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Sunday, August 31, 2008

Boss Hogg's Cousin!

Billy received a phone call from his sister in Orange County, CA this morningcousin-sarah.jpg informing him that John McCaines choice for VP, Sarah Palin is their shirt tail cousin!

Billy's uncle Moe moved to Alaska after the war and started his family. He and his wife Judy had nineteen children that survived. They were a nice Catholic couple who took their bite off of the American Pie in the Alaska, and they have all done well.

Family reunions are an astounding event especially when the Alaska Burkes show up, as all of the kids have had quite large families of their own and at the reunion last summer they filled the Grand Geneva Hotel in Wisconsin.

All of the Burke clan that I have met have Democrats, except for Billy. His teenage rebellion was being conservative! He is the black sheep in his family because of his political views being sooo conservative. Apparently, Billy is not the only one in the family who has crossed over....

Known as a political maverick Palin was elected as mayor in Wansilla, Alaska on a platform to end wasteful spending. Upon election she promptly fired the Chief of Police, opposed higher taxes and won, then ran for a second term and won even bigger than the first time

Sarah joined the Alaska Oil and Gas Conservation board in 2003 where she resigned after only a year of service because of their lack of ethics and cronyism. After resigning she filed federal complaints against three of her fellow board members who were fined and were forced to resign.

Palin also exposed the state Republican Party's chairman, Randy Ruedrich, one of her fellow Oil & Gas commissioners for ethics violations. Unethical, for profit, pork barrel spending like the Bridge to Nowhere, which she was instrumental in having shut down is only part of her hit list.

With these brave attempts to take out the 'Good Ole Boy's', Palin drew much notoriety and declared her campaign for governor.

Mother of five, she is Alaskas first woman governor and it's youngest.

In the Pioneer Spirit of standing up for what is right, she won and won big. As Governor, Palin has continued her efforts to cut wasteful spending.

Immediatley after taking office as Governor she rescinded 35 polital appointments made by former Governor Frank Murkowski. She has tirelessly worked to get the Good O'le Boys out of the process, it is working .

Let's hope Sarah brings all of this to Washington to with her, it could use a little house cleaning!

What a small world; isn'nt it?


Anonymous said...

My vote is going to McCain/Palin. What an incredible woman! Finally, a candidate that is worth voting for. Wish we had her for our Mayor here in Salisbury!

Anonymous said...

Choosing Palin for VP is a stroke of genius for McCain. I really can't help but wonder if, in the true Machiavellian spirit that defines him, Carl Rove had any hand in this "setup". I remember witnessing the "quieting" of the "Maverick senator" from Arizona. That's when I realized he had been promised a presidential bid. It was only 9 months ago McCain was out of the race and Romney would be the GOP's apparent nominee. (It's all a great dance that goes on for years.)
Friday morning, I told hubby it looked as if my Gop VP choice (governor of Alaska) was out since Media reports still had her in Alaska. I said she can't get to Dayton in less than 3 hours so she's out. It seems the Media wasn't "informed". Well, this announcement MADE MY DAY, WEEK, & so far MONTH, maybe even YEAR. The Dems are calling this pick "political malpractice". It would seem Sarah Palin doesn't have the EXPERIENCE necessary for this position, after all Alaska has only around 600 thousand in population. (FYI, a little less than Delaware) So it's apparently a necessary requirement for the VP to be experienced, but NOT the POTUS??? Go figure! (Can't help but wonder what feeling Chris Matthews has "running up his leg", now.He says he gets tingles when the Obomination speaks.Maybe he oughtta just get up from his seat & stretch a little something other than his mouth.)
The RNC is to be commended for keeping the lid on this choice up to the last minute. (At 9:30 am Friday, she was reported to still be in Juno.) The DNC couldn't do it. I heard about Biden the day before. It seems there were several large flower deliveries to his home on Friday. Then around 1 a.m. Saturday,"it" hit the news. Now imagine, if you will, the keeping of National Security measures when they couldn't keep the VP choice under wraps. Now Palin, was 8 mos into her pregnancy and nobody knew it outside her family. She visited McCain at his house last week & nobody knew it. At least she can keep a secret. Cannot say that about the dems and that VP choice. Everybody's (media) gotta have a scoop for the sake of having a scoop. You gotta have your "leak".
Additionally, she keeps lobbyists away from her government offices. The big politicos have her to fear. She won't back down.She has great family values, she's a "sport", Lifetime NRA member, FOR drilling in ANWAR, pro-life, (alas, most women are pro choice), has successfully taken on political corruption in her state, a vivacious, energetic, patriotic, ultra feminine new face on the political horizon. My kind of gal. Best of luck & congratulations to Sarah Palin!

