentioned her son's murder and said nothing else of it. Is she only mentioning it to get sympathy and divert attention away from the subject? She does acknowledge the direct proportion of population to crime, but still does nothing to address the need for more police.
By the way this reads to me, her plan to reduce crime isn't to add protection for the citizens, but to make youth respect their elders and the police more. Do you think she used that plan as a platform when she ran for council?
I am so sorry for the people who are represented by this woman. Its no wonder things are so bad.
I don't think she's blind to the crime, I think she cover's it up for her peoples
Sheree Sample Hughes does the same exact in her District. Always everyone else's fault except their own. Then Hughes cries the blues.
How do the rest of you council folks (I know you are reading this) feel about Shanie speaking on behalf of the council? C'mon now, be honest with yourselves and honorable for the city.
Anonymous said...
I don't think she's blind to the crime, I think she cover's it up for her peoples
9:47 AM
I agree, however she finds it the norm in her society so she is immune to all aspects of it. She is a disgrace to the human race. PIG!!
Anonymous said...
Sheree Sample Hughes does the same exact in her District. Always everyone else's fault except their own. Then Hughes cries the blues.
10:10 AM
Ed Taylor made a mistake grooming this one.
Shanie stops at McDonalds every
morning to fill out applications
for work. They always tell her to come back and they are not hiring.
Someone told me they did not want to hurt her feelings , her
education has a lot to be desired.
They said 3rd grade at best! I agree!
1. I give Shanie credit for actually responding to a constituent. She usually doesn't.
2. Sorry for the loss of your son, Shanie. I don't know where this was or how long ago, but was he a target of a gang or drug cartel?
3. At least she didn't state that the murders were not important because the people were "targets."
4. I do believe she was trying to say it is today's youth, not she herself, that has no respect for authority. Obviously, she has respect since she bows down to the mayor and Louise.
5. As for answering the question, she can't do that. Her answer would have to be prepared for her by Louise and the mare, and we all know they would say, "We'll have to get back to you on that."
This is why, at the risk of beating a dead horse, I repeat: GET OUT AND VOTE NEXT ELECTION! Get someone with a command of English and a brain in the head to fill the District 1 seat. Re-elect Debbie Campbell, get Jim Ireton or someone of his intelligence and concern for the city into the mayor's position, and dump Comegys and Smith with a recall.
"Shoplifting is one of the crimes that has been increasing due to more stores being open."
I seriously doubt if you open more stores (anywhere in the world) that shoftlifting automatically goes up.
She has great deductive reasoning skills.
People like this that are running this City are the reason criminals have their way here. A councilwoman with a basic education at best and a blind eye to reality. If the loss of her son to a murder wasn't enough to open her eyes, then what will.
The City officers don't care for the most part. They are outmanned and strapped with to many regulations to deal with the lawless mentality of these thugs that inhabit our once fine City. The County and State officers are filling in the holes in the sinking ship with their daily arrest and patrols that are taking place. The County and State never handled calls in the City years ago, because the crime was down and there were adequate officers to handle the City.
The City has grown to a point where it cannot provide the basic services. The former homeowners and real citizens have sold their home and moved to the Burbs to be safe. Whats left is a City full of rented homes and thugs that could care less about the City. They can deal their products and nobody will bother them. What a perfect atmosphere for crime. Its here Shanie and its in your backyard.
Joe get these guys to pay the police what they deserved give the police the officers needed to improve this city and the tools...otherwise crime and victimization is going to get worse and worse until the bank robbers and murders of children become a routine occurance.
Is their an i.q. minimum for politicians?
Look at which side of town Shanie represents, that says it all.
Anonymous said...
Look at which side of town Shanie represents, that says it all.
12:49 PM
Riverside Drive.....
7:45am...on behalf of the council? But leaves comments under anonymous? what a tool bag.
Hey,,,better get your 8 and 10 by the end of the month or you can't take your comp time or request a day off!!! Aint that right, CHAZ!
So, how MANY children have to be kidnapped or murdered for her to care?
