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Tuesday, July 01, 2008

Obama Plans to Disarm America

Please click on the link below on a 51 second video of Obama stating his plans to disarm America:

Here are a few comments that were linked to this video:

"How can you vote for any of them? I can’t. And they are all part of the worst congress I’ve ever seen."

"Does John McCain have political suicidal tendencies? Today, with his slam against fellow sailors, he comes out against the SwiftVets who served as honorably as he did and ten times more honorably that McCain’s good buddy, John (the [F]ench poodle) Kerry.I have repeatedly pointed out McCain’s terrible treatment of the fa miles of American POWs left behind in Vietnam. I have pointed out how he bullied, harassed and insulted those family members who want answers to the whereabouts of their loved one beside the standard “That’s classified” that they were getting from Washington. Now McCain, who seems to have no problem not defending those who served with honor and distinction, slams them. Seems you McCain cannot prevent the “real” McCain from shining through due to his own arrogance and his feeling of being “entitled” to the office of president.I was almost convinced to vote for this Democrat dressed up in Republican clothing. So let’s take a look:
He won’t defend our POWs.
He won’t defend fellow veterans.
He will defend illegal immigrants.

"Here, you can see the racist black separatist they call Barack Hussein Obama tell us that he will do all that he can as soon as he can to weaken America. Only a fool would believe that “negotiating” with our enemies while weakening our defense systems is an intelligent thing to do. In the entire history of the world, the only time man has ever had peace was when man had a strong defense, period, and then it only was enough if man realized and acknowledged his position with relation to God. This is a part of the human condition that we cannot change. "

"The Buraq (Arabic: البُراق al-buraaq, meaning lightning; Turkish: Burak), is according to Islamic tradition a creature from the heavens that carried Muhammad from Mecca to heaven and back during the Isra and Miraj (Night Journey), which is the title of one of the chapters of the Koran.
[edit] Description An excerpt from a Sahih Muslim hadith (supplemental tradition to the Koran) describes a buraq:“I was brought by the Buraq, which is an animal white and long, larger than a donkey but smaller than a mule, who would place its hoof at a distance equal to the range of vision.”In other words Barack Hussein Muhammed Obama is a creature somewhere between a donkey and a mule (in the Bible they called it an ‘ass’)and is named also after the founder of the Muslims. Why are the country’s leaders afraid to tell it like it is? !!!"

"I have heard people pulling the race card for the last couple weeks. I’m here to tell you, It is not his skin color, and to me it is not even his religion. It’s the fact that
1. He will not honor America or the flag during the star spangled banner. I don’t care what your religion states about worshipping a false idol yadda yadda yadda. Putting your hand over your heart is a sign of respect and endearment NOT WORSHIP! We don’t kneel to the flag or pray to it. So why is it he can’t put his hand over his heart?
2. It’s one thing to end a war and bring our boys and girls home. It’s quite another to disarm an entire country! Remembering 9/11 makes me realize that we need to be well armed. I can’t believe anyone could think the terrorists would say something like, “Awww they gave up their military and left their country completely vulnerable. Ok lets leave them alone!” Quite the contrary! The more the disarm us, the more appealing America looks to them.
3. And last but not least, his track record as a senator is non committal at best.
These are just MY 3 reasons that I will not vote for Obama. Not to mention the fact that he didn't feel our votes showed be counted during the primaries.
So instead of pulling out the old race card, open your eyes and your mind. Realize that when this many democrats, BOTH white and black, turn their back on the democratic candidate… it’s a sure fire sign that there is definitely a problem with the candidate!"