Anonymous said...

haha... anon 824!

"Finally, a candidate that is worth voting for. Wish we had her for our Mayor here in Salisbury!"

I agree. Wish she was here in Salisbury, not for the country!! And please tell what makes her worth voting for? Because she is a mother of 5? Or because she has ZERO foreign policy experience AND openly admitted in 2007 that she has no interest in what's happening in Iraq??

Well... being a mother, she could try to clean up the huge mess that McCain would leave!

Anonymous said...

Anon 845 -

Yup. She's a good story, but not a VP candidate.

She should do the right thing and spend time with her child who will need a lot of time and support from the parents.

Anonymous said...

Give us good reasons to vote for Barrack Hussein Obama, after all he is running on the top of the ticket for the Democrat Party.

Anonymous said...

squawk.(9:02).squawk-squak (9:04). Envy is cardinal sin.wink-wink.

Anonymous said...

904...put ur headback in the sand, She's to be commended for asking her family to sacrifice alittle so some of her time can be spent to save this country and millions of families in it.....she cuts more wasteful spending in DC....she'll be the President in 4yrs

Anonymous said...

902 and 904, Please explain what makes Obama a suitable canidate for President if Sarah Palin is not a suitable canidate for VP? Because Obama has sooo much foreign policy experience or any experience doing anything. He is good at dodging questions and a lot of experience "kicking it" with William Ayers!

Anonymous said...

Yes, most women are pro-choice. Most of the country is pro-choice. About 98% of voters support choice in cases of rape and incest--not Palin and the far right, though. To think that a woman should have to bear a rapist's child is barbaric. Think of the poor woman attacked in the Toadvine Road incident. Had she become pregnant by the animal . . . Why is Palin's view so popular on this blog?

thomas augustus littleton said...

Wymzie wrote,
"Let's hope Sarah brings all of this to Washington to with her, it could use a little house cleaning!"

Am I to hope that you are no longer going to waste a vote on Ron Paul, but are going to help us in electing a McCain/Palin ticket?

thomas augustus littleton said...

For anyone who doesn't believe in reincarnation, I present the reincarnation of Niccolo Machiavelli in the his current incarnation as Carl Rove!

If Mr. Rove isn't this reicarnation, I am sure that he has studied Machiavelli and understands & applies Machiavellin principles better than any person in American politics today!

Vote McCain/Palin:)

thomas augustus littleton said...

Lance's comment sums a lot of things up very precisely and accurately!

Anonymous said...

Who is Sarah Palin? Here's some basic background:

She was elected Alaska 's governor a little over a year and a half ago. Her previous office was mayor of Wasilla, a small town outside Anchorage. She has no foreign policy experience.

Palin is strongly anti-choice, opposing abortion even in the case of rape or incest.

She supported right-wing extremist Pat Buchanan for president in 2000.

Palin thinks creationism should be taught in public schools.

She's doesn't think humans are the cause of climate change.

She's solidly in line with John McCain's "Big Oil first" energy policy. She's pushed hard for more oil drilling and says renewables won't be ready for years. She also sued the Bush administration for listing polar bears as an endangered species—she was worried it would interfere with more oil drilling in Alaska.

How closely did John McCain vet this choice? He met Sarah Palin once at a meeting. They spoke a second time, last Sunday, when he called her about being vice-president. Then he offered her the position.

Anonymous said...

She has family for help and can afford any special needs of her 4 month old...a nanny if that's what it takes. Only thing I can see as hindrance will be her stance on abortion. Yet, do you think it will be in her power to do anything about it? I think not. A VP is nearly a non-entity, unless something happens to the POTUS. There is the tie breaking vote in the senate as president, but that seldom comes up. Bills have to be brought up first. Last time that happened, Al Gore broke the tie.

Anonymous said...

I agree with T A L.

thomas augustus littleton said...

Anon, 12:58
Everything you wrote about Palin seems to be accurate and I agrre with you that she is a perfect running mate for McCain:) Good work!