Philadelphia is the 6th largest city in the country, people wise. Baltimore is at least in the top 15.
We have, what, about 25,000? How can you even compare the raw numbers?
This disgusts me. Is she eating in that photo???
Get her out of office!
How is she able to read and comprehend the incredible volume of printed material associated with making decisions for a city? The answer is painfully obvious.
Honestly I'm not the least bit surprised. It's just another drop in the bucket at this point...
Anonymous said...
How is she able to read and comprehend the incredible volume of printed material associated with making decisions for a city? The answer is painfully obvious.
3:39 PM
She doesn't, bubba and the mare tell her what to do. Remember voting on the tax increase without reading the budget.
3:39--She doesn't read the stuff. She sits there and flips thru it sometimes at meetings to try to look like she is following it. NOT! Do you remember her making remarks about Debbie and Terry and how much THEY read and study things? That's because she doesn't and can't!
Don't blame Shanie, blame the voters of District 1. Blame Barrie and her slum lords that really want and need people like Shanie. If you don't want her holding that seat, VOTE HER SORRY ASS OUT.
Shanie, I'd like to thank you for this email reply to a constituent. You've just made my job that much easier.
Shanie didn't write that by herself, I'll bet Bubba helped her.
What are her accomplishments in
the political arena ? She has none.
What are her accomplishments in life ? She has none. The best I can see , she loves to eat and
babble about crap! They need to
use a fly swatter on her.
and the crime "we don't have" is only gonna get worse what with the economic crunch being what it is.
people are out of work and the BASIC costs of living are so outrageously WORSE!
replacing anyone on council ain't gonna fix that, but the right people can at least start to make a difference.
Members of the council have a moral obligation to be informed about the issues. The citizens of Shanie's district have a right to expect their representative to show ability and commitment. They must be disappointed, and I think they'll make a different choice next time.
I agree with her that Philadelphia has shoplifting and a murder a day in Baltimore is not like here because crime is not here, it's just a numbers game, but thank God we have police because if you have police you have to have crime, otherwise you wouldn't need them. So everyone just relax and take a stroll down church street, you'll be safer than than you would not think you were.
I know I am chiming in late-had to work all day.
It IS a disappointing reply,huh ?
I am so sorry about her losing her son but thats even MORE of an incentive for her to become proactive against crime.Look at John Walsh and Mark Klaas,for example.Both lost children to violent criminals and are now known for their activism.
Whether you support the Brady Bill(gun laws) or not,consider this:one of the most outspoken supporters of these laws was a woman about Shanies age who lost her husband to the subway shootings in NY,her son survived with permanant disabilities.She should care MORE,because her life has been touched by a loss due to violence.
Comparing Salisbury to Philly is a copout,and makes me feel that the Council will not adress the crime problems unless it gets to the point of what is seen in Philly,or Baltimore, or Newark,NJ.
Wow comparing small town Salisbury with Balto/Philly. How bout you compare another city with a similar population. I guarantee Salisbury is worse. Years ago ppl would move here for the quiet atmosphere, low crime and boring lifestyle. Now we have crime levels of cities easily twice our size. Not to mention the mass exodus of businesses out of Salisbury. What a great place, high crime and no REAL jobs. Just like the politians, this place sucks!!
"neck deep in the big muddy"
shanie answered an e-mail? oh that's right it is election year
Hey Shanie, if you dumb asses hadn't run every job out of town with your tax increases and water and sewer hikes people wouldn't be shoplifting, they would have jobs to pay for what they are stealing.
If your chief of police would get his ass out of Worcester and Somerset counties long enough to see what is going on in Salisbury we wouldn't have the heroin and crackheads, crack whores or gangs in the numbers we do.
It's ok, go back to eating your chocolates, your time on council is coming to an end. See how good the slumlords and the mayor are to you then.
Anonymous said...
What are her accomplishments in life ? She has none.