"I’d like to try and put to rest the misconception on the part of the Left that ‘if we just keep our noses out of other countries’ business they will not hate us or harm us’.
Complete and total HOGWASH! Ask Poland if they ever stuck their noses into Germany’s business. Ask Kuwait if they ever gave Iraq reason to attack them. Ask many in the former Communist bloc whether or not they asked to be subjugated to Russian rule or did anything to provoke Russia to enslave them. Get a clue folks. Portions of mankind has always and always will desire to rule over the rest and Mr. Obama may very well be one of these types. I don’t like to just sling mud randomly and I will not accuse any here because I cannot say with certainty what is in a person’s heart and mind. However, I have never been able to reconcile myself as to why any sane human being (in America or any other Nation) would no opt for a strong defense given the propensity for evil that man has always displayed. Mr. Obama should answer Rose’s question above before he undertakes to weaken America’s military. If he will agree to dismiss all military (the Secret Service is a branch of the military) security for himself 100% of the time, then I might, repeat MIGHT, reconsider my opinion … NOT!!!! Somebody’d probably kill him inside of a month. Even John Kerry wasn’t that big of a maroon!!! Mr. Obama, I highly recommend that you keep our military as strong as possible. Unless, of course, you’re actually running for office as a puppet candidate for Iran or North Korea or any of the other regimes who would love to gain political and military control over America."


Anonymous said...

Don't sound like the ole boy is gonna be around too long!!

Anonymous said...

obama is a joke, or is he just the punch line.

Anonymous said...

four words: Ron Paul Damn It!!

He was our best option, and we blew it! We can thank ourselves and the fkn main-stream media!

ok I know that was more than four words, Im just sick to my stomach about all of it...

I am still writting him in when I vote....


Anonymous said...

A white person voting for Obama is like a chicken voting for Colonel Sanders.

Tim Chaney said...

Read my LIPS: From my cold dead hands

Anonymous said...

I qouted this link several times. AT LAST, it's posted. Thank you, sunnyinoc.

Anonymous said...

This clip alone should keep him out of office.

He may speak softly, but to throw away his "big stick" is just plain STUPID, Harvard or not!

Anonymous said...

A white person voting for Obama is like a chicken voting for Colonel Sanders.

What a surprise, more racist trash.

Wymzie said...


I knew he was a piece of work, but I have tried not to listen to him but decided to watch this video.

Everyone needs to forward this to everyone they know!

Write in RON PAUL!

Anonymous said...

The video actually sounds more like fiscal responsibility than "disarming" america. Just break it down..
1. He was the only candidate to vote against the war
2. It seems logical to cut 10s of billions of dollars in wasteful spending.
3. Why should we continue to invest in unproven missiles?
4. A review board is a good idea to prevent wasteful spending.

You all can write what you will about Obama, but McCain is a lackluster candidate. If you like Bush, vote for McCain. The two are the same on..
1. Iraq
2. Iran
3. The Economy
4. Healthcare
5. Drilling for oil
6. Immigration
7. Social Security
8. Education
9. Tax breaks for the rich
10. Trade
11. Wiretaping
12. Torture
13. Abortion

and more...

And look at how 8 years of Bush has left us.

Also, the former senator who is responsible for deregulating the market -- e.g. opening it up for speculators --and for which we are now seeing devastate our pockets with skyrocketing oil the same former senator who helped to deregulate the mortgage industry, and is the same fomer senator who is a lobbyist for UBS investment bank (involved in housing debacle), is now the chief economic advisor to.. MCCAIN!!! His name is Phil Gramm... If your rich, McCain may not raise your taxes, but his economic policies will still get you!

Don't be sheep. Fox news is a branch of the republican party.

Oh and this argument about not talking to foreign leaders as this is "appeasement". Seems that talking to North Korea actually accomplished something... Maybe this whole diplomacy thing works better than the right actually things...

Open up your eyes... Obama '08

Anonymous said...

Hmmmm.....think about this now....The man (Obama)is campaigning in Europe (Germany today)?!? He stated in his speech there that we should all "Spread the wealth"...GLOBALLY!! He is of middle eastern descent.....hmmmm......sounds like Satan has picked his puppet....Obama sounds like the anti-christ himself!!

When they want to start "micro-chipping" us in our right hand or foreheads in order to buy, sell or trade goods, health/medical info, etc?? Run like hell! To accept being a "human lojack" system in the "Mark of the Beast"......Check the source's a bit too coincidental, don't ya think??