With her ethics and determination I think she might just end as a two term president and eventually on Mount Rushmore. Governor Palin seems to be a special, very strong person. Thanks for your support!

Wymzie said...

I am going to go out on a big limb here and talk about abortion...
To be pro-Life means that you support the life and well being of an actual human being.
No one will ever argue being the victim of a rape is not a horrible horrible thing.
An abortion is something that is a way for a woman to get rid of the product and results of an event in her life that she no longer wants to deal with.
I don't think anyone has even suggested that being pro-life means that if you are the victim of a rape you cannot kill that child. I personally would not, but I believe in all efforts to reverse Roe v. Wade, rape and incest pregnancies were off of the table of negotiations.

I find it incomprehensible that you can stand on your high horse to say you are pro-choice and not take into consideration the life of the child who is being murdered.
Obama in fact is in favor of late term abortions, and is against trying to save a baby who is aborted live!
Hundreds of babies every year are born alive after chemically induced abortions.
Do you know what happens to them? Ask a nurse!!
They are often perfectly viable babies and they are left to die, they are suffocated or
the bases of their skulls are stabbed with a pair of surgical scissors.
How do I know this??
I worked in a Womens Health Clinic when I was 19 years old.
I saw it!
I witnessed it!
I talked girls into coming into the office and taking care of their problem.
Do you know why?
Because there is huge money in abortions! Huge money!
You do the math...
Twenty abortions per day at a minumum of over $600 per procedure but closer to $1,200 to $1,500 (for some reason think they are getting a better abortion if they pay more money)....
These people are making money hand over fist, and they have a huge interest in talking more and more women into getting them.
Calling it a Womens Health Clinic is a joke, they are abortion mills period.
When I took the job, I thought I was a progressive liberated woman, who was going to help all of these women in their time of need.
I had a front seat view into this seedy seedy world. The office managers make a commission on how many babies they can get their staff to have murdered every month. The offices participate in inter office competitions!
Birth Control, gynecology, std's were secondary services, the real money is on the abortions, and in many states they aren't even regulated. As a matter of fact your dog has better trained people working on them.
Pro-Choice arguments are hollow and empty... I have seen the inside of this industry and you can ask anyone else who has first hand experience and you will hear the same thing.
Killing is wrong, pregnancy isn't an accident, it is the very life a human being, and to end it is murder.
If you want to fight for something fight to wake up parents who are in denial of their little angels behavior and encourage them to get their girls on birth control.
To encourage our girls that getting pregnant is just an inconvenient by product of sex is the ultimate in decadence and selfishness.
Pull your heads out of this sand pit and think about the huge profits that we are talking about here. A D&C Vaccuum machine is cheap. You buy it once, and you are in business. No one is checking on these place to make sure they are clean and sanitary. No one is checking records to see how many live abortions happen. No one is keeping this information, merely basic in office records are being kept and the Drs. don't write it down if the babies are born alive. They can't deal with it, they leave it to the nurses and staff members to clean up. Including paying the plumbers extra money when the double action extra heavy duty garbage disposals get clogged. It's hard to get the same plumber to come back twice.
Open your eyes this is murder.
Planned Parenthood was founded by Margaret Sanger, who was herself a racist Eugenicist. Her goal to sterilize all women who were not perfect, and until they were all sterilized then they would provide the service to take care of the little problems.

Anonymous said...

What trips me out is that the same people are against the death penalty are so ready to kill a baby. Can't kill a murderer but can murder and innocent baby....Makes perfect sense...I not really for either one.

thomas augustus littleton said...

I haven't been able to find much about Palin's views on the Middle East. But with her son scheduled to be deployed in Irag, I assume she is like me and prefers Islamic extremists and terrorists EXTRA CRISPY!

Anonymous said...

I appreciate your answer, but you are mistaken about Obama.

Here is his statment:
On an issue like partial birth abortion, I strongly believe that the state can properly restrict late-term abortions. I have said so repeatedly. All I've said is we should have a provision to protect the health of the mother, and many of the bills that came before me didn't have that.

In 1997, Obama voted against SB 230, which would have turned doctors into felons by banning so-called partial-birth abortion, & against a 2000 bill banning state funding. Although these bills included an exception to save the life of the mother, they didn't include anything about abortions necessary to protect the health of the mother. The legislation defined a fetus as a person, & could have criminalized virtually all abortion.