7:05 PM
Case Information
Court System: Circuit Court for Wicomico County - Civil System
Case Number: 22C07001396
Title: Burson, et al vs Shields, et al
Case Type: ForeclosureFiling Date:10/11/2007
Case Status: Closed/Inactive
Case Disposition: Decree or OrderDisposition Date:07/07/2008
Plaintiff/Petitioner Information
(Each Plaintiff/Petitioner is displayed below) Party Type: PlaintiffParty No.:6
Name: Yoder, Erik W
Address: 13135 Lee Jackson Highway
City: FairfaxState:VAZip Code:22033
Party Type: PlaintiffParty No.:1
Name: Burson, John S
Address: 13135 Lee Jackson Highway
City: FairfaxState:VAZip Code:22033
Party Type: PlaintiffParty No.:2
Name: Savage, William M
Address: 13135 Lee Jackson Highway
City: FairfaxState:VAZip Code:22033
Party Type: PlaintiffParty No.:3
Name: Britto, Gregory N
Address: 13135 Lee Jackson Highway
City: FairfaxState:VAZip Code:22033
Party Type: PlaintiffParty No.:4
Name: Murphy, Jason
Address: 13135 Lee Jackson Highway
City: FairfaxState:VAZip Code:22033
Party Type: PlaintiffParty No.:5
Name: Brown, Kristine D
Address: 13135 Lee Jackson Highway
City: FairfaxState:VAZip Code:22033
Defendant/Respondent Information
(Each Defendant/Respondent is displayed below) Party Type: DefendantParty No.:2
Name: Shields, Eugenie P
Address: 214 Delaware Avenue
City: SalisburyState:MDZip Code:21801
Party Type: DefendantParty No.:1
Name: Shields, James H
Address: 214 Delaware Avenue
City: SalisburyState:MDZip Code:21801
Document Tracking
(Each Document listed. Documents are listed in Document No./Sequence No. order) Doc No./Seq No.: 1/0
File Date: 10/11/2007Close Date:10/11/2007Decision:
Document Name: Payments Received
Plt App Fee $10.00 10/11/07 3/5326
Clerk's Fee $80.00 10/11/07 3/5326
MLSC Fee $25.00 10/11/07 3/5326
Clerk's Fee $25.00 08/05/08 2/73189
Doc No./Seq No.: 3/0
File Date: 10/11/2007Close Date:07/07/2008Decision:
Document Name: Line to Docket Foreclosure
Foreclosure Noted in Land Records Liber 2600 Folio 091.
Doc No./Seq No.: 4/0
File Date: 10/11/2007Close Date:07/07/2008Decision:
Document Name: Certified Copy of Deed of Trust
Doc No./Seq No.: 5/0
File Date: 10/11/2007Close Date:10/11/2007Decision:
Document Name: Appointment of Substitute Trustee
Doc No./Seq No.: 6/0
File Date: 10/11/2007Close Date:07/07/2008Decision:
Document Name: Statment of Indebtedness
Balance: $82,680.56
Doc No./Seq No.: 7/0
File Date: 10/11/2007Close Date:10/11/2007Decision:
Document Name: Affidavit in Compliance with MD Rule 14-204(a)(4)
Doc No./Seq No.: 8/0
File Date: 10/11/2007Close Date:07/07/2008Decision:
Document Name: Attorney Certification under Rule 1-313
Doc No./Seq No.: 9/0
File Date: 10/11/2007Close Date:07/07/2008Decision:
Document Name: Note
Doc No./Seq No.: 10/0
File Date: 03/26/2008Close Date:03/26/2007Decision:
Document Name: Bond Approved and Recorded
Doc No./Seq No.: 11/0
File Date: 03/26/2008Close Date:07/07/2008Decision:
Party Type: PlaintiffParty No.:6
Document Name: Report of Sale
Doc No./Seq No.: 12/0
File Date: 03/26/2008Close Date:04/02/2008Decision:
Party Type: PlaintiffParty No.:6
Document Name: Affidavit of Compliance
Doc No./Seq No.: 13/0
File Date: 03/26/2008Close Date:04/02/2008Decision:
Document Name: Purchaser's Affidavit
Doc No./Seq No.: 14/0
File Date: 03/26/2008Close Date:04/02/2008Decision:
Document Name: Auctioneer's Affidavit