Pro choice arguments are not hollow. You personally feel that life begins with fertilization, many do not. That decision is up to the mother, not you, and not the government. We have a separation of church and state in this country for a reason.

Pro-life can still be pro-choice. I can personally be against it, but don't think it is my right to tell you what to do in your situation.

If you feel so strongly that every child must be born no matter what circumstance surrounds, then go adopt. There are thousands of unwanted children born daily.

No matter what happens, there will still be abortions. Outlawing them will just make them back-alley type....

Chimera said...

Thank you Wymzie-for a great womans point of view on a sensitive subject.
Call me a relic, but I am staunchly pro-life.Who am I to decide whether a being that God created (with some help!)should live or die? I cannot make the choice for someone else and what they do,but I choose life.If we are so casual about terminating the life of a fetus with a developmental disability,then how long will it be before we start accepting the choice to abort a child with an undesired eye color ?Where do we draw the line?Sorry if I offend anyone who is pro-choice but I am proud to be pro-life.

Anonymous said...

I too have sat in an abortion clinic with a very dear friend of mine. It was absolutely horrible! So impersonal and so degrading.
It was not even here in Salisbury because at the time they did not perform them here...not sure if they are performed locally.
My opinion is if you play, you got to pay. I hope I never have to go through that ever again - regardless!

Wymzie said...

I forgot to ad two points to my rant:

1) Late term abortions are supposedly ok to protect the life of a mother. That's the part that is pure unadalterated Bull Sh*t.

If a mothers health and life are in danger her doctor will know her issues long before her third trimester. If not, and develops, gestational diabetes, high blood pressure and the countless other thing that can go wrong. The doctor will hospitalize a mother and stabelize her. Most people in this situation put their childs life before theirs anyway and it it isn't an option.
I myself started hemmoraging, but I was under a doctors care and was placed on bed rest.
If there is that one reason that a doctor has a patient and the patient will die if he doesn't deliver it right then to saver her life. Now days the child goes to the Neonatal Unit. But if she goes to an abortionist for car he will deliver the baby and put it in the garbage disposale.

There is close to zero need for late term abortions...
In the industry they are called the undecided. They know it is wrong they can't bring themselves to call their parents or husband and tell them what they have done so they wait far to long into their 3rd trimester. And for a significant amount of money they can get by performing one of these abolutely horrible procedures, the Pro=Life Lobby gets women all over the country whipped up into a friendzy saying tha we need this and we simply don't.

Late term abortiona devestate a woman. Everyone I have ever seen comes out of the procedure looking completely void of spirit. Imagin carrying a child through your 1st and 2nd term, feeling the movemet of this baby inside you and then pay an abortions a couple of thousand dollars to take a syringe full of saline salution and break the placenta and instead of amniotic fluid the baby is being burned inside it's mother form the salt mixture. The mother feels the thrashing, and the cramping and she delivers a burned baby that more often then not is very alive.

If women are willing to live with murder on their hands then it is the woman who need to pay for it.
If it is a teen who can't afford, there a tons of people willing to adopt, and she can carry it to term. In my experience the woman who I counceled about a waman feels like after late term abortion opted to go the last few weeks and put their children up for adoption.
Argumenents are made about having guilt from giving your child away for adoption, but I can assure you that guilt doen't compare to the guilt one feels when they deliver the abortion and no one has told them that sometimses they cry. Right then the magnitude of what they have done, comes crushing in on them.
If a woman is pro choic, or pro life as soon as they become of age they need to get on birth controll.
This the simpliest answer to all of these terribly sad problems. And if they do ge pregnant why in world are they waiting? Because you can get them up until the time that the baby is due. But God forbid if the Dr. down the hall is delivering a baby and something is wrong with it people jump all over him to sue him.
This is an effed up world we live in.
I will never stop a woman from getting an abortion, but givne the chance I would tell her my experiences. But on the other hand I do not believe it is the taxpayers place to pay for any of it, but I would be in favor of subsidizing Birth Control Pills.

Anonymous said...


Yes abortions are performed here. Usually late in the day or at night as "emergencies" to very young, unmarried girls & women for "bleeding". (I never saw one with a lowered blood count) And they may or may not be accompanied by a parent if underage.