Doc No./Seq No.: 15/0
File Date: 04/02/2008Close Date:07/07/2008Decision:
Document Name: Notice to Newpaper
faxed to newspaper. publish date 4/9/08, 4/16/08, & 4/23/08
Doc No./Seq No.: 16/0
File Date: 05/20/2008Close Date:07/07/2008Decision:
Document Name: Instructions to Clerk
Doc No./Seq No.: 17/0
File Date: 05/20/2008Close Date:07/07/2008Decision:
Document Name: Certification of Publication of Notice
Doc No./Seq No.: 18/0
File Date: 07/03/2008Close Date:07/07/2008Decision:
Document Name: Certification of Publication of Sale
Doc No./Seq No.: 19/0
File Date: 07/07/2008Close Date:07/07/2008Decision:Granted
Document Name: Final Order of Ratification
Doc No./Seq No.: 20/0
File Date: 07/08/2008Close Date:07/07/2008Decision:
Document Name: Auditor Selection Letter- Paula A Price
Doc No./Seq No.: 21/0
File Date: 08/06/2008Close Date:Decision:
Document Name: Instructions to Clerk
Doc No./Seq No.: 22/0
File Date: 08/05/2008Close Date:Decision:
Party Type: PlaintiffParty No.:1
Document Name: Motion for Judgment Awarding Possession
Not to mention the numerous other cases against her.
020300003792004 Shields, Eugenia Serve At Defendant Wicomico County District Court CONT ACTIVE 01/20/2004
020300003792004 Shields, Eugenia Defendant Wicomico County District Court CONT ACTIVE 01/20/2004
020300001462004 Shields, Eugenie Green Aka Defendant Wicomico County District Court CONT Closed 01/09/2004
020300001462004 Shields, Eugenie Green Aka Defendant Wicomico County District Court CONT Closed 01/09/2004
020300031402005 Shields, Eugenie Green Defendant Wicomico County District Court CONT Closed 04/18/2005
020300031402005 Shields, Eugenie Green Defendant Wicomico County District Court CONT Closed 04/18/2005
020300032492005 Shields, Eugenie Green Defendant Wicomico County District Court CONT Closed 04/18/2005
020300032492005 Shields, Eugenie Green Defendant Wicomico County District Court CONT Closed 04/18/2005
020300053322007 Shields, Eugenie Green Defendant Wicomico County District Court CONT ACTIVE 09/10/2007
020300060782007 Shields, Eugenie Green Defendant Wicomico County District Court CONT ACTIVE 10/09/2007
020300063842004 Shields, Eugenie Green Defendant Wicomico County District Court CONT Closed 11/23/2004
020300063842004 Shields, Eugenie Green Defendant Wicomico County District Court CONT Closed 11/23/2004
0203SP002322008 Shields, Eugenie P Plaintiff Wicomico County District Court Peace Order CLOSE 03/10/2008
22C07001396 Shields, Eugenie P Defendant Wicomico County Circuit Court Foreclosure Closed/Inactive 10/11/2007 Burson, et al vs Shields, et al
020300003042001 Shields, Eugenie Defendant Wicomico County District Court CONT ACTIVE 01/23/2001
020300053322007 Shields, Eugenie Defendant Wicomico County District Court CONT ACTIVE 09/10/2007
020300060782007 Shields, Eugenie Defendant Wicomico County District Court CONT ACTIVE 10/09/2007
Joe, hear is something else to bring up again.
With the foreclosure on her home recently (Aug. 8, 2008)where is she living? Is she currently a resident of the city of Salisbury or District 1 which she supposedly represent? Can she prove her place of residency? is the mare and bubba protecting her and covering this up? Get on it Joe.
Shanie is the weakest link....GOODBYE!
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